Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?
Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?
Definitely no!
Only clear speed meta players have problem with this. But you cant have all. You cant have clear speed and catch pokebeasts. So make a choice. That poor beast needs to go to sacrifice for something. So respect its desire to be captured in certain way. Also, sidenote: add stash to Menagerie. thnx |
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" Yeah, this is another big issue with necromancers--everything running around, including the beast, trying to click on the right one quickly enough is reallllllllllly hard with weaker monsters like the little spiders and little monkeys. I don't think nets should capture multiple beasts at once, but it would be nice to have the overall functionality (possibly an option for players to set) that a net will automatically 'lock on to' the rarest beast in a smallish AoE, like the discussed implementation of dead nets would. "Nothing happened." - CharanJaydemyr, TheWretch
Sayya's Item Filter (updated for Ritual!) - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1260712 |
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I feel like the pew-pew ultraquick clearspeed gotta go fast playstyle gets old and boring way too fast.
I'm all for mechanics that slow things down. I vote "no". |
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" This +1000 The league mechanic as it is sucks. It is annoying and clunky, and I am sure that you at GGG have the internal numbers to back up that people are just frustrated and either going back to standard or just not playing. Make the "net" just be a skill that the NPC teaches you, give it a 4 second duration, put it on a 10 second cooldown, and have it target an area. Anything reduced to 0 HP once the net is deployed is instead captured by the NPC and sent to the Menagerie. Nets suck. Trying to target a single mob in the middle of a fight is near-impossible. Having 10 varieties of nets is ridiculous. Having to swap them is annoying AF. Having to keep them in inventory is pointless clutter. This crafting mechanic could be an awesome addition to the game, but as it is now, it is terrible. |
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Voted NO.
The 3 second change really turned the things around forthe better - my capture rate went up from less than 20% per net used to almost 100%. Currently, if you have low dps, you can still pre-weaken the mob and then throw the net to finish it off. And with high dps, you can just throw the net straight away and just dps down the target immediately. The current state of things encourages some degree of finesse and rewards healthy investment in character defense so that you have some time to pick your target for capture while under risk of taking damage. Adding the nets that work on the dead beasts will just encourage more of the speed clear meta, and people who engage in that meta will still be unsatisfied: inb4 "it's annoying to stop and look through corpses to capture the dead beast I need". |
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I voted no, not because I think the net mechanics are fine as it is, but because I don't like the idea of yet another type of net, or of "capturing" dead beasts.
I'm currently playing a firestorm totems build. It is sometimes hard to capture beasts with the current system, especially common tier beasts. Sometimes, I will even lose sight of them amidst the clusterfuck that 4 firestorm totems can cause, and the beasts die before I can even spot them, let alone try to throw the net... What I'm saying is, you've definitely not thought about all the builds and play styles when creating those mechanics, and for those of us playing the "forgotten" builds, it can kinda sucks. |
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If we add nets that work on dead beasts, the league'll be less like Pokemon. ;)
EDIT: Voted NO Fly you fools. Last edited by Tee_Tah#3704 on Mar 5, 2018, 12:09:16 AM
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I honestly enjoy the league as is, I voted no. And maybe I'm missing something, but I feel like a lot of frustration could be mitigated with just a few moments of preparation. All the rare spawns appear on the map well before you're in range of them, which should prompt you to mix up your tactics a little bit to avoid accidentally killing it. Having to actually think a little in a fight is a nice change from absentmindedly killing things for the umpteenth time.
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Nets mechanics is unplayable - for me et laast.
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Any of the yes will do. I can't capture any yellow beats, as they just instantly blow up to my Flameblast totems. No chance to throw a net on them.
- I didn't say half the shit people quote from me - Albert Einstein
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