Oni-Goroshi in Current League - are You gonna farm it or drop it?
"The sword of justice is swift and sharp" Last edited by Nimoc#7012 on Mar 14, 2019, 4:28:18 PM
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Hmm... I suppose I should keep track of the time, I usually don't. I do run a tally sheet for number of kills.
My first Strand runner got the sword I linked earlier in about 75ish kills (and was level 7.5ish), so clearly that was pretty lucky. My other two are a bit over level 8 and have both logged about 180 kills at this point. I'm not pushing terribly aggressively on them, but I do still do a few kills at the beginning or end of a playing session. I still can't decided what socket colors I like best. The current one I have is 4 reds and two blues. I kind of miss having a green socket (for Faster Attacks) but I'm not sure I feel the need for more than one green. Although I did run Withering Touch (in a second green slot) during Betrayal, that worked okay. This time I'm running: Consecrated Path, Added Fire, Life on Hit, Melee Physical Damage, Combustion Support and Elemental Proliferation, and it seems to be working pretty well so far. I still kind of miss Faster Attacks though. 'A Balrog,' muttered Gandalf. 'Now I understand.' He faltered and leaned heavily on his staff. 'What an evil fortune! And I am already weary.'
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Congrats to all that have gotten an OG already. :)
I'm sitting with 1 exile just over level 8 and the other 2 close at 7.9x. So far no luck but as the song says "if it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all... gloom, despair, and agony on me." As Charan said back a few pages the Shadow is better than Scion or Witch for straight up killing Hillock (opposite end Glacial Hammer Templar sucks, even on zombies it can't one-shot all the time and frequently wiffs). Now that I'm running the beach with one Shadow it is the fastest way to kill Hillock (2 or 3 quick hits and he's dead). Hopefully tonight I get to see how quickly a Shadow can face tank and kill UH. "You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration. The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2247070 |
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I've been faithfully bashing away at this thing, lol.
Got my gang of 4 scions up to level 9.10 now and have tried collecting some data. A little late for that I suppose so I started a fifth scion in rotation. I started her just a bit after the others hit level 9 and she's just now hit level 7. I haven't kept a good tally of the number of runs, but I did observe that through level 8, it was about two runs for one percent on the XP bar, or in other words about 200 runs to progress through level 8. Level 9 looks like almost perfectly triple that, as getting to 10% took 59-60 runs. I typically don't try to clear the whole zone, but I run to Hillock as directly as I can and kill any monsters that appear reasonably close to my path. Here's what I've observed so far for XP per kill (white monsters + Hillock): Level 1 - 20 XP + Automatic level 2 Level 2 - 18 XP + 137 XP Level 3 - 18 XP + 137 XP Level 4 - 18 XP + 137 XP Level 5 - 15 XP + 118 XP Level 6 - 9 XP + 73 XP Level 7 - 5 XP + 39 XP Level 8 - 2 XP + 21 XP Level 9 - 1 XP + 12 XP Maybe someone can explain the XP per level penalty based on what I'm seeing here since the hippy dippy PoE Wiki experience page is not at all helpful to me. It's also not exactly right since it says there is a minimum XP of one, which I proved untrue by taking a lvel 90 character to The Coast and Tidal Island and got 0 xp on all non-unique monsters. Fire Fury on the coast gave 1 XP and Hailrake gave 2 XP oddly enough. Also under drop penalties according to the wiki, currency and divination cards are subject to level penalty but items were not mentioned. I am curious about the item drops (uniques) and also the Uber Hillock spawn since I dropped several uniques while my characters were level 7 and very few while they were 8. Uber Hilock spawned twice for my 4 level 7 scions, but only once while they were level 8. 60 runs into level 9 (240 total across 4 characters), I have not seen UH nor any unique items. Oh yeah, almost forgot to mention /played time in case anyone is interested. My newly level 7 scion has about 1hour, 20 minutes played while my level 9.1's are right at 7 1/2 hours each. Crazy as it sounds I'm thinking I may actually push that first group of four all the way to level 10. Probably will take ma a couple weeks but it would be quite a rare acheivement and I'm not really all that excited to play synthesis league anyway. All in the name of science! |
