Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?
Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?
" Why are you even complaining? Yes is going to win, clear speed builds will be given the advantage yet again. Even if they're made rare, these people will continue to complain about how the nets are too rare, GGG will cave again and make them more common. And when that happens, it's RIP league mechanics. There will be no reason to interact meaningfully with them. Just kill everything in sight (like every other league ever) and walk back to collect your loot/corpses (like every other league ever). This clear speed meta is cancerous and you can see it now, where new mechanics have to make way because people only want to spend 2 minutes per map instead of 5. This poll was an oppurtunity to set our foot down and start fixing the game, but no, GOTTA GET THAT 19 SECOND SHAPED STRAND SPEED RUN Would anybody like some... POUNDCAKE?
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New Idea : Start a new "softer'er core" league them simpletons.
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The league sucks... Game is fantastic as always, but the whole beast capturing thing is just a mess. Red Beast are way to tough and simply not worth it. The crafted items are not worth it too. Rather trade one you actually need for an alch or so... So maybe its ok for solo selffound idk.
I understand that not every league can be as good and efficient as Abyssus and Breach but right now i would like the whole Beastiary stuff removed from the game. |
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" GGG, either give us these nets or let us throw the net on beasts FROM THE START and ditch that enrage crap. You do realize that you can do this exact thing now with the 3 sec fix? Just throw net before engaging and you have 3 seconds to lower its HP before net decides if you captured it. So i really don't understand why is people still complaining when you just have to net first then kill the whole screen, monster is captured for sure. |
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I chose yes because this puts a band-aid on the problem and will allow more players to actually use this (hopefully) temp league mechanic.
A better solution could to potentially allow the Bestiary mod monsters to be dazed for 3 seconds after killing them, which would allow you to net them during that time. This way we are not playing with corpses? Targeting the Bestiary mod monsters is the hardest thing when you have a mere second to capture them, especially as a summoner because we already are mousing over corpses right under them. Please implement an area effect for nets. |
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It make no sens to have more then one diffrent type of net. Anyway, at the end game we are gonna use just one net anyway. So why more then one net for leveling. make them more rare drop if you think we are gonna have too many of them.
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Hell No
Game mechanic : Throw a net to catch beast that is already been weaken via damage. Challenge : #1 Throw a net into a right time to avoid overkill. #2 Throw the net and stun the beast and damage before the timer expired. Why player need net to catch DEAD beasts? Because they are too lazy to carefully look at that particular beast's hp. Solution : No net shall ever capture a DEAD beast. Put the capture dead things into a new league. Soul catcher league. #GGGpayme #ihelpedonyournewleagueidea #iwantchestsorgggpoints |
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I really cant provide valued opinion because im farming OG so i never went from Twilight Strand and teher You just cannot find nets. So i really dunno, but i chose "Yes but more rare". Juzt in case.
It should be some sorto of limited option for special occasions but not as basic mechanics. |
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it seems like you can throw the trap on a monster then attack it while its being caught which is perfect. if a monster is white rarity you'll basically always catch it any way the only things that ever escape are the beastiary rare mobs and it takes a long time to kill them so i haven't had much problems. however if i go into like t3 maps sometimes my hits do like 50% of their health and im trying to get it lower than 50% hp then accidentally kill it and it'd be nice to be able to still capture it then
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This thread is a sample how lazy people are, making a build with dozen numbers and don't giving a f**ck about league game mechanics. Just use brain when and stop dps, it's same issue every on-line game ex. World of Warcraft durring raid. When u ask ppl on boss fight to slow dps and they are just brain dead - Feelsbadman.
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