Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?
Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?
" Capturing a beast is far easier than some of the Vorici missions. Throw a net on an enemy and then kill it within 3 secs is far easier than "Keep an enemy on a specific life total for 8 secs" or "Kill an enemy without killing the surrounding enemies." |
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Absolutely, no!
Dead is dead. |
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The only change that I would like to see made at this point would be to have nets not have a travel time. I have tried many times to capture a beast only to have it die with the net in the air. For melee characters this might not be an issue but for characters that use range as a defense this can be quite impactful.
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Come on, folks. Let's get back to vetoing Roadkill Nets. Grinding Gear made this league, they can run it properly.
...I mean, I'ma most likely skip Bestiary after playing maybe an hour of it either way, but still. Not my fault Vermin2de came out*, and that Deadfire and BattleTech both are hitting next month. Just seems like a good time to skip Finicky Trap Builds: the League. Especially if they're going to cave and make hey-let's-let-people-screw-up-for-free Roadkill Nets and defeat the entire purpose of Bestiary. Capture beasts. Not carrion. |
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The issue I got with nets is how hard it is to target some mobs. Enemies that burrow underground and change positions often, like scorpions and the mobs spawned by carrion queen's as an example, they get lost in the closter of mobs and die before you see them again. Also nets are not often responsive. I sometimes press the key to throw a net 5 times before something happens.
And the legendary monsters that spawn endless amounts of monsters do not make things any better. I just skip them entirely. Not worth the headache. Honestly I just gave up the entire league mechanic, so I'm not voting. Honestly I would rather just get rid of the nets entierly, and have Einhar automatically capture beasts until the menagerie is filled and you use the blood altar to get rid of them again. Then everything must change I guess. Last edited by Zerucos#2259 on Mar 4, 2018, 10:40:53 PM
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A necro running pets....catching things alive can be...shall we say...troublesome?
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Might as well have called it the Necromancer League if we are able to catch dead ones. If we go the joke about this being Pokemon league, I don't remember being able to catch dead Pokemon either.
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As a dedicated Summoner, I vote for "Yes, rare". This allows for mishap corrections without trivializing the whole capture flavor.
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Nope. I mean, why would you need a net for a dead beast? Old Einhar can just grab the thing by the leg (tentacle/pseudopod/whatever) and drag it back to your menagerie. And what purpose would a dead beast serve anyway? Apart from being served up as a meal for the live beasts.
One-two! One-two! And through and through, the Vorpal blade went SNICKER-SNACK!
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Only one real change is *needed*, in my admittedly limited experience:
Remove the adds! Or at the very least reduce them considerably. They summon adds more swiftly as they get low on HP and it becomes a mind numbing chore to pick the one target you want out of the mob. Make removing the adds actually last a decent length of time with no faster summoning on low life so the target can be found. Just make them like every other rare - with a pack of adds and no more. Once those are out of the way you can actually see what you're trying to net. OR - have the net land on the target (speaking solely of the bird-skull rares) if you target any of its 'pack' so that prizing out the rare among the graphic spam is not so annoyingly onerous. " I'm with this guy. Re-think the capture mechanic entirely. Patch Notes 3.15: Fixed a bug where players believed the game was playable. This has been corrected and made retroactive. Patch Notes 3.19: Fixed a bug where players adapted to 3.15. This bug cannot be corrected, so we have implemented a 90% reduction in item access as a punishment. Last edited by BlaqWolf#1151 on Mar 4, 2018, 10:45:15 PM
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