Announcing Path of Exile: Bestiary League

Paldamus wrote:
Oh look another guy with 50 achievements that has never reached endgame or even killed Shaper, yet buys hundreds of dollars worth supp packs and calls actual endgame players that have more knowledge about the game salty "toxic" (overused meaningless word) QQ-ers, without any arguments of his own. Lmaoz

Just a thought, who should the Devs (who needs to eat) be listening to:

1) The Vet who doesn't pay?
2) the Nub who pays?

In reality the community isn't divided as such, but seeing as how that's how most of the comments are formulated.

Food for thought...
SSF since ~OB
Pokemon league
I'm sorry to be negative but to me this looks pretty lame. I don't play Pokemon. I don't want a menagerie and don't really like the idea of being rewarded for doing ritual sacrifices, even in a game. I'm not going to completely judge a book by its cover. I'll wait until it gets released, then I'll hate it.
viRXes wrote:
I don't want a menagerie and don't really like the idea of being rewarded for doing ritual sacrifices, even in a game.

Totally agree. Sound's disgusting.
"Oh look another (toxic) guy who is a really badass at this game it seems - but not able to see that there are many other ways to play a game than yours. So....wayne?"

Not sure what "so...wayne" means. Also you should try to stop using the overused word "toxic". Seriously man, noone takes that word seriously in 2018. Why don't you bring some arguments rather, instead of using that overused meaningless word. I mean if you think everyone that gives constructive criticism is "toxic" then WOW, you have a very weird mentality going on.
Last edited by Paldamus#1328 on Feb 16, 2018, 11:41:27 AM
"u are vet? u only played 2 leagues......"

I have played with ons/offs since before prophecy launched. Have you heard of STANDARD? I only played leagues in abyss and harbi and even there i only played a bit, like 1-2 weeks in each cos they weren't very good after beasts like breach etc.
Last edited by Paldamus#1328 on Feb 16, 2018, 11:37:51 AM
stonespeak wrote:
Paldamus wrote:
Oh look another guy with 50 achievements that has never reached endgame or even killed Shaper, yet buys hundreds of dollars worth supp packs and calls actual endgame players that have more knowledge about the game salty "toxic" (overused meaningless word) QQ-ers, without any arguments of his own. Lmaoz

Just a thought, who should the Devs (who needs to eat) be listening to:

1) The Vet who doesn't pay?
2) the Nub who pays?

In reality the community isn't divided as such, but seeing as how that's how most of the comments are formulated.

Food for thought...

The vets who don't pay? I will be playing standard, so who said i won't play or pay even lol? Dunno what others do. If ppl don't like this pokemon league and don't play then they shouldn't be listened to? Most vets have supported the game enough anyway, so why would you think that GGG won't care about all the negative feedback we're seeing here? Also you think GGG is having any financial difficulties by now lol? Cmon now :D
Last edited by Paldamus#1328 on Feb 16, 2018, 12:03:46 PM
So, as i said before, PoE is coming slowly to End.

This Move of GGG literaly destroyed the Games " Brutal, Horror, Scary, Dark World. "

Now you can enjoy Poe"kemon-Style.

Time to Move on guys,the exit is this way, follow me ------->>>>>
What a mess of hypocrites. I personally am looking forward to this league, from the first impression the catching of enemies is looking tedious but i will see.

Still with the other new challenges and implements this will be a refreshing start imho.

ebeninami wrote:
So, as i said before, PoE is coming slowly to End.

This Move of GGG literaly destroyed the Games " Brutal, Horror, Scary, Dark World. "

Now you can enjoy Poe"kemon-Style.

Time to Move on guys,the exit is this way, follow me ------->>>>>

Currently PoE issues is not the innovations, but the false diversity.

Nerfing 40% of the builds is not making any good. It is clearly kill the happiness of 40% of the population. That's it.

The diversity is achieved by introducing new schemes to add and expand the current, not by killing totally the current and replace them with "new" ones. this is false diversity.
To be forced to switch build is lame AF, it is fun killer, and I VERY DISLIKE THIS MOVEMENT OF GGG !
This is completely revolting.
With the "1h 6L wipe" the PoE turns to a joke now.
There is no sane reason for one to play it any further.
Last edited by SonicPLD2#7668 on Feb 16, 2018, 12:29:20 PM

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