An00bisLikesPie wrote:
Lol at the whiners in this thread. Quality comedy.
Stay awesome GGG, super hyped right now. Can't wait to play this!
Ps: The soundtrack, as always, is amazing.
Look at the white knight fanboys in this thread. Quality comedy.
Also some guy actually thinks that only "elite" players play maps... like are these ppl even serious even LMAO? Guy is saying that he plays storyline etc (vet plays that through in less than a day) and that ppl that do maps are "elite"? Like...................... so if i do a t1 map, i am an "elite" player? XD
Last edited by Paldamus#1328 on Feb 16, 2018, 9:47:24 AM
Posted byPaldamus#1328on Feb 16, 2018, 9:41:56 AM
Exile009 wrote:
Sierra275 wrote:
League looks cool but I'm not so hot on starting all over, so I'm still deciding whether to play league or standard. I'm wondering if anyone knows which content (or what the precedent is for which content) will be available in standard? All the bestiary stuff will probably be league-exclusive, but what about uber shaper, ascendency changes, new items, etc? Just started playing POE at the start of Abyss, so I don't really know how this works. Thanks!!
The Bestiary, its associated crafting and its new uniques are the only things that'll be league exclusive. Uber Shaper/Elder, Elder orb, Ascendancy changes, new skills and new Fated uniques will all be available in Standard as well. A (probably scaled-down i.e. less frequent version of) Abyss league is also being implemented into the core game starting from Act 6. You'll also get to keep all your stuff from Abyss league in Standard. They'll go into extra remove-only stash tabs, which disappear if they're emptied - most folks just leave them there so as not to have to use up their regular stash space (feel free to empty your remove-only Abyss currency tab, if you bought one, since you can just pool all your wealth in the Standard one given its much higher storage capacity than regular stash tabs - same with Essence, Divination and Fragment tabs).
I should warn you, though, if you're planning on making new builds in Standard - the Standard league trade market is ridiculous compared to the leagues. Everything is worth either nothing or...well, more money than you likely have. There's also fewer players to trade with, as leagues are more popular, and so it might take you longer to buy what you want. This is all if you do actually trade, of course.
Much appreciated! Yeah I mean I just enjoy playing the current characters I have, and I don't want to have to remake them all over in the new League. But it looks pretty cool so I'll see how busy I am when the new league starts. Cheers!
Posted bySierra275#0653on Feb 16, 2018, 9:48:08 AM
Rakiii wrote:
I have mixed feelings about all the content showed.
The bestiary league:
It seems like essence type league mixed with some zoo idea and crafting behind.
The results should be powerful enough but according to the showed staff I doubt about it.
I wonder how it fits current speed meta though.
Having bestiary in PoE is a cool idea but I haven´t seen any monster stats there.
The Uber Elder Ok so we have four versions of the Elder now white, yellow, red and Uber.
I have thought Elder and Shaper are fighting with each other so what´s changed now? I am confused and it´s not really an original idea (probably inspired by the Uber Atziri).
Revamped Ascendancy:
Instead of rebalancing them we got new set of skills/utilities here. I smell new level of power creep here but I am ready to see what´s behind the scene.
New gems:
Summon phantasm: I am not a fan of on kill effects/skills but whatever.
Spectral shield: Shield transformed into projectile is weird to me and this skill seems broken anyway.
New Fated Unique items:
I am not a fan of fated unique items anyway. Unused unique items should be rebalanced without making them fated but better than nothing.
Elder´s orb - I smell it will be gated behind uber Elder. Any map means unique maps also? It would be interesting.
I see many new weird skills connected to special rare/unique items. I think it makes things more complicated but we will see.
I think adding new stuff is cool and all but we have too many relics from the past unchanged.
It will make all things even more complicated.
PoE used to be dark and scary place but things are changing too fast and I have mixed feelings about it.
I think we need more consistency and rebalanced things that were added to the game in the past but we will see after some testing how it goes.
So this is actually why they are changing the ascendencies. At least this is the theory. The ascendencies are going to be a bit more consolidated. Meaning, the type of character you choose is realistically now only good for specific build-types as opposed to 1000. This is what they are changing to make the other more complicated portions of the game feel less complicated to new players.
Just a theory anyway.
As long as they remake the character designs, then this should work out fine. If not, it'll be a shit-show after limited time.
Posted byphroztbyt3#7857on Feb 16, 2018, 9:54:16 AM
nice:) next cool features in PoE :)
Posted byMosaj#6930on Feb 16, 2018, 9:57:55 AM
it is really great that you give us 2 seperate "packs" to choose!""""
great & ty
▒▒▒▒░░░░░ ++HIDEOUT IMPROVEMENT THREAD: ..../view-thread/2179528...++░░░░▒▒▒▒
Posted byloCurnus#1594on Feb 16, 2018, 9:59:11 AM
hyped for the new leauge will play 24/7 to get all beasts
Posted bywahts006#1186on Feb 16, 2018, 10:02:14 AMBanned
Albino rhoa hunt is opened :-)
A new /820 is going to be needed to buy/sell creatures in the wild.
Help me complete my unique collection: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/335591
IGN: CGT_FR Last edited by Borow#3343 on Feb 16, 2018, 10:21:16 AM
Posted byBorow#3343on Feb 16, 2018, 10:05:10 AM
you can kill Animals so sexy and politically correctly
in the end we will kill animals and not people)
Nice update
Posted bymightyhavan#5234on Feb 16, 2018, 10:12:46 AM
why is information spread on 50 other pages,why cant u just post here?
Posted bydomac#6743on Feb 16, 2018, 10:47:26 AM