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Important: How We're Changing Capturing

pls no dead capture
KonstantStompa wrote:
Glühwein wrote:
Wow there is some serious overreacting from some people here...

It's actually unreal how some people carry on, screws loose doesn't even cover it haha.

Fair play to GGG for trying to reach a compromise, the capturing mechanics are clunky and awkward currently. I think the dead beast capture mechanic is pretty sound really, it will allow totem/summoner/bleed/etc builds a shot at capturing but at a higher cost (assuming more expensive nets). The other change regarding having time to whittle down beast health whilst it is netted is good too. I really like the concept of Bestiary league, it's something a bit different and is a new variation on crafting. Hopefully once the kinks are ironed out it will function more fluidly.

I don´t have problems as a summoner, please stop using us to get an easier game for yourself. The only problem we have is targeting the monsters, as we have so many minions, plus the summoned monsters by the beast. It is just super hard to target the beast we want.

Dead beasts is terrible!
To fix the "one-shotters" issue... How about this idea...

You can 'lead' the beasts into your nets! Almost like a trap/net...

Capturing of dead mobs feels just wrong - against the spirit of the league in general.

As for summoners, etc.. Pretty sure everyone still has a 'default attack' option, or single-target spells... Hit the pack with AOE, kill the trash, weaken the target - then single target dmg them down -- lead to net, or toss the net at them.

PS. I think bear-traps could be incorporated somehow -- give them a new lease on life.

diazepam777 wrote:
Being able to Capture Dead Beasts

wouldn't that defeat the whole idea behind the league?

yeah, it makes a complete farce of the league existing, its just an acknowledgement that the entire idea is terrible and shouldnt have been made.

If they were players and had thought it through they would have known that the league is far too bloated, demanding and counter to the way the game is played. At this point people should have been identifying and tagging dead mobs and then the little man comes along and harvests a special part of them, puts it in a jar and you use the bits in jars to craft, maybe by creating some kind of abomination Frankenstein boss beast you have to kill from the harvested body parts. Then it would make sense of being able to kill them first and would gel with the game. A whole kind of taxidermy creepy organs in jars freakshow horror theme. That would have been cool, made sense, worked with the game not against it.

If they wanted the game to be slow and considered enough for this to work then they should have listened to people who warned about levels of powercreep going in for the last 3 years, or just used common sense. We get posts like path of nerfs, we took 400 evasion off queen of the forest... and in other news, we just added items that potentially give you 4 free hatred auras for fake dual wield conversion builds...

instead of fixing it they theorycrafted 10 tiers of nets?

What about alternate endgames like endless dungeons etc? they dont have time for those, that weve been requesting for over 4 years now. No one asked for this, no one asked for pokemon with yet another way of crafting items, in fact from the moment it was announced the majority of comments I have seen are basically "do not want". But there was time to work on this?

Dont want easier trade because it gives more items, which I agree with, but here we are giving more items and power creep through crafting that no one was rly asking for in order to incentivise doing something we dont want to do. Games full of thse things, golems, who wants to have a noisey annoying golem taking up a gem slot and following them around on their melee or bow build? No one. So you have to make them buff the player, powercreep, in order to bribe the player into using a golem that they otherwise have no wish to use, why? Why are they in the game? Why arnt the devs making content that people do want to play, do want to use, and then you dont need to bribe them to use it with power creep?
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
It makes no sense.

You invalidate this way the net tiers,the capturing mechanics and enrages.Half assed solution and better be expensive AF.
Bye bye desync!
Ygidua wrote:
Ayge wrote:
IPACE wrote:
I feel like there should be a reward for being able to catch it live though. Although I certainly do enjoy the change to capturing dead beasts, those who design their playstyle for the intended playstyle of the league should be rewarded as well.

This post right here is why we can't have nice things.

People complain about something they want changed and GGG finds a middle ground to allow those frustrated participate.

All of a sudden people who were fine with the original concept want to be issued additional rewards, lol.

I think you do not see the issue so let me explain it to you.

The past leagues were always for the Meta guys with speed. Breach, Harbinger, Abyss, it was all about maximum DPS races. We casuals saw the short end of the stick, couldn´t engage with the final encounters because we were too slow and didn´t had the damage to take them down.

Now there is finally a league, where slow play is rewarded. I play a summoner and therefore my movement speed and said of my minions is lower, plus we do less damage. I like the league, because I have to actually target a mob and then take it down slowly.

If we now change this mechanism to dead beasts, then we are once again punished. Not only, do we have to do it the hard way, by actually targeting the right beast (which is really hard as a summoner, since we have so many minions on screen), no we will also be punished because we actually take the risk of our beast being slain and / or enraged.

I do not know what Chris is thinking, but he has to really make up his mind. This league was announced for casuals and slow gamers, making it now into Breach 4.0 is just terrible.

That's a good point.

In the larger scheme of things, it would be nice to have a meta-game for the slower and more deliberate players. It feels a bit wonky to me because it is a temp league, but when I consider its inclusion into the main game, I actually really like the idea of slower play and precision damage builds, crafting/collector playstyles that can then just sell stuff to the racers.

The Labyrinth ended up being like that: everyone does each tier of Lab once, just to complete their Ascendancies, but only the folks who like it, or run it for profit keep engaging beyond that. Similarly, the Atlas folks who run Vault over and over again, and prior to that, Shaped Strand are working their Atlas differently than the completionist folks. And with the temp leagues, a player can always choose to approach the game differently in a new economy.

I mean, sometimes, it just feels like a continually more complex game is actually getting dumbed down into what is more or less just a race with a lot of distractions along the way...
Sorry, but all these "summoners" who aren't having a problem have obviously made bad builds. Your dps is obviously way below what it should be.

I'm not an out and out speed freak by any means, but I do know my build and my minions were ripping up rare mobs way before I could actually target a rare within a pack and then find the "V" button.

It's not as though the rare is standing all on his own waiting to be captured. Lots of times it comes in as part of a pack of additional rubbish mobs, so you then have to avoid wasting nest on the crappy mobs and picking only the rare, by which time minions have nuked it.

This whole idea of slowly slowly mechanics in a game where the main idea is to kill loads of mobs in as short a space of time as possible is fundamentally flawed. You just can't add in a slow, slow to a fast, fast game and expect it to work.

Best thing in my opinion (to be honest) would be to scrap the new league beast nonsense altogether, and run another repeat of Abyss or another league mechanic in a temp league for a couple of months until a new league idea was properly conceived.

I loved Path of Exile.
I do not love Path of RNG.
Bloom gives me migraines, the over usage of darkness strains my eyes.
Save our game, remove all of the constant RNG and allow us to turn off Bloom or give us an in game brightness control!
sidtherat wrote:
Miffy23 wrote:
These prompt reactions are why you guys are the best in the business! Top notch!

best in business are known for NOT making mistakes

being known for quickly fixing own mistakes is a strong indication of well.. not being there yet

Point me to a single company's forum free of numerous complaints about design, bugs, glitches etc. I'm waiting :)
I would like catch dead beasts. Today i was fighting red and yellow beast at the same time. Yellow died becouse of my aoe, then i tried to catch red but when i casted my net it catched random white crap and red beast bleeded out....
Im only lvl 25 but we will be speed farming lvls it would be nice that a marker indicated dead beast with an arrow (even far away).
I gave the league a chance to lvl 5-7 or so - and was bored right away.
Least successful league in the 5 years of playing I had already ...

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