Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?
Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?
Lol all the people saying no play a build that can easy capture.
this poll is kinda bs, even with the current method capturing as summoner is stupid, this was acknowledged and than you trow a poll? The league needs to be accessible to everyone and every spec! The current method does not solve it for summoner...... Guess this was my shortest league, disappointing way of solving major issues |
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" So you want to participate in the contest of capturing beasts, but you don't want to let go of your rifle loaded with .50 BMG. Looks like you're going to capture 0 beasts, buddy. Maybe you should try a different type of ammo? Like a tranquilizer dart? Are you listen-- Put that missile down, that's not a toy! Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done. Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more. 'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league. Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave. Last edited by Xavathos#5130 on Mar 5, 2018, 8:23:17 AM
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no, keeping the 3 second window is fine
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The beasts would have to have some sort of spectral/dead effect in the menagerie. That requires way too much work for you guys. Even then it wouldnt make any sense that you can catch dead beasts. What would differ them from catching skeletons/ghosts and other types of enemies? Having the beasts alive makes way more sense and doesnt ruin the immersion for casual players. It fits the league and should stay the way it is. Capturing beasts is easy as it is. You can do that even with having full group of necromancers minions. I dont see why it would be any harder for other builds if necromancer can deal with it. Having shared bestiary logs when in group play is what should be implemented into the game. Right now in group play its the fastest player who manages to throw the net that not only gets the beast, also log for it. Related to this league. I wonder, why there isn't free-roaming area for the beasts. A place where you could walk with the beasts, maybe even repopulate them. Having 2 similar types of beasts share their modifications with their young breeds. You could even go further and add special MTX beast pets that can be collected through the repopulating of your menagerie. Like for instance rare breeded hellion and fury hound mix pet. Make it more rewarding for the players. Simple version of this would be that you could have a list of your beasts and you can choose 2 similar beasts to be added to this free-roaming area, that repopulate after a while/even daily with masters quest respawns?. Then you could either capture the new breed for sacrifice or slaughter/loot them straight at the farm by fighting. Whole bestiary league is amazing add to the game, I really hope it stays for the standard leagues as well. Having more content for the mid-late game is always a good thing. I always love GGG for their communication. Its so rare in gaming industry nowadays. Keep it up. =) |
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I voted no because the league is fine as is!
If you are going too fast to stop to net anything, slow down! If you are too OP and the monsters die too fast, let GGG know so they can nerf it... no, but seriously, add an option to your build or weapon swap so that you attacks don't kill everything in sight! I am running quad frostbolt totems and stuff is gone before i can even see it... so what I do is wait until i see the group.. then spam my totems if i don't want to capture. Doesn't always work, but there are plenty more monsters to hunt than the group you just laid waste to. Beta member since: 0.9.8f (April 23rd 2012)
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I voted for "Yes, but more common" , because i have hard time to spot the rare mobs when they are surrounded by other mobs. And when i try to clear the other mobs for clear spot, often i kill and the rare one with AoE dps. Also if i stop to check if i catched the rare mob or to see if the mob is rare, often i get killed, because the game is design for fast phase and the mechanic is not in right place, it just does not fit!
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They're dying too fast, and I want to add a net to the dead one.
If you like to catch live, do not buy nets to catch the corpse |
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Since it looks like yes is going to win, can we maybe plan out next league?
I suggest we have a league where you can press a bindable key that instantly nukes the map and vacuums all loot to the player. Don't bother with any mechanics, those just get in the way. I still like the game, but I'm sad about how simplified it has become simply because over half the playerbase is retarded and can only play builds that are right-click-to-win. Sigh. Would anybody like some... POUNDCAKE?
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" This will be fixed anyway: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/821wv5/poll_should_we_add_nets_that_work_on_dead_beasts/ " " This really should have been part of this announcement. Could have changed some votes. Last edited by AsbelFar#6192 on Mar 5, 2018, 8:29:56 AM
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" I had a good laugh with this comment. +1 for you mate. |
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