Important: How We're Changing Capturing

grimskuldar wrote:
My problems so far have been killing enemies before the net even lands, running out of currency to buy more nets at the start of leveling, running out of nets mid-fight or tring to equip new ones, fighting enemies that spawn enemies which in turn spawn enemies aka insect queens and other insane enemy combos, nevermind the 20min fights with the red beasts that spawn next to ghosts, and lastly using this league's mechanics to craft items for the resists I need, only to die in the arena because of said lack of resists and lose the beasts in the process.

Now I really like Einhar and the menagerie, I am just having problems adjusting to this league's mechanics.

People are complaining about stuff like running out of nets at the start of a league. Well... of course you will. But you won't on your second or third character. You should know that. Anyway, I'm seeing a trend where GGG just makes all of their challenging content super easy after everyone complains on day 1. Just like those manta rays in Abyss which were the most interesting, difficult part about leveling and then just... nope... gone. Now we'll get infinite necro-nets that we just toss into the middle of a pile of corpses as we speed around from one pack to the next just like everyone other league.
The three second thing on nets is great. The idea of capturing dead beasts is so stupid though. What's the point of even trying to capture while alive then? Like others have said, it just turns them into additional loot to pick up after a speed clear.

If you do this, I hope you make it extremely cost prohibitive to do it for every capture... make it the exception, not the rule.

Or better yet, just make the net cast time faster. Why does it take like 8 seconds for a net to land? Almost instant or instant + 3 seconds to DPS would be ideal imo.
Remove nets altogether.

I told you before league went live it was bad design, constraining, and added literally nothing to the game.

The entire league mechanic needs to be Einhar as a master that grants capturing, and interacts w the existing masters to craft. Your hubris won't allow you to admit defeat, so I'll provide another suggestion.

Have it so he gives you 8 charges to capture mobs in the current area +2 and lower, and then instead of using nets and waiting, just have it so V auto targets the highest modded rare and ctrl-V a new mob, shift-V a Unique mob in range. Have it so the mob auto-collects, and auto-enrages.

Your new league needs to take into consideration massively-fast builds that cannot interact w the league mechanic in any way shape or form, therefore massively-fast interaction w the league mechanic is the only way to salvage this train-wreck.
Last edited by Orca_Orcinus#3543 on Mar 3, 2018, 11:35:59 AM
Nice, now make it so we dont have all those pop ups so we can replace net "v" for "spacebar" - not everybody has a mouse with loads of buttons

hekate1 wrote:
The three second thing on nets is great. The idea of capturing dead beasts is so stupid though. What's the point of even trying to capture while alive then? Like others have said, it just turns them into additional loot to pick up after a speed clear.

If you do this, I hope you make it extremely cost prohibitive to do it for every capture... make it the exception, not the rule.

Or better yet, just make the net cast time faster. Why does it take like 8 seconds for a net to land? Almost instant or instant + 3 seconds to DPS would be ideal imo.

what he said
Last edited by Disrupted#3096 on Mar 3, 2018, 11:53:46 AM
I don't feel the three second is active
"You'll be able to kill monsters at your normal speed without slowing down, and then you throw this net onto the dead monsters." - Chris Wilson when he sold out his own principles and vision to pander to casual gamer dollars.

Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
I think one idea would be to have captured dead beast be ressurected as "undead" and then have some of the lower/common recipies not require live beasts. That way, doing lower tiered recipies wouldn't feel so tedious while higher/special recipies would need live beasts. However, i also think rewarding those taking their time to capture live beasts and using them in a recipie where "undead" beasts could be used, should be rewarded with something like an increased chance for a better number/tier outcome.

There is absolutely no reason to pander to the speed-meta slaves who wants everything handed to them on a silver plate. But, as some skills like Flicker Strike etc is inherently fast, something should still be done and I think the above solution would be good for everyone.

As for the capturing of live beasts;

One option could be to, instead of nets, use something like a collar or perhaps an automated flying "mind-drone" which follows the beast around. Basically, you target a beast, press V and either after 2-3 seconds or the monster has 10% life (for culling strike) it becomes immobile and invulnerable (not stunned) while the capturing attempt happens. For bosses, the time part could simply be removed and capturing would happen automatically at 10% to avoid abuse.
The higher the percentage of life the beast have left when the time expires, the higher the chance it'll have to enrage.

In my opinion, this league feels more like an expansion. I do think it's a great addition to an otherwise great game. Just please don't always listen to the no-life-meta-slave-speedsters.
Oh man. Death nets.
I, personally, do not see the need for "necro" nets. The build I use allows me to get into the middle of a mob and kill them off fast. However, if I really wish to capture a beast then all I have to do is slow down and practice judicious attacks. Even if I kill a rare or unique beast I could always initialize a new instance. It actually makes it more fun for me. Allowing capture of dead beasts cheapens the experience.

However, if it will be implemented anyway may I suggest putting a time limit on how long a beast has been dead to determine the difficulty of necro-ing it.
Hawdskinna wrote:
Dead captures takes away from the excitment of trying to catch them imo

I would breing the 3 second window back, but add a cooldown to the monster or nets... so you cant chain stun it


+1 more thing.
Also the Troll-voice of the Einhar... jeez... I like voice-acting in PoE, but this is so primitive and I don't wanna go negative, so I rather stop here,... but that's just horribly gone wrong, like totaly, ever, from Alpha PoE... the worst... I dunno... I will just try to ignore it.
Zana's voice in the past was weird, but it was just that, nothing wrong about it, just interesting accent, but Einhar, duh, eeeh. As if he was cut-out of some: let's minic some troll mon, lang, ya kno' ... nu? waat?" It's a good voice for a short joke, or comics, but not as some serious voice-acting for a whole-lenght league/content.
Everytime he starts to speak I just wanna skip the dialogue, just to not hear that ear-butchering english trollness nonsense x_x
Playing for joy ♥

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Last edited by Moribundus#6790 on Mar 3, 2018, 12:19:43 PM

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