Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?

Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?

Yes, but more common
Yes, but more rare
Poll closed
yes.. I don't mind if they're are as rare as chaos or something.. most of the time you won't use it..

if a league is designed to be incompatible with a big mechanic in the game.. like burst damage totems.. then it needs a fix... 3 seconds as it is, doesn't cut it.. either give a different item that can resurrect them.. it's just blood magic after all.. or find some other change that fixes the issue.
generally dangerous
I don't get how people can't see that they're basically losing players by saying no,and that their league will just die way sooner because of that.

You might not like the speed meta but get it right that it is GGG's fault that it exists,and it became the norm because of them. Don't blame the players for wanting to play the builds GGG made as the only viable one for endgame.

Not to mention that it will also make the economics problem even worse with a reduced population. (Price fixing,etc)

While catering to those unhappy will make it for a longer lasting league in any cases, since the others side will be more enclined to stay in case of a yes.
So yeah,vote no to speedmeta->vote yes to your deserted league.

This should be your call, GGG, not the players'. Countless time history has proven that the majority is not always right.

(Playing summoner,I know I won't even approach this league as long as such an option is not in.)
Last edited by Pr1d0#3384 on Mar 4, 2018, 8:20:50 PM
Drimli wrote:
Tetlis wrote:
I don't realy get the point of this "No" choice, and the reason why some people massively voted for it.
At moment, the Bestiary mechanic is awfull. It's barely unplayable for a lot of build, and so, a lot of player.
But this choice is absolutly stupide while it just exclude a whole part of the community while the peoples who don't want to capture beasts from dead bodys just have to play the net who force the capture from living monster.

This poll is a non sens.

Voted "Yes, but more common" ofc.

There is an easy answer to that... 90% of PoE players play shitty low damage builds because they are not better... they got absolutely no problems throwing the nets before the beasts die... so for ones the scrubs may benefit from a vote =P normally GGG aims everything at the top 1% =)

Ok. But this add does not affect their gameplay. If they want to play it a bit more RP and only capture living beasts, no one will prevent them to play like this. They will have the choice.

On the other hand, people who want to play Beastiary mecanics but can't because of many reasons (build with too much dps, impossibility to target correctly the right monster, all the derping situation when you try to throw your net, etc.) will be fucked.
<insert GENIUS img>.

It would eliminate the failstate of the whole game mechanic and effectively castrate it. This is a challenge league. There should be at least some challenge involved in the league mechanics. For a challenge to exist, there must be the possibility of failure.
"Into the Labyrinth!
left step, right step, step step, left left.
Into the Labyrinth!"
I would say yes and no.

Yes bc the current meta goes around killing stuff fast so its pretty hard not to avoid killing mobs while mapping. But make those nets rare.

And No bc that's the league mechanic, simple. How on earth would you capture a dead beast just to sacrifice it at the altar, it doesnt make sense.

And if the Yes option were to be implemented, then you may need to change the models of the beasts since they will no longer be physical beings but spirits and such.

I have a mixed feeling, i'd like to make use of the league mechanic but then i cant keep up with the rest of the players in terms of currency, mapping and player progression since i'll be slowing down to capture some mob. You guys shouldve tought about the meta
For powerful DOT and summoner builds, it's not even possible to keep them alive long enough. It reminds me of how many failed Vorici quests have failed due to lack of keeping a bastard alive for 8 seconds on low health...those are frustrating enough.
yes as if you are running cull you cant really capture any beast and it would make capturing lower level beasts at high level easier, but as there already dead perhaps you guys could have there mods apply like a totem of corpses when you go to craft
Maybe, instead of capture dead monsters, we could mark them with a triggerable net. If we kill in a limit time, then it is captured.
Last edited by adsfg12#5996 on Mar 4, 2018, 7:50:13 PM
I say yes. It's currently a gigantic mess to catch certain beasts low on life when there are a ton of other mobs around. It's basically impossible to target a single enemy in a sea of mobs. Remember that many of the new mobs summon tons of adds. I've already lost several "red" rare beasts because of this. It feels terrible. We should be able to capture rare ones that are dead but make the dead capture nets rare to compensate. Also nerf the amount of targetable adds that the rare beasts summon.
Yes. With us outputting so much damage, it's absolutely stupid to have to cast a net on a beast that will die within milliseconds. We have to gimp ourselves just to capture beasts.

This is especially annoying if we're back-tracking to complete the bestiary in lower level areas.

I've also had the capture glitch on mobs, not sure why. I think it's a delay in casting the net or something else? Capturing beasts is so annoying: delays, multiple targets on the screen, then an overly long animation and voice-over sequence afterwards.
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Last edited by cipher_nemo#6436 on Mar 4, 2018, 7:44:29 PM

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