Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?
Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?
Wonderful, roadkill league here we come. Sigh. What's the point now? Yay I can do something else that requires zero skill or strategy.
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I happen to be enjoying this league a great deal. I like the Einhar character (can you promote him to Forsaken Master status plz? Maybe give him a little diploma or something? He'd like that). I like the Besitary itself and all the new crafting possiblities. I like the cool new monster mods, like the spectral rhoa stampede and raven storms.
Sure, it can be tricky to capture some critters that die too fast. If they add a super-rare or expensive net type that lets you capture dead beasts, it wouldn't break the league. It'll just let you correct a mistake or two along the way. Most of the people complaining will just skip the beast capturing stuff anyway and go straight to the Atlas. Most of all, this league plays right into my usual playstyle, which is slow & steady - full clears of most areas to hit as many rare creatures & bonus features as possible (like Vaal side areas, master missions, strongboxes, etc.). I want to try out the new skill gems and see every new detail that's been added. I don't mind that I'll never get all the challenges (though I would like to hit 12 this league. Cool helmet!). It's all about the journey, not getting to The End. I know that's not how most people play. They just want to dash through the story line fast as possible, and come up with a build that will demolish everything with one key press so they can then blast through maps & end-game content. But before you post "Omg, this league is a waste of time!!! I can't capture mobs while I rampage thru maps at 1000mph!1!," keep in mind that you might enjoy it more if you slow down a bit, try a different strategy, or just take the time to smell the rhoas - uh, roses. |
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Before the release all the high end farmers were complaining because the Oni was too easy to find and allowed people not taking the same risks to amass wealth to easily. Now the same people are complaining, because they kill everything too fast and are unable to capture beasts. If you are killing too fast, sometimes off screen, where is the risk?
This was one vote per account. Who would be more likely to have multiple accounts, the casual player voting no or the uber player voting yes? This game is all about positives and negatives of your character, you give up control because you want a 1M+ dps totem/undead army/whatever skill package. That is your choice, you also have the choice to create an alt to do all the other quests and captures your main can't achieve. Capturing an animal alive should take finesse, not brut force. Finally, why do I need a net to catch a dead animal? Just allow me to right click and pick it up and I will drop it off for Einar to resurrect later. Hopefully the nets are soulbound so they don't become just another currency the elite can make ex selling. So when does Taxidermy league start? |
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" gotta agree with you here... They've caved to the whiny "rush to 100" crew, and it's a done deal. Einhar has discovered the ability to resurrect the roadkill, and the rushers will rush. |
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Reward without a challenge is meaningless. GGG should have stand it's ground and should have said "this league's mechanics is like this. you should adept if you want to use beast crafting"
I'm not interested with necrophiliac nets league. |
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There was a poll? Seriously, a 24h-poll on a Monday?
I acknowledge that you want to react fast, but why rushing it? Actually I totally missed it due to real life activity, but anyways I would have missed better voiting options then the given. The result shows that the community is divided. Any of the provided option is now suppose to be a bad choice. This is a comercial game with customers and not a nation with democatic consent. It will be hard to find a commecial concent for all players. My hopes are that GGG will come up with a genuine new and better solution replacing the current beast capuring mechanic that will work for all players. IMHO the beast crafting idea is a greate one but the capturing mechinc is fare from being mature and need full reconsideration. Though I acknowledge trying somehting new. Please keep that going, GGG. My issues with the current mechanic are: Why do nets have to block 2 slots in my inventory? Why are red beast spawning adds like hell while it is terribly hard to track and click them if they move fast? Why do I have to press yet another button to use my nets (while looking for a needle in a haystack and fighting a swarm of nasty beasts)? Having said that all this questions will become pointless with capturing dead beasts. All the genuine but cluncy capuring mechanic will become pointless with this change. And I think that GGG is fully aware of these issues. There is no better argument then GGG is willing to add a full bypass. Maybe it is valid as a temporary solution... But please, GGG, take your time to come up with a genuine new idea for catching all those neat and nasty beasts. I would love to see this marvelous idea added to the core game with a shiny new capturing mechanic because ideas like this makes PoE more unique and less mainstream in an otherwise invoation lacking genre. Maybe some smart people in the community are able to come up with a supporting idea to help GGG finding a solid solution to keep the beastary alive and a valuable add to the core game. Let's explore new playstyles - Play it your own way, not just like the others. Quality management is one of the most underrated success factors in every business... Last edited by Synopse#1990 on Mar 6, 2018, 3:01:42 PM
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" Well said. Last edited by Sinaranu#7291 on Oct 13, 2019, 6:58:17 PM
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" This is the spirit! Best post in this thread. Let's explore new playstyles - Play it your own way, not just like the others.
Quality management is one of the most underrated success factors in every business... |
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Do not understand the people who criticize the moral of the league with the dead nets. What is Catharina doing? Nothing else!
Revive, feed, return. Revive, monument, kill. Find, revive, return. Find, kill, revive, return. Find, revive, kill, revive, return. Find, revive, kill. I wonder if people would have complained so much about the nets, if they had been in the League from the beginning. There are always people who do not like something. Me too. But that's why you should not talk bad things that you would not even get started. And as long as the nets are really rare, there's nothing to complain about ?! "Poor fish-wife."
"Oops, clumsy me!" ♥ |
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There is a problem. If the nets that allow catching dead creature are to common, other nets are literally pointless. If those nets are to rare, there will be no point os wasting them on some random creature and it will be used only on the bosses beasts, so in this scenario the nets that allow catching dead beasts are pointless. They should let us catch dead monsters with all nets since beggining, or not let us do this at all and rework nets that already exist. People that have buils which kills everything on screen fasrter than they can spot any monster won't give a damn about league mechanic anyway, because 99% beast recipes are literally worthless outside of SSF league. The only recipes that "good" players care about is beast boss portals, aspect craft, mirror flask and imprint of a blue item. Thats 4 recipes out of like 200. I doubt monsters needed for those recipes will die in half of a second, so the solution of addind those type of nests seems like lazy bandaid, nothing more. Im really upset that GGG decided to add the to a game.
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