Announcing Path of Exile: Bestiary League
Smiter in coming!!!
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" Yeah, and they act like this will mess up non-crappy players "clear speed meta". Like being inefficient will ever be good. The Shitters who say things like that and wants GGG to not even listen to anything that's not positive... they will still be running an "interesting" build and be poor, have terrible gear, never see all the content etc. If that's fun to somebody then there's nothing wrong with that. They can be very obnoxious though, because they are often times the jealous type and want everybody else to be poor with crap builds like them. |
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It is no coincidence this update was timed for after the Monster Hunter release. Every developer and therefore game, is competing for one thing only:
Your available play time. The more you play, the more likely you are to spend money to support their game (considering it's F2P). Also, the more new games enter the market they shift the playing field - not only from a competitive standpoint, but a consumer taste perspective, and therefore developers must react. Edit: You also need to understand that developers are competing not just with games from within the genre (ie. ARPG) but ALL genres. It would be ignorant to say that just because PoE is an ARPG it isn't competing with PUBG because they are different games. While in some cases, people will only play one genre or the other, in most cases people choose between both genres to spend their time. Pokemon Go took over the world for a brief period. It generated big money. It has proven to be successful over generations. Monster Hunter also has a history of being successful, and with it's newest game was going to take away available playing time from consumers. PoE has launched a competitive attack to recapture some of this play time from the current market turbulence. This is their right. It is their company. While they do care about their community, they aren't going to watch their game fade away against the competition just to please a core group of players taste for what was PoE. Oh but sir, without their core they are nothing! Think again. Is a core a static group of players, or realistically and ever changing demographic? I hope you think it's the latter. You don't continually succeed in business by staying the same. You adapt and change or die. The league is TEMPORARY anyways. However, I would suspect to see more of these types of competitive tactics in the future considering the AGE of PoE. The older it gets the harder it becomes to compete for players play time. Time to grow up people. Last edited by DrB00M#3732 on Feb 16, 2018, 2:12:30 PM
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Vegan here.
Please put in humanoids to cage and sacrifice, too, if there aren't any already. As it is, yeah, why is it ok to do it to "beasts" and not two-legs? I don't imagine it will happen, if it's not there already. I'll play the league, and enjoy the gore, regardless. Why wouldn't I lol? |
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If you dont count fanbois, this leagues has the worst hype ever..
Just watched cutedogs and zizaran stream not only streamers but like %90 of watchers are saying no money, no supporter packs for GGG this time.. Hear me out.... GGG asking you $60 for this pack, this is the same as GTA5 which has 200.000.000$ budget.. I suspect this pack cost 200 hundreds dollars for GGG. Same layouts same things, same 4 guardian nonsense, classic GGG, yet you are asking us to support you at the same level of a 200 million dollar game. I think you dont listen your own community replies sometimes i agree but time, this is worst league idea. You really think you deserve this this money, with same layouts, same boss fights and you reaLLY put more into prophecies where almost all players hate... 0 dollars for you from me in this league. Period. This is what you deserve GGG.... I AM NOT GOING TO SPEND A SINGLE DOLLAR IN THIS LEAGUE. PLease please guys follow this trend. Do NOT let GGG runaway with this retardants this time. Again... What they are asking you for support packs are cost same as $100 million dollar games. WE HAVE FED GGG enough. Same shit as always. Pls PLS stop supporting them till they put out real content. Here is my manifesto i wont give you a single dime till you give us good end game content....... |
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Im not follow all ppls whining,
and say by myself only, seems bad league, cause need wait kill wait kill , i dont like it. |
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I have no delusions of anyone at GGG even reading this, but will post my reservations towards this league here anyway, if only so I can say "called it!" in the future.
Bestiary: While I love the idea of having a bestiary that gives more flavour and background on the creatures of the game, the way it seems to be RNG dependent to get certain enemies to spawn, and the fact that recipes will be better depending on the creature used, this just reeks of RNG (from crafting) compounded by more RNG (of finding the right creatures), which seems really tedious and a waste of time, considering just the regular RNG of crafting already borders on unfeasible gambling. Furthermore, I also worry about the whole capture process not disrupting the flow of the game and being viable at all when you are fast clearing maps either by one shotting everything, and/or by having a build that cannot control itss damage output, like summoners. Uber-Elder: The Elder Orb seems amazing, though with t16 map drop rate being so low, I wonder how feasible it will be to set up a map to 16 and then realistically expect to be able to sustain farming it. Also, since I'm pretty sure Elder Orb is supposed to be a reward for finishing Elder questline, presumably by either getting all 15 memory fragments or defeating the Uber Elder, I hope that they fix the RNG factor of making Elder spawn on a t15 for the 15th memory fragment. As it stands you currently have a 5% (up to 10 or 15% chance depending on where Elder influence appears on the map) of having Elder spawn on a t15 map, which is ridiculously low for a process that takes so long to achieve. You can get Elder to sppawn maybe once (or twice if you go full on hardcore mapping) per day, and thats if you spend many hours playing PoE per day. Gating what will essentially be the final boss behind such terrible RNG seems extremely asinine. Please make it so that Elder always spawns on t15 if the 15th memory fragment is the only one missing and the Elder has influence on a t15 map when he's going to spawn anyway. Ascendancies: The changes seem interesting, but I will reserve judgement until I see all. Speaking of which, please reveal them all in one go, and not extremely close to the release of the new league, to allow people to give feedback on them. Don't just reveal them a couple at a time every couple of days to generate hype, which will inevitably turn players angry when they feel they cannot give feedback prior to their implementation. Fated Uniques: Seems like more of the same. Hopefully a few will be good build enablers, not just the same old crappy uniques with some extra boring one or two mods slapped on it so that it feels like just a shinier turd. Also, does the implementation of more prophecies make it so it is less likely to get other prophecies now (meaning they're all in just one big random pool), or are prophecies, like items, "tiered" in a way, and these prophecies only affect the probability of generating prophecies of the same tier they belong to? I really hope it's the former, since theres waaaaaay more bad prophecies which could use some nerf in their frequency, rather than the latter which would make useful prophecies even more diluted, while leaving the chance to get the crappy ones untouched. Last edited by FissionMailed#3456 on Feb 16, 2018, 2:55:09 PM
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Just got my first supporter pack and getting ready to catch them all. I just hope the ascendancy changes are well balanced and if the bestiary system turns out to be a lot fun, it becomes permanent.
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Some people think that they have bigger eggs because they play in HC or kill Shaper; p And that's why every negative comment or treat their own opinion as castration because it loses ... It is a pity that they do not actually have these eggs. And they only look at how many "points they spent" and what they did not buy in the game.
I can not afford a support pack, I can not afford armor and the like. I have a wife and I will buy other expenses on my head - which I regret at times. But matters are more important. But I certainly have bigger eggs because I can - not perfect English - say what I do not like and what from my point of view is eaten - as in the upcoming league. And I do not harass others because they said something differently. They think about themselves because they play in HC, because they are killing shaper ... As soon as they are able to appreciate it - let them serve them. And whoever how much money he spent on the game - whether he beat the shaper or how many times he scored - does not make them better. And he does not give the right to criticize or oppress for his own opinion. |
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