Super Stash Sale

Damn I am out of the points, and this sales comes...
zaklanoceljade wrote:
Are tabs bought in the Abyss league transferred to the Bestiary league or I will have to buy them all over?

Once you buy a stashtab it will be usable on every league you play.
Curse you! i just bought the fragment and map tabs with my Pokemon supporter pack :(
Szai of Black Legion
derekj54 wrote:
Curse you! i just bought the fragment and map tabs with my Pokemon supporter pack :(

Don't worry, I'm sure GGG will want to sell you a net/beast tab 2 weeks into the league.
if i take points now can i upgrade for supporter pack later ?
A fourth "free" mtxbox for first purchase. Fourth gloves. Are you OK??? Is there a random here? I can`t get any non-obscene words to imagine how it happens fourth time in a row.
derekj54 wrote:
Curse you! i just bought the fragment and map tabs with my Pokemon supporter pack :(

The Stash sales happen each 3 weeks, I knew that and waited to use my tier2 pokemon supporter points.

2 Premium Tab Bundles
1 Map Tab
1 Fragment Tab
1 Essence Tab
1 Divination Tab
1 Upgrade to Premium Tab

Now we need a Pokeball Stash Tab, where we can store up to 5000 pokenets, greatnets, ultranets and the masternet
shadowingo wrote:
A fourth "free" mtxbox for first purchase. Fourth gloves. Are you OK??? Is there a random here? I can`t get any non-obscene words to imagine how it happens fourth time in a row.

Ive got ice cat :D
No need for net tab... They go in currency tab.
Have like 50+ now!

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