Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?

Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?

Yes, but more common
Yes, but more rare
Poll closed
Just no

I'd rather see net mechanics that are more interesting. First the whole throw a net on a beast to catch it while you are killing it is kind of silly. Killing the beast is kinda against the whole purpose of catching it in the first place. Why not trow a net on a beast and have it debuff over time until it is caught?


- come upon beast you want it catch
- throw net/trap on it
- when a beast is trapped it cannot be damaged but can be hurt by any debuffs you apply
- trapped beast and its adds enrage and attack if trapped / if they dont get trapped they fight as normal
- as trapped beast slowly debuffs until it is fully immobile you fight off the adds and try to survive

Rather than all the different tiers of nets I'd rather see different nets that add different debuffs to the trapped best. Like reduce movement speed, reduced attack speed, etc.
I wish you good social credit in the scores to come.
Last edited by Snailmail#6192 on Mar 4, 2018, 8:53:14 PM
This sums up poe post 3.0, doing a fucking poll on reddit because they have no idea what to do anymore.

What a joke.
Tetlis wrote:
Drimli wrote:
Tetlis wrote:
I don't realy get the point of this "No" choice, and the reason why some people massively voted for it.
At moment, the Bestiary mechanic is awfull. It's barely unplayable for a lot of build, and so, a lot of player.
But this choice is absolutly stupide while it just exclude a whole part of the community while the peoples who don't want to capture beasts from dead bodys just have to play the net who force the capture from living monster.

This poll is a non sens.

Voted "Yes, but more common" ofc.

There is an easy answer to that... 90% of PoE players play shitty low damage builds because they are not better... they got absolutely no problems throwing the nets before the beasts die... so for ones the scrubs may benefit from a vote =P normally GGG aims everything at the top 1% =)

Ok. But this add does not affect their gameplay. If they want to play it a bit more RP and only capture living beasts, no one will prevent them to play like this. They will have the choice.

On the other hand, people who want to play Beastiary mecanics but can't because of many reasons (build with too much dps, impossibility to target correctly the right monster, all the derping situation when you try to throw your net, etc.) will be fucked.
<insert GENIUS img>.

I totally agree =)
No way dude. The risk of getting killed while you're trapping is the only thing that makes trapping feel rewarding.
I really hope NO wins.

If not, you should think of some replacement for nets. You don't need a net to capture a dead beast. You don't have to capture it, period. And menagerie should be then replaced with ossuary/reliquary. :D
3 second window is fine.
I think killing them defeats the point.

either way Im liking this league more than expected, thankfully.
Hope it makes it into the core game
Yes, but more rare.

I've been pretty good about deploying the current capture technique, but every once in a while I end up killing a rare monster a little too quickly. It would be cool to have a back up in the event something like this happens. Having the nets available, but rare, would make me really have to justify using one. It shouldn't just be some cheap way to fill up your menagerie.
Pls remove the recipe box that pops up every time you capture a new beast, almost died every single time it pops up.. unless theres an option to turn that notification off that i dont know about..

And answer to the poll is no
i don't particularly care about the dead beast netx now that the 3 sec window is in, but please get rid of the obnoxious invisible cooldown on the nets. it's incredibly aggravating since there doesn't seem to be any way to tell how long the cooldown is or when it's over. also nets need to be aoe with priority for rarer/bestiary mods mobs, having to pick out the specific mob you want when they're in a huge pack can be near impossible, and if i just kill the pack i'm likely to kill the mob i want as well

love the concept of the league and it's definitely better with the changes but it still needs serious work imo

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