Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?

Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?

Yes, but more common
Yes, but more rare
Poll closed
I would say no (if it would be okay for summoners/corpse exploders and finally slayers) IF the targeting system will be improved as well...
The big heavy monster are okay to capture but those rares (just a regular rares) which we need for most recipes are dying instantly and if you want to capture it you supposed to throw a net before their white mobs die. So u get stunned 3-7 times while attempt throwing net than u will miss the rare mob few times if the pack was aggressive enough and than you will finally throw it to rare or die because it is bullshit. At this moment it is the most disgusting thing to face.
Ayuminator wrote:
my suggestion is:
Dont make it a NET, but make it a REVIVAL Potion.
Reason: Issue is rather with the killing stuff too fast in large groups, did you ever try to target that sand critter in a ball of mobs?
The potion should be rare.
You shalldiscuss whther it can revive the special beats you can see on the map earlier than on screen (they are mostly harder to kill anyway so no real reason for revival or the "dead net").
It should be just a safety belt for "this once in 1000s maps spawn" that you killed by accident. Price 1 for 5C @ Einhar would be fair.

You can then revive it and capture normally
-> nobody has to "capture" dead beasts
-> revival includes only 1 specific mob so you can target & concentrate on capturing that.

PS I did not vote anything because none of the 3 proposals makes me completely happy!

There's a funny idea. Allow ppl to revive the beast they want to capture (endlessly? 1 or 2 times max?) but they still have to catch it the normal way. That'd work for me, I enjoy the league the way it is, a slight mess-up happens, a second change would be welcome. Capturing a dead beast feels like a no-brain required idiot-proof waste of time. Might as well just go with a ridiculous idea like "just auto-capture every beast you kill" (saw one of those too in the forum).

In general, even an idea like "make all of the yellow/red beasts to stay "stunned at 1 hp" for 3 sec to give ppl the time to cast their nets after everything else is DEAD sounds better than capturing the dead crap.

We could have a slightly higher success catch-rate if you use the net on a mob that is between 2-15% hp, and a flat 50% coinflip for those who didn't bother to stop the dps and just used the net after wiping everything out. IF they don't want to slow down, they shouldn't complain about getting a flat 50% chance to catch.
There have been some great suggestions in this thread but overall I also vote no, however, if you are limiting yourselves to the two options presented, then I vote yes.

With the current system you've essentially eliminated two entire classes of builds from being able to capture: summoners and culling strike (there may be more, that's just all I can think of). I started with an SRS build this league and even at level 50, named mobs are dead before they even appear on my screen. How then am I to capture? I have adjusted so that when I see the beast marker on my mini map to run away, let my skulls expire, and then go back in, kiting with 2-3 skulls at a time - which is blatantly ridiculous and excludes the many many named that do not have the marker.

With the new league we have a new crafting system and what seems to be a wealth of new items added to the game, which is great. My question is: why the 'capture' mechanic? The core league mechanic is that "Area Contains Beasts To Hunt" - is hunting and killing not enough? If something is killed can it not just show up in your materials ledger?

There's my two cents but the TL;DR is that a mechanic was implemented that potentially shoehorns people into specific builds/playstyles which is not gud.

Overall, really enjoying the league so far!

Last edited by ken_stowell_pdx#4044 on Mar 5, 2018, 1:28:03 AM
I vote no. But there was a poster called "Cloud" who posted the following comment on the Steam news article, and I think it's brilliant:

Personally, I don't like the idea of netting a corpse. It kind of kills the whole concept of capturing a beast to sacrifice it later. If it's dead when you net it, it's dead.
Possible Solution: When the health of a rare or legendary beast reaches a certain threshold, e.g. 30%, it will become Enraged. An Enraged beast instantly heals up to 50% of their total life, increases its damage and is immune to culling effects. When an Enraged beast is brought to a certain threshold, e.g. 5%-10% of its total life, it will enter a dazed state which lasts 1-2 secs. During this state, beasts TAKE NO DAMAGE and are easier to net. Beasts take increased damage while netted.
If this solution is even possible, it would help to solve the issues surrounding the netting mechanic.

Comment edited to correct spelling and grammar mistakes.
I say yes to both, i don't wanna speculate which mechanic would be best suited for the league BUT and a big BUTT, party gaming, totem builds, minions builds, auto-targeting skill builds, it is just sometimes impossible to capture beasts. +some of the beast's are so fast that even targeting them is pure hell and not worth the "rare xxx" you might get from it.

..and i get it that there should be downside going light-speed but this is against what ggg has promoted over the last couple years and you couldn't even slowdown because some of the skills work against this beast capture thing.

Add a mechanic that if in party someone throws a net, you can automatically throw the net to same beast without trying to find it in the hell it is surrounded with.
To all the whiners - you can still BUY captured beasts you know.

Just stop whining and go spend your precious currency, you got tons of it anyway with you hardhitting clearspeed metas.
I voted Yes, but more common. It's not solution, but it's better than no changes. Actual catching monsters with some characters and builds is so frustrating.
Yes and make this nets very cheap, like 1 scroll for 10 nets. You say red bestiary beasts have lots of hp pool and you can't kill this mobs easily. But even on lvl 83 i already oneshot this beasts.
I throw my net in red beast and he die before net capture him.

This league absolutely useless for most builds in this moment. You need new beasts? Go make another noob build with 0 dps, you can capture beasts, but you do nothing in other content.
Last edited by Mr_Neocronic#0451 on Mar 5, 2018, 1:31:03 AM
No. What's the point? It's unreasonable to capture dead beasts.

I won't play this league, but the thrill for the players, who do play it is in the capturing the beast and challenges.
Remember, my friend, that the expectation leads to disappointment. So don't expect anything from anyone, even from yourself.
Banaos wrote:

Right now the capturing feels clumsy. Hard to capture anything when your screen is full of corpses and if you somehow manage to throw a net 9/10 cases it hits the wrong target and the real target dies before you realize it wasn't the right mob in the net.

and another person who voted YES because they have targeting issues. Fix the targeting and close to no one will vote yes anymore (except for the obvious group).

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