Oni-Goroshi in Current League - are You gonna farm it or drop it?

Farmed it first time ever. Got it at 8.04, can't complain too much.

Without going through 140 pages of replies I had a question on it. Which sound setting can i use to turn up her dialogue? I can barely hear it at times.
I had never farmed the OG but I'm rocking one now in SSF. Gotta say the dialogue is a fun addition to the game and glad I didn't miss out before it's likely removed in POE2. Makes levelling so much easier too. Thanks OP for putting the OG on my radar, I'm a casual player and never knew it existed. Ya I know.

Prior post said dialogue was too low. There is a dialogue volume, perhaps drop music and ambient sound lower so she's not drowned out? I can hear her no problem at least using those settings (unplanned mind you but she's as clear as day).
Zaugrishak wrote:
Farmed it first time ever. Got it at 8.04, can't complain too much.

Without going through 140 pages of replies I had a question on it. Which sound setting can i use to turn up her dialogue? I can barely hear it at times.

Dialogue volume should do it, but be warned that'll increase all voices in the game. I agree that some of the lines are far too muted (and some are far too loud). You can always enable voice-to-text output, which will display what She says (and again, every other npc's incidental dialogue, such as the Masters) in green text in the chat box. Incidentally, this is how Exiles used to 'speak' before GGG recorded their lines.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
Got second. And this is all what grinds gave me.
Last edited by de99ial#0161 on Jun 28, 2020, 9:41:57 AM
de99ial all you had to do was record a video of you with both onis in twilight strand
The_Shamus wrote:
I had never farmed the OG but I'm rocking one now in SSF. Gotta say the dialogue is a fun addition to the game and glad I didn't miss out before it's likely removed in POE2.

Glad you're enjoying it. Slight clarification: it very likely won't be removed in PoE2 (here we go again) -- PoE2 is merely a second campaign that will take you from level 1 to Maps with its own set of areas, quests and ascendancies. There will still be the option of playing the original 10 act campaign, no doubt retconned to 'PoE 1' or 'PoE classic' or some other buzzword to ensure people know it's inferior, dated and totally not as awesome as PEE OH EE TUUUUU!!!

As I explained not that far back in the thread, the chances of OG existing in the'PoE 2' route are slim to none because the acquisition method, the dialogue, even the scaling to a degree, are all designed for the current 'PoE 1' campaign. And given I funded all of that and was a pain in GGG's side for most of it with my demands and neediness and now all I do is mock and deride the fact that they sold their souls to a notorious megacorp, somehow I just don't see them jumping at the opportunity to work with me to insert OG into the so-called 'PoE 2' campaign. Which is fine by me -- no one could argue that OG hasn't had her day in the sun and then some.

Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
Farmed for OG this league first time in a long time; first 2 i got had crummy rolls, but the 3rd one was acceptable, so time to lvl some consecrated path juggy;

Sold one of the crummy ones almost right away for 1ex50c, got another for sale for 2ex mostly 'cuz i don't actually wanna sell it that hard (my lil' sister might wanna play later in the league, and i tend to always be ready to pimp her up with some ez stuffs)

Took about 3 days on/off playing, 3 chars just above lvl8, one drop for each of them :)
Foreverhappychan wrote:
As I explained not that far back in the thread, the chances of OG existing in the'PoE 2' route are slim to none because the acquisition method, the dialogue, even the scaling to a degree, are all designed for the current 'PoE 1' campaign. And given I funded all of that and was a pain in GGG's side for most of it with my demands and neediness and now all I do is mock and deride the fact that they sold their souls to a notorious megacorp, somehow I just don't see them jumping at the opportunity to work with me to insert OG into the so-called 'PoE 2' campaign. Which is fine by me -- no one could argue that OG hasn't had her day in the sun and then some.

I wonder though if GGG take inspiration from Oni-Goroshi and add a similar unique the the new "first boss". It's certainly been a much celebrated addition, so why miss out on an opportunity to give the community more of that?

I have yet to farm or buy one this league... not even sure if I will even do so at all, though I guess a berserker could be interesting, now that we got the phys to fire conversion nodes on the tree... if only Her Embrace would count as being ignited...

Also, ever since spellslinger got released I was hoping that maybe one day "Her Embrace" would give global fire damage instead of attack fire damage... likely not gonna happen, but damn would it be awesome.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
buk9tp wrote:
de99ial all you had to do was record a video of you with both onis in twilight strand

You cannot have two OGs in Twilight Strand.
Might be a weird question, but do You talk to the Dying Exile each run during farming?

Earlier leagues I did, killed the zombie then rushed to Hillock.
This time I skip it and just rush straight to Hillock.
Was wondering, whether it has any effect.
All-time non-streamer luckless dropless rewardless tons-of-time-playing non-TFT-er 100% solo player.
So, it just turns out, we were lied to for years with the promises of a two-storied one PoE 4.0.
All these worse and worse beta leagues, all these braindead changes, all lead to this.

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