Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?

Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?

Yes, but more common
Yes, but more rare
Poll closed
SnakeWraith wrote:

If you toss your level-appropriate net at a beast with non-critical HP, then:
- The beast is restrained and struggles to throw the net off (timer based on level and net used)
- If the beast reaches critical HP before the net is thrown off, then it's captured
- The beast CANNOT go below 1 HP while the net is on it

that is exactly how the capturing works now that nets dont get random instant failure anymore.
you can now net a beast at full hp, then burst the netted beast down to 0 hp, which will result in a successful capture.

also, vote no because "capturing" a corpse doesnt make any sense
Last edited by krastin0v#5225 on Mar 4, 2018, 8:27:19 PM
I think that many people think to annoying to throw net, because it occured interruption attack, move, etc.

So, "Dead Net" can not solve annoying problems, anyway dead net need to throw and interruption too. And it will be necessary to change Normal Net/ Dead Net, so occured interruption too.

If GGG want to adhere "Capturing the Beasts", and on the other hand afraid many criticism, it need to create some "Auto Capture System"

If GGG don't adhere to Capture, it need to change to "drop crafting material" from Capturing.
Or Captured Living beast become to independent minion that support player by some buff, and can growth by eating other captured living beast. and dead beast drop crafting material.

Either way, it need great collateral, in stead of interruption. it has too many useless crafting recipes.

In fact, I enjoy this league, but i don't want to think that re-collect beasts from next league like this capture system, so please do not contain from following next challenges.
Last edited by yudouhuhuhu#2136 on Mar 4, 2018, 9:22:08 PM
I would say yes to allow capturing dead beasts.
I enjoyed the Capture mechanics during part 1(act 1 to 5). But later it just got annoying, I would walk to a pack hover the mouse over all the beasts and make sure "Oh I have all these guys I can Kill them YAY!!!" or be very annoyed because of killing the beast that I didnt have because it is way to tedious/annoying/disruptive to mouse over each and every beast and make sure that you already have caught them. Another approach would be to capture every single one of the beasts, but then you would run out of traps. Some times there is way too much happening on the screen to figure out which beast you wanna catch and which you don't want to.
Highlighting the beast that you haven't collected so far would be a good idea. Similar to prophecy/breach/bloodlines enemies. If this improvement can be made then my answer would be no for the poll.
Yes buy more rare, it's like vorici league for summoners out here
Aza1575 wrote:
I say no, I'm a casual player and personally I think it should be a choice made when you start a zone on whether you want to focus on capturing anything in the zone or just blow through it. I also feel like it will make it more possible to abuse the league mechanics by just blowing through the zones without a care in the world, then going back to capture the beasts you want. This would allow players to build super speed builds and kill everything then go back and capture the beasts they need for top end content, like beasts needed for spirit realms, etc...

Atleast that's my opinion on the matter.

ive seen this opinion many times, but it doesnt make any sense. blasting through the zone and then going back to scavenge the corpses takes much more time than just capturing the beasts on your first way through, so i really dont see how fast builds would benefit from this. on the other hand you have slow builds which encounter fewer rare beasts, and if they accidentally kill it, this could give them a chance to recover.
Thanks bex but its already fine and this is one of the only challenges we can get from this league. Capturing dead beasts is like removing the enrage mechanic from the beasts. I voted no.
I couldn't vote "hell no" so I just voted no.
nope, I do not see any point in capturing something that is not resisting the process; although I think the capturing mechanic itself should be tweaked, for an example some monsters spawn hoards of minions and before you know it on low levels you killed the creature you are trying to capture, while in high levels you can one-shot everything, so maybe delaying the death of the monster even more with it not moving or making the the net an auto button process when the monster has no more life points will make it easier in those two conditions while it would feel a bit corny as you didnt do much to capture anything.
As someone who generally does group play I think some mechanics need to be addressed for that. My recommendation would be to make it so that if one person captures it, it takes a net from everyone in the party and they also capture it. If not that then I would make it much easier to target the beast in question with the net autolocking on to the highest value target.

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