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Important: How We're Changing Capturing

Haha....capture dead monsters.

Wow, genius back pedal efforts to keep the lazy scrubs content. Why ever pay attention? Mind permanently off. Pretty much on the same level as nerfing reflect. How about some of this ass wiping for the people who PvP? We have valid complaints but no one ever comes along to wipe our asses for us.
IGN: MullaXul
sloanekettering wrote:
Yeaaaaa, how about no. Not even remotely interested in this capturing crap. This is easily one of the worst mechanics you've ever put into this game. I am completely ignoring the capturing of beasts

Me too. It's just not fun to constantly catch the wrong monster when there are too many enemies and during the cooldown the monster you want to catch dies.
As much as happens on the screen, so inaccurate is the aiming, so you get the right monster. And with a necromancer build, that's the horror. SRS and zombies are killing everything too fast, you don't have an overview anymore.
I was really looking forward to the league. It's great from the idea, but the implementation is just totally bad. You basically need a monster hunter build, which also works in maps and endgame.
"Poor fish-wife."
"Oops, clumsy me!"
Also, Chris and GGG Staff, to go off on a tangent slightly...

Why not release future leagues etc on a Monday?

Releasing things on a Friday is pretty daft. If something is really broken or needs fixing with a patch, you're into the weekend when doubtless most of your coders are not at work.

With this announcement, you've had to say that something will happen early next week. That means you potentially lose the interest of loads of players over the weekend who don't have the patience to wait.

If new content was released at the START of a week, rather than at the end, then it would mean you'd have access to your full staff of coders after we finish doing the QA testing for you. Surely it's better to be more efficient at patching than exploiting the weekend gamers?
I loved Path of Exile.
I do not love Path of RNG.
Bloom gives me migraines, the over usage of darkness strains my eyes.
Save our game, remove all of the constant RNG and allow us to turn off Bloom or give us an in game brightness control!
Worst league, worst idea.

I love your game guys but this one is really bad.

Time to skip league 1st time ever.
Path of Exile: Taxidermist League
Ragnwald wrote:
I gave the league a chance to lvl 5-7 or so - and was bored right away.
Least successful league in the 5 years of playing I had already ...

A whole 5 levels?Really.There where leagues before where you couldn't feel league mechanics before 30 lvl,but here you claim all high and mighty that it is boring having experience nothing.

This is why such critisisms must be invalided.There are issues.Not those ones you present here
Bye bye desync!
Capturing dead creatures makes no sense whatsoever and defeats the entire point of the mechanic.

At that point, you might as well go FF X all the way and just give us a mod on our weapons that auto-captures anything we kill with it.
Last edited by Velari#3689 on Mar 3, 2018, 6:07:45 AM
It is not a capture if something is dead. There's no need for a net if something is dead.
Lore-wise its already stupid to fight things you already have in a cage. just starve them out or whatever. and on top of that, we now capture dead things, revive them and kill them again? wat?

remember Tora's lore? she murdered people and became an exile because someone was killing foxes. foxes!! and she is now assisting some psycho zoo-keeper, who keeps beasts locked up in stinking cages just because he/she likes to kill beasts several times for fun?

this league has the most nonsensical lore and the worst parts from Vorici missions and Talisman league thrown into an annoying mechanic.

y u do dis GGG?

on the other hand: all the new skills, items, the ascendancy rework, bug improvements etc. are absolutely great. thx a lot for that! So there's enough for me to enjoy even when I skip the league specific content.
Another thought: considering this league's changes to the Oni-Goroshi drop rate, that divides characters lvl 1-7 into 2 main groups: those who still try to farm it -- either for their own use or to sell and hopefully make up for the hours spent grinding, and those who do not rate Oni-Goroshi as good enough to bother with the extra trouble.

Similarly, reading through these comments, I'm kinda seeing a similar trend: Beast collecting and crafting is onerous and players either want to put in the effort to do it for some of the powerful uniques at the end of the long grind, or the players who want to DPS race and speedfarm as usual.

Also I kind of think it ironic that some of the first recipes you unlock are for a Quicksilver flask of adrenaline and Movement speed boots... I mean, yeah, getting around faster is EVERYONE's desire, especially during leveling, but to my mind, it is also some mixed signaling: "play this game fast; but too fast, and you can't do this league's signature mechanic"

Capturing Dead Beasts undermines the entire spirit of the league and removes the challenge.

I actually have come around to the idea of a deliberately slower and more considered method of playing the game. It's kind of nice to do the grindy work up front to capture the components that combine to make more challenging content instead of the "RNG and speed kill for fragments" method that is Abyss, Breach, Harbinger, Perandus, Essence, Talisman, etc.
As a summoner, both of these changes sound pretty incredible.

That you're already telling us about feedback you've seen and how you'll respond to it is pretty insane - this was posted like half a day after the league went live. And on a Saturday. ಠ_ಠ
“Please understand that imposing strong negative views regarding our team on to other players when you are representing our most helpful forum posters is not appropriate.” — GGG 2022


I'm not 'Sarno' on Discord. I don't know who that is.

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