A Few Specific Balance Changes in 3.2.0
" about time someone think like me. DONT step back in front a challenge go and embrace the fun ! |
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@Feike So I tried to take what you just said seriously but you don't even play Leagues, If you do must be a different account. What I mentioned in about League game-play only not Standard.
If GGG allowed sextants for many leagues then it is not an exploit it was allowed learn the difference. Last edited by GrimExcuse#4461 on Feb 28, 2018, 9:44:57 PM
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" Absolutely terrible. Leaguestones were just simply horrible. Instead of having items that cluttered inventory/stash - how about make the zana mods better and more worthwhile? I nearly quit 2.6 because of the clutter leaguestones caused. Hated that shit. |
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You make it easier to get Zana to level 8, but remove the only fun mod the grinding was worth -
the reward for so much time and patience. What's the point? So what is the motivation to get Zana to Level 8 at all? It doesn't matter if you reach level 8 faster now. "The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried." - Stephen McCranie
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" The fact that is was allowed is part of why you can say it was an exploit actually... One of the main diffs between cheating and exploiting is just that: Cheating is not allowed and thus, may results in punishment against who does it, but an exploit dont results in any penalty or punishment since the fault is on the devs, not on the players. If official rules changes that somehow results in the exploit falling into what is not alowed, then its no longuer exploiting, its cheating. And exploiting also is not related to how fast or slow it is taken down: sometimes the devs are not quite sure about how they should aproach the question, sometimes they kinda leave it be for a time as they judge the global impact is not that big and other stuff requires more atention, there are even times when they do not agree between themselves whether the exploit actually might be good for the game. And when it comes to mapblocking, the very mechanic of modblocking that allowed it to happen make aparent that they wanted it to be a thing to some extend - just as the fact that they decided to take down the multi-step aproach makes obvious that they decided that the players crossed the line - wich in turn allows to say that the multi-step aproach was definetly a textbook chase of an exploit. As about your "league-play only", im not quite sure what part you mean tbh. I gess you referred to whow people will use sextants but that is something that only differs with permanent leagues in the opening months and after the economy settles down, it always falls in the commonplace between sandard and wathever league is running, as the mechanics around it and the reasons behind why its something profitable are the same on both, and the reasons why it may no longuer be profitable enough are also common on both enviroments. |
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The oni-garoshi change seems silly, but I can kind of understand it.
Nerfing sextant blocking like this, in a game entirely about grinding for loot, seems anti-fun. I was extremely excited when I first saw the new Atlas changes last league (particularly Vault's placement) and I'm sorely disappointed by this new sextant limit. The old system rewarded careful sextant blocking (and planning) and this feels like a really ham-fisted way to prevent it. I also don't understand how the extreme rewards you could get previously are considered "abuse" and not "using the system correctly". edit: after reading more of the thread it seems sextant blocking was considered an exploit entirely, which makes absolutely no sense, especially considering this change doesn't entirely remove it. all you have to do is roll any mods on the map you want to run plus four neighboring maps, then reroll the bad ones. Last edited by Tabrias#4671 on Mar 2, 2018, 4:11:10 PM
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" Both of you are missing the point. GGG already punishes people like us (I kill bosses too) by giving us less experience/loot per hour than people who skip bosses. Now we are being punished even more for "facing the challenge." Surely you don't think that is a good thing. Wash your hands, Exile!
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nerf after nerf. Stop kill your game
![]() 5h x3 and 0 drop -_- Last edited by hbibo#7366 on Mar 9, 2018, 1:40:22 AM
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5 hours and 3 characters and you are complaining? Seriously? If you are upset by a measly 5 hour grind then stop playing. If you desire the item that you are grinding for (Oni), then STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT IT.
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