Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?

Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?

Yes, but more common
Yes, but more rare
Poll closed
After the 3 sec change capturing beasts hasn't been a problem, so No, please don't turn it into roadkill league.

Targeting can be hard at times, with lots of mobs moving around, but it's not too big of an issue.

My Necromancer was having a bit of a harder time with it, Zombies kill stuff a bit too fast sometimes, but that can be overcome by just going for a Magic monster instead.

Just started a Ranger, bow build, to see if it's harder, so far so good.

Vote : No!

That's the theme of the League.
And, if u're have a problem with your build (clear speed too high, minions or other things...

Go reroll :)

Ps: I play Flicker Strike. That's not easy for capture beast, but, i do with it ;)
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No please. The league is great as it is.
I leaning towards yes, do to the fact it's really hard to control my minions. They sometime attack and kill things before I can even point at monster, (dead) press v... darn, missed again.

Son's having a little bit of issues too, got a good rare drop, frost blades killing instantly... first league, so trying to make it easy for him.
I vote no.

But the capturing mechanic need some tweaks because it's very hard for some class to kill or not to kill beast in time.
szpilka wrote:
No, if u cant catch single creature then change ur lame build

Yeah, heaven forbid people want to have fun. Fuck them for wanting that.
this poll dont make any sense, just allow 50% of the people what wants to capture dead beasts, who dont want will still catching them before they die, whats the point lol
Don't know why I cannot find my recent post. I misunderstood. No, do not add a new net (can't change my vote). Just make it so we can still capture a beast we threw a net on if it dies after we throw a net onto it (which seems to be the case).
I'm not saying something like that isn't necessary but obviously you shouldn't be able to net dead beasts.
vote: NO

the last change with the 3 sec window is perfect. its working great and made the capture way easier and it work for summoner and culling strike so there no need for a net that catch dead body. it will break the league fantasy.

leave it like that and please, dont add those net for dead beast.....this will be a big mistake. you have fixed the league already. leave it like that

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