Super Stash Sale
" Except they've already stated nets will be in the currency tab, and beasts are obviously in your menagerie. Don't even know why people keep saying there will be a net tab even if it is a meme it makes no sense because it was resolved at the start of the announcements. |
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And they've stated that pets can be traded. Does the menagerie also function as a premium tab?
You're a little defensive towards GGG when they have had a great track record in recent leagues of designing a storage tab to add convenience to the slew of crap they inject into the game. TL:DR: As GGG adds more things to this game; They add more tabs to sell you. |
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" but maybe bestiary contents will not added to the core game in the future , so i don't think they add a special stash potentially not futureproof . |
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Woot, thanks :D
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" You keep them in your menagerie, you can probably withdraw them as an item and put it in your shop tab if someone PM's you asking to trade you can either trade them the one in your shop tab or take out one from your menagerie and leave that singular monster in your shop tab. They haven't even said if this league will continue to be content for the core game, I'm sure it will but until that point has been made 100% confirmed they won't release a Bestiary tab. I'm not being defensive I'm being realistic, you don't need a whole tab dedicated to selling a few monsters and I'm sure GGG has already thought of a solution whether that be a specific cage in your menagerie dedicated to selling monsters, or the menagerie itself acting like a premium tab. I highly doubt you will be selling monsters other then the legendary or super rare ones to begin with so there should only be a handful you will want to sell unless you are adamant on selling the 1 alteration orb monsters. |
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i literally just bought these like 2 days ago... fml
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It is the last weekend before release that people who actually have lives and jobs could spend theorycrafting and tuning their builds for the league. But hey, instead of ascendancy classes we get more hype and teasers of questionable value. Look, a stash tab sale!
Holding off such an essential piece of information until the very end shows GGG once again as either stupid or incompetent devs. Stupid, if you're simply building up hype while ignoring basic player needs. With huge meta shifts as of late a lot of veteran players are out of their usual comfort zone. Incompetent, if you pretend that you had not set up a deadline for class rebalance task of your 3.2 development project that was up way before the last days of the release week. P.S. Big deal, you missed a deadline. Stay cool, take your time. We support you. Just don't fuck it up! Personally, I sure hope you won't nerf aurabot support builds any further. It is already borderline unplayable for normal people, and I don't care what a bunch of nolife attention whoring bitch boys at the top of the ladder had to say. They just didn't have to abuse it. |
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Can't agree more buddy, you got a point.
Hold back such important piece of information as asc. classes change at this point of time feel "incompetent" as you said. Nice to see all the other content, however the most important information should be revealed first and not at the very last point. GGG you should start to listen to Normal players |
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Do you ever have a sale for portal effect? I have never seen it so I am thinking about buying now (in case it never happens) or wait until the discout...
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Yay 🤑
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