Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?

Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?

Yes, but more common
Yes, but more rare
Poll closed
Clash710 wrote:
I happen to be enjoying this league a great deal. I like the Einhar character (can you promote him to Forsaken Master status plz? Maybe give him a little diploma or something? He'd like that). I like the Besitary itself and all the new crafting possiblities. I like the cool new monster mods, like the spectral rhoa stampede and raven storms.

Sure, it can be tricky to capture some critters that die too fast. If they add a super-rare or expensive net type that lets you capture dead beasts, it wouldn't break the league. It'll just let you correct a mistake or two along the way. Most of the people complaining will just skip the beast capturing stuff anyway and go straight to the Atlas.

Most of all, this league plays right into my usual playstyle, which is slow & steady - full clears of most areas to hit as many rare creatures & bonus features as possible (like Vaal side areas, master missions, strongboxes, etc.). I want to try out the new skill gems and see every new detail that's been added. I don't mind that I'll never get all the challenges (though I would like to hit 12 this league. Cool helmet!). It's all about the journey, not getting to The End.

I know that's not how most people play. They just want to dash through the story line fast as possible, and come up with a build that will demolish everything with one key press so they can then blast through maps & end-game content. But before you post "Omg, this league is a waste of time!!! I can't capture mobs while I rampage thru maps at 1000mph!1!," keep in mind that you might enjoy it more if you slow down a bit, try a different strategy, or just take the time to smell the rhoas - uh, roses.

Hear hear, well said.

So to put this short. I shouldn't play the game how I want, I should play the game how you want? Intelligent, this is why PoE is a waste of time. The community lacks common sense, and clearly so does the development team. Enjoy the league, and your slow build, I think it is time to uninstall and move on. Games are just a huge waste of time, I've learned this recently, better to just live life, then to sit at a computer doing nothing with your life. Enjoy the league, and I do hope you all continue playing this game forever, enjoy, have fun, and best of luck to you all grinding away hours of your day here.
Aynix wrote:
There is a problem. If the nets that allow catching dead creature are to common, other nets are literally pointless. If those nets are to rare, there will be no point os wasting them on some random creature and it will be used only on the bosses beasts, so in this scenario the nets that allow catching dead beasts are pointless. They should let us catch dead monsters with all nets since beggining, or not let us do this at all and rework nets that already exist. People that have buils which kills everything on screen fasrter than they can spot any monster won't give a damn about league mechanic anyway, because 99% beast recipes are literally worthless outside of SSF league. The only recipes that "good" players care about is beast boss portals, aspect craft, mirror flask and imprint of a blue item. Thats 4 recipes out of like 200. I doubt monsters needed for those recipes will die in half of a second, so the solution of addind those type of nests seems like lazy bandaid, nothing more. Im really upset that GGG decided to add the to a game.

Just wanted to +1 this. League is pointless outside of RP kiddies. The crafting is weak as fuck, and no true value in it outside of SSF. This league is literally nothing, it added nothing outside of more MTX. Enjoy the game.
I'm critical about this League myself, but sure as fuck the RP are not the "kiddies" in the playerbase.
XEdwardElricX wrote:
Clash710 wrote:
I happen to be enjoying this league a great deal. I like the Einhar character (can you promote him to Forsaken Master status plz? Maybe give him a little diploma or something? He'd like that). I like the Besitary itself and all the new crafting possiblities. I like the cool new monster mods, like the spectral rhoa stampede and raven storms.

Sure, it can be tricky to capture some critters that die too fast. If they add a super-rare or expensive net type that lets you capture dead beasts, it wouldn't break the league. It'll just let you correct a mistake or two along the way. Most of the people complaining will just skip the beast capturing stuff anyway and go straight to the Atlas.

Most of all, this league plays right into my usual playstyle, which is slow & steady - full clears of most areas to hit as many rare creatures & bonus features as possible (like Vaal side areas, master missions, strongboxes, etc.). I want to try out the new skill gems and see every new detail that's been added. I don't mind that I'll never get all the challenges (though I would like to hit 12 this league. Cool helmet!). It's all about the journey, not getting to The End.

I know that's not how most people play. They just want to dash through the story line fast as possible, and come up with a build that will demolish everything with one key press so they can then blast through maps & end-game content. But before you post "Omg, this league is a waste of time!!! I can't capture mobs while I rampage thru maps at 1000mph!1!," keep in mind that you might enjoy it more if you slow down a bit, try a different strategy, or just take the time to smell the rhoas - uh, roses.

Hear hear, well said.

So to put this short. I shouldn't play the game how I want, I should play the game how you want? Intelligent, this is why PoE is a waste of time. The community lacks common sense, and clearly so does the development team. Enjoy the league, and your slow build, I think it is time to uninstall and move on. Games are just a huge waste of time, I've learned this recently, better to just live life, then to sit at a computer doing nothing with your life. Enjoy the league, and I do hope you all continue playing this game forever, enjoy, have fun, and best of luck to you all grinding away hours of your day here.

