Oni-Goroshi in Current League - are You gonna farm it or drop it?

ExcretusMaximus wrote:

While 7+ hours is correct, he most likely meant post level seven. You used to be required to be at least level seven for it to spawn, but they lowered the spawn rate by a shitload and made him able to spawn regardless of your level.
Okay, so there's now no min or max level for the grind yes?
That's what the patch notes said when they changed it.

My question, as someone who has never successfully farmed it, is does Uber Hillock's name change to Uber Hillock or is the only visual change the sword?
ExcretusMaximus wrote:
That's what the patch notes said when they changed it.

My question, as someone who has never successfully farmed it, is does Uber Hillock's name change to Uber Hillock or is the only visual change the sword?

Visual change only, uber Hillock is engulfed in ghostly green glowing flames after he pulls out the sword. See my next post for pics.
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

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The Twilight Strand Beach can be a lonely place:

Oh Hillock, uber Hillock... please come out and play with me. Nothing... Sigh!

Hey UH, where have you been hiding?

63 minutes, 51 seconds into level 8 to find uber Hillock.

Flame on:

Ring of fire:

Hey you big brute, watch it where you swing that shiny sword!
Straight up in his face tanking UH again.

UH is dead. At last, another Charan's Sword.

Oh drat (damn the lousy rng)... another bad crit roll! SIGH!!!

That's it for OG farming in Synthesis League. Took me until level 8.30 to get the first sword so I'm through pounding sand. RNG was against me again. Thankfully, at least not another TSB Level 9 Club member (way too many).

Not sure if I will sneak a few Shadow beach runs in to eventually see how fast he can kill UH (no more Level 9 club members... arrggghhhh!!!!!). The witch did it in < 2 mins. easy and with just the 1 UH leap slam at 10% health so his minions weren't a problem. I didn't run out of flasks.

"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

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Last edited by Arrowneous#3097 on Mar 20, 2019, 6:41:19 AM
MeleeFish wrote:

Leveling in TS is just waste of time. The point of running TS is about finding OG.

I have more than 13 hours of play (Scion lvl 8) and absolutly nothing Oni Goroshi :(
it's really stupid...Uber Hillock not appear...bleah :(
AldarisGrave wrote:
DoubleU wrote:
The gist of it is this:

Grind until Uber Hillock spawns, most of the time it will be 7+.
Hours? Okay, running with 3 characters atm for the farm, shadow, scion and hunter.

Level 7, not 7 hours.
~ There are spectacular moments.
AldarisGrave wrote:
DoubleU wrote:
The gist of it is this:

Grind until Uber Hillock spawns, most of the time it will be 7+.
Hours? Okay, running with 3 characters atm for the farm, shadow, scion and hunter.

Any time from about 1.5 hours of exile time which works out to be more like 3 times that since we are playing at least a 3 exile rotation and after the first few levels can run up the beach and kill Hillock in just under a minute, to well over 10 hours or even over 15 hours if RNGesus is against you and your exile is into level 8. The worst case scenario is an exile that becomes a member of the TSB Level 9 Club.
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

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attempted this for the first time on 3 characters like 17 hours between all 3.. level 7 and half, I got baited hard when I saw a tabula rasa cuz I didnt know how the elder hillock looks like before.. I kinda put the farm to a halt for now might return tomorrow perhaps depending..
"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."

Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.

poe2 = ruthless 2.0 = bad.
Xystre wrote:
attempted this for the first time on 3 characters like 17 hours between all 3.. level 7 and half, I got baited hard when I saw a tabula rasa cuz I didnt know how the elder hillock looks like before.. I kinda put the farm to a halt for now might return tomorrow perhaps depending..

Hmm... shouldn't be that many hours to get to level 7.5 with a balance of killing zombies and sand spitters that are near you as you straight run more or less up to Hillock. My earliest Uber Hillock was level 6.8 something (too lazy to find my old post here) and that was under 1.5 time played hours so easily under 5 hours total real time played. But Uber Hillock is the very, very shy twin brother of Hillock and is very finicky about coming out to the TSB and play the dance of death with an exile (maybe he remembers his last outing just like in Groundhog Day). Now that we have experience in face tanking him so he can't leapslam (only once at 10% health left) and resurrect his Awakened minion horde he is even more leery of coming out to play and die.

But just as with all things in PoE, GGG is always looking at the PoE statistics. Too many players are running around with an Oni-Goroshi, GGG says "we can't allow this" so they pull out the nerf hammer and whack the RNG chance of getting UH to come out. Got your first Charan sword but want to keep running your other beach farmers in between other endgame builds (take a break from the level up rat race), GGG doesn't like that so nerf hammer the RNG again to really make you pound sand for a 2nd UH sighting. I know, I ground out 4 OG swords in Incursion League last year with the 4th exile going the full distance (another Level 9 Beach Club member). 2 swords in Delve League and 2 in Betrayal. But the overall pattern I'm finding is my first UH comes in the 7.2 to 7.5 level range and the 2nd one is very RNG nerfed (2nd UH in Betrayal league was another level 9 exile). That may be just my bad luck with PoE rng but here I am today with my 1st Charon Sword coming at level 8.30 (see my post on page 113) and just over 3.5 hours "time played" of pounding sand. I occasionally do a beach run but the desire to pound sand is not there like it was last summer. Charan posted that the Shadow is the best exile to facetank UH but at level 8.6 and no UH yet I fear another level 9 exile is in the works if I want to find out if Charan is right. I've learned the timing and so the level 8.3 witch facetanked UH in only 1 min. 38 seconds so if I have to go the distance again maybe < 1 minute to kill UH with a Shadow.

GGG has really nerfed my desire to do much more OG farming every league. But GGG doesn't care except to nerf whatever is too popular with a few buffs on garbage skills that get no usage. I don't hold out any hope of seeing much good for melee skills come 3.7.0. Melee is not the racers choice of skill for the smash-n-dash race to 100.
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

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