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" I've done that before and I cannot recommend it. My shadow died multiple times due to the overwhelming amount of zombies and lack of AOE on viper strike. I will say it was very exciting though in my particular case! Was the start of a new league a while back... Bestiary maybe? And they had the message up the realm is coming down in so many minutes blah blah blah.. Wouldn't you know Uber spawned with something like 5 minutes on the clock. Here I am frantically trying to kill him while getting completely swarmed by his minions and took up nearly the whole time to finally get him down. After that, I was unable to loot the sword with all the zombies in the way. And the damn clock starts counting down. 10..9.. while I'm going nuts swatting zombies and trying to loot that damned sword! Finally got it with something like 5 seconds left on the clock. I think that was my first OG. What an amazing experience that was! I've always farmed with the scion since that time though... Oh, also... Well you can't depend on any particular drops of course but you can get pretty good at slapping down Hillock. Three of my girls take normal hillock down in three or four hits with rare claws (I like life on hit. Like, a lot) but one has a Last resort claw, Bramble Jack and Ezomyte Peak and she is bad to the bone in that zone. Usually two shots him, but has instantly blown him up several times. It's pretty frikken funny ;) |
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" After reaching lvl 7 You should run ONLY for Hillock. |
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" The trick is to face tank UH after he pulls out the OG and not have him leap slam. I know face tanking is difficult but the trick is to not have him generate any minions. I did one face tank last league on UH with a level 9 Duelist and by DSing UH he only leap slammed once at 10% health left and the few zombies were easily dispatched. Of course at level 9 the Duelist killed UH in < 1 minute so that certainly helps (having to go the full grind distance sucked). Sadly UH refuses to come out and I'm finding the level 8 grind on all 3 exiles to be particularly tedious and boring (can't get into any beach grind zen state at all). Most likely is that Synthesis League isn't fun to play with Cavas' mind runs lag killing my exile or if I slow down to kill the mobs I run out of time. Then I here that GGG foobared mapping by nerfing map drop rates. WTF did you do that for GGG? Then the Nexus puzzle and such that I have to do a lot just to get a little reward. So I have zero interest in chasing the carrot this time round. GGG, are you hearing the casual masses crying out that Synthesis and map drop nerfs are the worst thing to do? How the hell GGG do you expect me to support you financially when you do this shit? I can't and don't right now. :( "You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration. The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2247070 |
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" Correct, assuming I am only after the sword. My quick time study found that I can make approximately 90 runs per hour killing only Hillock and 50 runs while killing monsters on the way to Hillock. But those fewer runs yield about 62% more XP per hour. While that may not be a consideration under normal farming circumstances, it is significantly better for continued leveling. *Edit - Damnit, I fucked the math up so bad help me out here. I'll kill about 15 white mobs per run on average, so assuming I'm level 7 that would be 75 XP for the white mobs, plus 39 for Hillock to make an average total of 114 Xp per run. Times 50 runs is 5700 XP per hour. VS 39 XP per Hillock kill times 90 runs is 3510 XP per hour. 5700/3510=1.624 so that's 62% more XP per hour, right? " You are correct sir! During my XP over time study this morning UH made an appearance just to fuck with my data. That ornery son of a bitch! My scion face tanked him alright and UH only lept maybe twice or three times and barely spawned any minions. Oddly enough, that was on the only one of my original group of farmers to not have the drop, so now my top four girls all have one each. I think at this point I'll keep pushing for level 10 on TS. I may well burn out before I get there but we'll see how that goes. |
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" My solution is another bourbon and soda, although a scotch and soda also works. Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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" Jim Beam from the bottle is my PoE beverage of choice. It magically makes the game funnerer for me... |
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