To XEdwardElricX, you kind of jumped the gun a bit there

To Clash710 and his/her you should go slow slogan, you have much the same playstyle as me, clear everything in the map, masters, side areas etc. Then once its clear move to the next one, ill get to end game when I get there, no rush. BUT you can only go so slow, level 40 witch summoner with nothing special about damage dealing and if I want to attempt to capture anything that isn’t a red beast (and even those are starting to die to quickly) I have to go with no minions and borderline gearless so I don’t kill the darn mobs I need to capture, once we reach level 70s/80s anything short of map bosses will be near impossible. It’s one thing to go slow and steady and another is trying to move forward while walking backwards, because that is what the current mechanics of this league are pushing us to do, playing since 2013 and never saw a league that made the players “afraid” of doing damage if they want the league content, a league that pushes for builds that do the less damage possible
Id say we can still capture it once dead (rare) :( problem is it's either they are cramp together you can hardly press "V" on it. Or they are either dead right away, no chance to capture them..
lootsorrow wrote:
I can't really comment on this question either way; I support net neutrality.

I'll show myself out.

lol thanks for that.

From what I've read the main no's are:

1) Don't play that build then duh!
The problem being GGG just updated the game to better support those builds, then implement a game mechanic that those builds can't run. Sure Capture Reds are easy, Yellows maybe. but normal mobs you need for recipes RIP off screen. Once I over level an area I have to go back with no minions try to survive and capture mobs I couldn't before.

2) Picking up dead mobs breaks the immersion, and doesn't make sense.
Breaking the immersion is always a valid yet dumb argument, it's a game, they don't make sense, you can't expect this one thing to be based on 100% RL yet run around with a sword pet casting magic at undead creatures.

But an easy fix would to "knock Out" the red and yellow mobs on death. leave them standing with some dazed buff, then we could toss a net on them and move forward. and if you can't clear the area and net them with in 5 seconds they regain health enrage and you have to try again. The immersion people are happy, The summoners are happy to be able to capture things. The people saying play a different build, well your just a pissy group of people. WIN WIN IGNORE
I am sad. So sad and dissapointed.

GGG added the dead-nets and moreover the rare-dead-nets.... and also without any comment on the huge amount of clear feedback that ppl think it is not a good solution.... and we took the time to participate, to debate, to actually care. And then they make the decision to add it without even addressing the masses of players who gave valuable feedback.... well it might not regarded by valuable by GGG. Sad. (Did I miss anything?)

And they do this after a hasty 24-hour poll with biased and very limited options. No matter the huge amount of creative suggestions and ideas from the community. All this is simply ignored by GGG.

Two things are obvious from the poll and the posts:

1. We need improvement of the capture experience and solution for summoners (and other builds having a real problem but not the speedkilling-lazy-to-slow-down or lazy-to-weapon-swap-so-I-one-shot builds).

2. The dead-net is NOT the solution (we suggested many other ways though).

GGG did not solve the problems with the new nets.

Now what? There are nets which allow you to completely ignore the league mechanics and they are rare. What does it mean? That the whole problem is not addessed. How can SSF summoners live on? How can any everyday (has-a-real-life) summoner be viable? .... how does this help the average player? No ways at all.

What does it accomplish then? The rich guys with clearspeed builds can afford to buy as much as they want and they can rely on it. That is all. So they can make more currency faster and just don't care about capture mechanics. While the average guys still have to slow down and basically whoever is not rich enough to buy many nets... well they are still s***ed. Aren't they?

At least if these nets were bound to char like shaper orbs then it would not allow the rich to rely on them either.

In my previous post (I took the time to write a quite long one because I cared) I praised the idea of the league and explained how it opens up new possibilites and even a new sub-type of builds (the capure-specialist to rise beside the lab-runner, boss-killer etc.). Now these new ways is all cancelled by GGG it seems. So much for GGG caring for build diversity.

It this now an official statement from GGG that in PoE never ever will be anything else really important except stacking stats and running faster and one-shotting everything before being one-shot? They kill their own initiative for something new just because some builds have difficulty and ppl start crying after just two days.... and GGG didn't take the time to investigate the problem and just leaving half of the community sore after a poorly executed over-constrained hasty poll.

Do they really listen to us or just pretend listening by doing just anything?

I know I may sound a bit dramatic but.... GGG it is up to you to prove that you really listen.

I want to believe! ;)

gg GGG, people say no so.... u add this net... just gg GGG
what's the purpose of this poll if 48% decide NO and you making that change enyway hmm? :(

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