A Few Specific Balance Changes in 3.2.0

Sextants, don't care
Zana breach, don't care never had enough chaos to spam it
Oni-Garoshi nerf seems lame, whats the issue if someone puts in 4-5 hours to farm one then levels a bit quicker? They are still behind the 8 ball of the speed levelers.

GrimExcuse wrote:

I didn't do mass sextant blocking last league yet I made 150ex. I didn't have any trouble with making wealth yet I made 150ex. I didn't sell sextants yet I made 150ex. I didn't cry when bisco's got nerfed I didn't even use one, nor did I use MF gear. If you know how to farm (correct content) and know how to play this game then you didn't need to sextant block and run vaults to make your wealth. My god before sextants it was easy to make wealth and it still is.


My favorite sentence is:
"I didn't have any trouble with making wealth yet I made 150ex"

Anyways, POE isn't about knowledge, it's mostly about time invested. Play alot, get alot of currency. Knowledge is mostly having something done before =PLAY ALOT.
hope og drop often the rhoa feather
DasName wrote:
GrimExcuse wrote:

I didn't do mass sextant blocking last league yet I made 150ex. I didn't have any trouble with making wealth yet I made 150ex. I didn't sell sextants yet I made 150ex. I didn't cry when bisco's got nerfed I didn't even use one, nor did I use MF gear. If you know how to farm (correct content) and know how to play this game then you didn't need to sextant block and run vaults to make your wealth. My god before sextants it was easy to make wealth and it still is.


My favorite sentence is:
"I didn't have any trouble with making wealth yet I made 150ex"

Anyways, POE isn't about knowledge, it's mostly about time invested. Play alot, get alot of currency. Knowledge is mostly having something done before =PLAY ALOT.

The wealth I made i put back into two characters during the league both at 95. 150 is quite low in comparison to the flippers who generally sit on 2-3 mirrors plus 50 odd exalts and well into the thousands of chaos. The point is from mapping and trading meta jewels,claws,6ls I was able to make most of my wealth. It did not come from selling sextants like everyone seems to think its the only method to do.
ADHDrunsme wrote:
The funniest thing to me is if you look at all the previous comments, all the people with 40 challlenges dislike the changes yet all the people with 10 chal love them. Funny how that works huh? Its a complete joke, and lets be honest here....the CORE part of POE is MAPPING. Nobody plays this game for the act content, they rush through the acts ASAP to get to maps...so what do you do? You completely nerf the crap out of the game for efficient players just because players that arent as efficient complained over and over again that they couldn't get there items.....well isnt that the point? YOU should be rewarded with efficient mapping and having knowledge of the game. THERE SHOULD BE A BIG GAP between the currency amount of players who put time and effort into a game the correct way compared to players who are new or are just not efficient. I hope we see some buffs in the patch notes because for the longstanding experienced players who like to map extremely efficiently, this is a huge let down.

You are correct: "the CORE part of POE is MAPPING".

MAPPING. various maps. not 1 shaped vault over and over again.

If i were GGG, i'd cancel the option to remove maps from atlas.

I hardly ever use sxtants, and i finished 155 out of 157 maps on atlas.
I do around 20 maps per day, and i rarely repeat the same map.
I chisel, alch, and sometimes vaal. that's it.

That's real mapping. i know most of t10-t15 maps by heart, just like the rich guys know shaped vault.
This is true mapping imo.
Shagsbeard wrote:
Wish GGG understood the basic principles of Calculus... that you maximize something by making small changes until you no longer notice the effects of a change.

These changes are too drastic for me to even process. It's a whole new game as far as I can tell, with only a few objects and mechanics left from it's predecessor. Hope it works.

Agreed. It's like smashing a vase to remove a defect, then super-gluing all of the non-defective pieces together. They're approaching this backwards because they're too caught up with their own goals and original intention of PoE for balancing instead of seeing what players actually consider fun.

Back when Chris did Build-of-the-weeks I remember him saying, "Here's a boss pack, let's see how he can handle it", when referring to a group with a rare in it. Chris has delusions of grandeur with PoE.
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Last edited by cipher_nemo#6436 on Feb 28, 2018, 7:01:52 AM
GrimExcuse wrote:
A lot of players have seem to already forgotten the fact this league we also get a t16 map pior the best t16 xp was Mino now you can make for example a t16 strand map and run x4 white sextants all the time as an example

Random though: I think there is a very good chance that the hot map in the next league to be... Arcade...

I'm a casual player, with max 500hours in this game.
I recently start again playing since 3.0, and even if was thought starting with 0 chaos, i was able to bring my Slayer to lvl93 and find at least 3ex and items worth around 15ex.
All the sustain i had was with Sextants(Vault block).
When i was levelling i struggle to sustain MAPS DROP RATE for maps t11 - t12. I had a lots of time to go back to t10 and t9 to farm maps.

So now i'm asking to you guys, if now blocking/sextant are not viable anymore. How should i gain my currency or item or maps? there is no increase on monster density or drop rate, so, i guess, people shall start to farm like 100 to 500 maps a day? is not this worse?
it will all still available for all the rich guys that have possibility to farm for thousand of hours.

am I wrong? did i miss something??


p.s. before 3.0 i found in 300hours 0ex and 06-link
This is a bit two sided...overall its great cause people can not exploit the game anymore.

But everything could be solved in a better way.

Bisco would be a rework way better than this nurf. Remove IIQ completly.

Sextant is just an emergency shutdown for exploiter. I never exploited but i had many sextants on my Atlas active, at the end nearly every map had a sextant on it. So this harms me aswell, a smoother solution would be nice but at first it counts that these exploiter are gonna be stopped.

And please make it impossible to rerole sextants. Every one should play what he got.

Glad to see new Zana mods never liked Breach much. Hope Talisman and Perandus will came back to Zana. That would be awesome.

Only thing that i totally dont get is the Oni nurf. Had planned to farm it for next league at the start but with this RNG i have no motivation to do so and dont see much fun to come out of it.
ThoryX wrote:

am I wrong? did i miss something??

Sure, here is how mapping works in POE.
Building a mappool can be hard, sustaining a mappool is easy. Sustaining T12 while running T12 won't work. Sustaining T12-T16 while running T12-T16 will work. It's simple, while running T15/T16 you will get T12 for free. While running your free T12 you will occasionally get a T13/T14...

POE is all about better gear-> better clearspeed -> better rewards and so on... The more time you invest the easier it gets. The higher maps you run the easier the sustain will be.

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