AnExile_onthePath wrote:
Super Stash Tab sales are always a welcome thing but I did find the announcement slightly incomplete. The Fragment Tab is not discounted on Xbox yet. This is not a surprise, but after reading your announcement I did rush over to the TV to see if GGG had actually cut us a special break - alas, it appears not. Perhaps a "(PC only)" could be inserted after the Fragment tab to make it clearer? I will be buying one once they come on sale (same for the Map Tab).
I play on PC and Xbox. So I have to pay twice since the account is not shared. OK, but I have to pay full price for the map stash now since it is new now. And the reason is that GGG had to make it Xbox ready first. That feels a bid odd.
Posted byNoisette#4907on Feb 23, 2018, 2:27:51 AM
Loreweaver wrote:
Jourdain wrote:
Loreweaver wrote:
Just to make sure--does the Abyss hat go away when Abyss ends, or when Bestiary begins?
"The Abyss Brimmed Hat is the third league-exclusive hat and will only be available until the end of the Abyss Challenge League." - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2042856
From this very thread: "At the time of release, the Abyss Brimmed Hat will leave the store forever, so don't miss your chance to add this league-exclusive to your collection!"
Hence my confusion.
Yeah, but the 3.2 update is the same day as the abyss league end 26th/27th depending on your timezone. So technically both are correct which can make it confusing since a lot of people assume 3.2 release is on march 2nd/3rd.
Posted byJourdain#2724on Feb 23, 2018, 2:28:28 AM
Are tabs bought in the Abyss league transferred to the Bestiary league or I will have to buy them all over?
Posted byNemoRSRB#4469on Feb 23, 2018, 2:28:45 AM
Azorien wrote:
4 premium to 1 quad conversion please. It has been over a year now.
Posted bymobutu#5362on Feb 23, 2018, 2:38:31 AM
zaklanoceljade wrote:
Are tabs bought in the Abyss league transferred to the Bestiary league or I will have to buy them all over?
they with you forever
Posted byEarigami#2888on Feb 23, 2018, 2:44:03 AM
Jourdain wrote:
HewalChampyy wrote:
I bought 4 quad tabs but didn't get any mystery boxes? What do :/
You only get one mystery box, so if you got it already from a previous purchase you won't get anymore.
Oh! Thanks, thought it apply to each transaction.
Posted byHewalChampyy#1717on Feb 23, 2018, 2:57:03 AM
i got all of it thanks, and im done buying stash tab unless theres a new one
Posted byonevaz#0142on Feb 23, 2018, 3:53:52 AM
This is not a real sale. Only if you put a lot of money this has meaning. But if you have additional tabs and you only want to be the map tab for example you are fucked because it may be reduces in coin price but it is not reduced enough to buy less coins. So you spend the same amount of money as before. One of the basic lies in the industry :D :D :D
Posted bykpackapgo555#6261on Feb 23, 2018, 4:24:47 AM
Still no quad tab upgrade?
I don't mean to sound rude, but I can't help the way people interpret my words.
Posted byDAOWAce#0876on Feb 23, 2018, 4:37:12 AM
Jourdain wrote:
Loreweaver wrote:
Jourdain wrote:
"The Abyss Brimmed Hat is the third league-exclusive hat and will only be available until the end of the Abyss Challenge League." - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2042856
From this very thread: "At the time of release, the Abyss Brimmed Hat will leave the store forever, so don't miss your chance to add this league-exclusive to your collection!"
Hence my confusion.
Yeah, but the 3.2 update is the same day as the abyss league end 26th/27th depending on your timezone. So technically both are correct which can make it confusing since a lot of people assume 3.2 release is on march 2nd/3rd.
When did they change the date?
Posted byLoreweaver#1263on Feb 23, 2018, 5:06:42 AM