Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?

Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?

Yes, but more common
Yes, but more rare
Poll closed
It should work as Soul Trap from Morrowind.
1) you cast a net
2) monster doesn't get stunned, there's only visual indicator that it will be captured when killed in some time window
3) If you succeed, Einhar appears. If you don't, recast net on enraged monster or just kill it

Simple as that. And I don't think that catching dead monsters should be allowed - it's like scrapping the whole mechanic.
Leaving this up to popular vote is an embarrassment and shows that either you have zero confidence in your own decision-making, or you are terrified of your playerbase.
Why not do so that the yellow and red beasts do not dying, they stay with 1 health a until you use the net?
The mechanics of the league will not be affected and other nets will make sense
Last edited by vegenlol#7449 on Mar 5, 2018, 4:38:59 AM
i think net don't must work on dead animals, but must auto target rare monsters in some range (half of the screen) beacouse its very hard to target them in big packs and don't kill faster...

being able to capture dead beast would mean i can just desecrate them?

Because ive alrdy seen the beast icons on desecrated corpses, which is kinda lame.
Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me.
NO! What's the point in hyping a capture monster league and then changing it to capturing a dead monster? btw, what does that mean? "Capture a dead monster."

I'm not playing the new Challenge League. What's the point of taking up more space in our character inventory? If you want to add more nets, add them but also add another row to the character inventory. You already have those stupid Kitava and Daresso jewels that take up 4 slots and you have to carry them around for a while as do the 3 Malachai minions and their are other quest items that must be carried around for a while also but don't take up as much room as the ones above.

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"... to distinguish Nature from Custom, or that which is established because it is right, from that which is right only because it is established." Samuel Johnson
As a summoner I feel like I'm fucked in this league. Most of the itmes my Solar Guards completely anihilate any beast I want to capture before I even get to see them.
Last edited by Merdento#2495 on Mar 5, 2018, 4:32:24 AM
Velari wrote:
Leaving this up to popular vote is an embarrassment and shows that either you have zero confidence in your own decision-making, or you are terrified of your playerbase.

You say terrified, I say responsive. Tomato, tomato...
Yes, but more common: In this case, we'll add the nets as something that you can expect to have a few of, meaning you can often just kill monsters and capture later without having to engage as strongly with the regular capture mechanic.
Targeting of beast that spawns tons of adds (most of them do) is the biggest issue imo.

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