Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?
Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?
No for Dead Beast.
...but yes for rework. Put the trap as 3 layer / 3sec. You throw in the begin of the fight, every second the trap loose 1 layer (one of the blue chain). If you dont kill in the end of the 3 sec and all 3 layer vanish the monster get enrage. This fix the problems with Slayer, Culling Strike, Essence Drain, Any DoT, Minion, Totem and around 30% of builds in the game that you can't control the DPS. I like everything in this league, but the fact you need to catch the damn beast... I mean i like PoE to walk around and destroy everything on my way. Sorry if i'm not that mainstream guys how look for heavy mechanics in a freaking Action RPG. Plus, this all could be fixed since the begin if stead of NET and CAPTURE alive you put a vessel on the ground near the beast and capture THEY SOUL when killed. |
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It would be cool to throw net while attacking. Lot of time i waas close to death cuz of oppurtunity to stop attacking and throw a net in the middle of 123213 monsters
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Well... how about adding a "Resurrect enemy" skill or item? So that you can revive any dead enemy and retry capturing it, and always capture a "live" enemy.
My wishlist: Hi-res digital artbook
Allow spaces in character names Vulkan and Linux support Opensource the game |
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" GGG should leave the current nets and if players don't like the dead beast capturing net, just use the current nets and don't use the new one. Everyone is happy, right? |
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Just because I like it with the actual difficulty. But the problem is to target the beast. Please come with an easier throwing net mechanic. I want the beast alive. But Not being able to target it in the middle of a pack is very annoying. |
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Honestly if the game wasn't already so tedious then I would say no keep it as it is. But because of how you guys design your game it only makes sense to rather not add any more tedium and just let us capture these creatures dead. I think it would of been cool if it wasn't completely outside of how you guys have designed your game.
Also nets should not have been consumables, it should of been another item you could find with special properties that you equip. The crafting is really cool though and would be a great addition to SSF, I hope you guys keep it in but change it up a little. | |
Since capturing live beast mechanic is pretty shitty its better we catch them dead!
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
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Longer capture window on netet beasts, killing them first kinda take the fun out of it but wiht builds like totemancer if you wanna capture beast you need to deactivate your totem then throw the net and then place the totem agin and hope that you can kill it fast enoght. 3 sec too kill the beast while neted is perffekt.
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Maybe just add like 2-3 seconds after killing a beast to use nets. Now we just kill instantly yellow beasts and while fighting red beasts there's a lot of summoned shit to even see which one to capture and beast health bar..
OR just disable all drop when beast is killed and captured after that. Options: 1) beast killed + captured <3s = beastiary bonus + no item drops (0) 2) beast captured before killing = bestiary bonus + item drops 3) beast killed + not captured >3s = no bonus (or just item drops?) If enraged - add +1s to use nets Time to use nets after killing beast: - yellows - 3s - red - 7s - hugher tiers - 10s Maybe something like that ? Also what if someone using culling strike - it's harder to catch when they die <10% hp. |
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I suppose I can always choose not to capture road kill, but still, this just seems counter intuitive to the whole lore of the league.
Though I do agree that the single target click and animation time of throwing the net makes it rather clunky especially as a summoner when you have no way of "holding back" your damage output. Perhaps having pressing "v" auto target the nearest highest level or rank beast in the vicinity? Probally hard to code but would be so much less clunky. |
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