Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?
Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?
When capturing beasts is more unforgiving than Pokémon, and I just mean the capture rate alone. PoE isn't Pokémon.
PoE has this one mechanic that Pokémon doesn't have. It's called Culling Strike. Dead beasts it is. |
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i voted no.
i would rather have unlimited nets or the nets having some kind of area capture. |
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I gotta say NO as well even though as a Ranger/Deadeye using Mirage Archer is hell when it comes to netting. I try timing it but more than half the time they get killed. I can say something needs to be done but what, who knows. Some will be happy and some not...can't feed everyone.
I think it should be divided into 2 point of views the "Casual Player" and "Hardcore Player". Take views from both sides and see what solutions we can come up with as a community. Make it live so all can participate. Even tho netting the dead doesn't seem like fun and takes away from the entire aspect of the league core, as it stands now isn't effective when there are other skills(Culling Strike, Mirage Archer, etc.) in place to combat the netting aspect of things. Are you gonna rework all the combating skills for one new skill?!?! Seems like that's not an option at all and shouldn't be even considered. So I think the voting choices aren't really even that good but u gotta pick one...kinda like Trump and Hillary. Both bad but what other choices do u have :-( |
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still a pain to capture anything as necromancer
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I'm wondering, how slayers capturing unique or powerful rares? In my expirience, mobs break nets even when they are lower that 10% sometimes.
The perfect solution - make a net a debuff, that last for X seconds. If you defeat best during that ime - it is captured, if you don't - it enrages. How come it wasn't the original disign in a game like this, is beyond me. |
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So the league is going to drastically change, based on a poll that was up for an absurdly short time, and for which most players were given virtually no notice? Great...
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I tell you what, 50/50 distribution is already unfair. Because people who vote "no" have few reasons like: "oh but i'm not playing character who struggle due current capture mechanic, so <i don't need it>/<they must adapt (basically not play those builds)>", "but this affect clearspeed meta, everyone will rush tons of maps again we don't like it (ignore 1st option)", or just have no idea whats going on and agree with other people (or tons other reasons i have no idea about). People who votes "yes" basically want to play their builds or help the other to do it. New type of nets is supposed to used for fixing mistakes AND help classes who has certain problems with capturing beasts - its not 50% or players, i don't think so. Anyway, if you think about it you probably should vote any of "yes", my opinion here is that they should be added as more rare versions. So "clearspeed meta" will exist anyway (rly no "necronets" will fix it somehow?), players will be able to play whatever build they like, but if they decide so, it might be more expensive. Hope people won't do that mistake and vote "no" too much.
P.S. No i'm not playing slayer, totem build, summoner or overpowered build. Just thinking about it and see no reason to NOT add those nets:) If you search logic in making dead beasts sacrifices, address to GGG's explanation of Einhar Frey and stuff hes doing:) Who said you're sacrificing beast's corpses in a first place? |
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I voted No. My main to start will suffer from culling strike probs later on but ill have to try to be creative or just skip the content. Why not just make beasts unaffected by culling strike? Then that issue wont come up.
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Clearly NO.
Clearification: In this league the fun is supposed to be the thrill of hunting down the animals and the possibility of failing. Dead-Nets totally ruin the intentional idea of this league. That being said, i totally understand why ppl are voting for "yes". Some builds are not capable of slowing down dps, or even stop. One guy told about de-skilling totem to make them despawn. sure this guy votes for "yes". but this is another problem! The 3 second rule is good. It means "if u kill a mob faster than 3 sec, throw the net befor start dps-ing". if u start dps and throw afterwards, u are a bad hunter :) the problem comes with the builds that cant stop dps-ing (no control mechanisms). my suggestion: maybe make the net-throw instant without fly-animation, or internal cooldowns. make it that u can use net EVERY SINGLE 0.1 second, with no delay. My humble suggestions: * 3 second rule * auto-aim net (just press the net-throw button, and it finds the most rare beast in a certain radius around my character) * if a bestary is in my characters radius (i suggest the radius where the icons on the minimap spawn) make the healthbar of that beast visible on the side of the screen (some builds have problems with seeing the healthbar ... ancestralcall-moltenstriker, gc-totem etc.) - and its another warning |
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I voted no even though I was really tempted to vote yes because that would have been an easy solution to all my current problems with it. However, capturing would no longer be needed to be done? Could just don't bother, kill and then net? Not as much fun in my opinion.
That said, I think capturing still needs some work. It's really hard to target the one I want to capture so I've given up on that and just throw it randomly into the chaos of the fights. I also often don't know what happen to my net. Did it hit anything? Did it miss? Can I throw another? Was it just input lag? I can't stop to check cause then I die. Then you might notice afterwards that apparently you spent a lot of nets, even ran out of nets perhaps, captured nothing and felt it wasn't communicated well in the game while in the heat of the capturing phase. Finally, I've not yet really started to sacrifice my animals for crafting, but I'm having so much fun with Einhar and capturing that I can already tell that this is something I hope we get to keep for the base game after the league ends. Just hearing Einhar go "Haha! You are captured. Stupid beast." and all the other variants, makes me laugh out loud irl xD Edit: Maybe make sure the net targets the most rare beast when throwing it into a big group? Or would there be any downsides to that? Last edited by Korlian#6558 on Mar 5, 2018, 8:06:03 AM
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