Announcing Path of Exile: Bestiary League

Hm. For the first time I'm indifferent and not hyped about the new league. Not sure why, it just sounds, meh, whatever... Hunting animals is boring, I'd rather do the opposite - releasing tigers from cages. I like cats and dogs and chickens and other farm animals. This game needs more demons and hellspawn, less monkeys and spiders.

Or maybe I'm just overworked and tired. Will sleep on it.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
Last edited by morbo#1824 on Feb 15, 2018, 3:27:19 PM
JCOH35 wrote:
Also surprised more people arent upset about the alarming increase of the gear treadmill speed. They just recently made the majority of rare and uniques obselete with shaped/elder items, then added in abysal items which were massively overpowered and now they are implementing another entire new batch of items and crafting methods. So why should I farm my butt off for any of this if its going to replaced by something else again the next league.

I get that eventually everything gets replaced, its the point of any game but not every 2-3 months. Id like to enjoy the gear I work for a little bit longer, not everyone farms 10 mirrors a league like your precious streamers running 40 shaped vaults an hour pee'ng in a bucket under their pc.

If you're not like Wilson said: "The kind who have no job and do 16 hours a day on Path of Exile..." then quit dreaming, majority of the game is not designed for normal people, you simply cant keep up with the pace if you have other things to do in your life.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke
Last edited by Toshis8#1464 on Feb 15, 2018, 3:27:51 PM
I love the idea. I think it's going to be a great league!
Extremely disappointing. Pokemons after depths of Abyss? C'mon...

Btw.: Would be nice to do something with servers stability and optimalizate the game for better performance. The game can do increadible lag spikes in ms and fps as well. This must be more priority than a new contents.
Last edited by Psylimusic#2548 on Feb 15, 2018, 3:31:31 PM
Quite aside from the crafting possibilities, Einhar Frey can be the expression of something I've wanted to see in PoE for a long time: an ingame codex. Imagine, if you will, the idea of his tome offering actual detailed information about the various creatures you encounter in Wraeclast, with more detail filling in as you slay more and more of them. Further, the idea that you are learning the art of hunting could be translated ingame by offering damage bonuses versus particular types of creatures as you hit specified kill counts (Tesla vs. Lovecraft does this). The only downside of the Bestiary mechanic I see so far is a minor one: the fact that Tora would have been equally qualified as a presenter... still, it will be interesting to see what these two hunters have to say about each other. Also, it appears the menagerie is a distinct area from your actual hideout; I imagine that, like a hideout, it will grow in size and customization options as you advance Einhar's progression track.

Even if Einhar and his distinct mechanics don't make their way into the core game, I would love to see a codex appear in some form.

I'd also opined that a 'shield toss' would not be unwelcome; that one will now exist amuses me greatly (yes, its spectral projectile explodes on impact instead of bouncing, but that sounds almost as fun).

It also appears that we'll be seeing four new 'sets' of items from the Spirit Beasts. While formal set bonuses don't exist here, I find the fact that we have informal ones interesting. Might I suggest giving each of these sets a corresponding skin pack that is unlocked as an account reward when a character has all the pieces (even if they're then discarded/traded/etc.)? Miniature 'pet' forms of the Spirit Beasts could also be rewards (i.e. 5 Craiceann kills unlocks his miniature version).
White Knight of the Order of Mihoshi Enthusiasts
"Destroyed overnight, or the next one's free."
Listen GGG,

I am Honored to be one of your players, You are the best freaking company in all gaming industry can I make payment plan where you can take my bank acc!

meh. menagerie?! like in wow? oh my..
i don't know about this one Chris.

What's next? pet battles?
My wife left me. I got crabs.
KaiDKB wrote:
JCOH35 wrote:
My concern is as others pointed out, 90% of the ascendancy "balance" will be nerfs, 28 of 30 of the fated uniques will be trash and the other 2 will cost 20 exalted.....

This is my primary concern as well. I hope the ascendancy changes will be focused on buffing the underwhelming/obsolete options that currently exist in underused nodes (or ascendancy classes). I also hope this does not completely wreck everything for my current characters. It would be nice to get a full skill/ascendancy point refund option coupled with a refresh of the Eramir quest reward options.

quote from chris on gameinformer...

“Some of the classes became much better than the others, and some became worse. When you draw a line of acceptability through the middle, it meant that some of the classes just weren’t being played; 19 choices became 17 became 15 became 12, you get the idea. There were a few right answers for ascendancy, then a few that were just a little bit off the mark and people felt bad when they picked them.

“We did two things. The first was a full balance pass to make sure that all of these were equivalently powerful and they feel good when you get them, and they’d increase the power levels of the bad ones without disturbing the power levels of the good ones. From the players’ point of view, we’ve buffed the ascendancies and they’ll be pleased with that. We’ve basically revamped and retrofitted all of the ascendancy classes to do new stuff, and it’s going to feel like a big difference to the players.

we always get a full tree and class respec, ull need to complete normal lab again if you want to switch ascendancies at the alter presumably but its not going to cost you regrets.

regarding the class changes and new skills, awesome. New skills for me are the lifeblood, the new shield throw looks sick and I cant wait to get into it with that one.

the crit is coming!!!

the league... everything doesnt have to be for everyone. I think it all looks cool and theres ideas and fun... but we got orb crafting. and we got master crafting. and we got essence crafting. This is another crafting, do we need a 4th way to craft? It looks all rather long winded, I collect pugsy and I collect spike and I collect barry the rabbit and then I put them all in my zoo and bring them all together and fight them to end up with 1 item? I dunno mangs, I feel like I can spam 100 essences on a rare and get nothing from it, so.... do I wanna go through all that for 1 crafted item thats gonna be shit? Im sure theres some exclusive outcomes that will make the system worth having and using and Im sure a lot of people are gonna have a lot of fun but Im not sold.

Thats fine tho, I hope a lot of people love it and its really successful, Im happy enough with new subclass options and a cool new skill, maybe Ill spend a lot of time on standard this league and tbh that suits me fine as Ive been feeling the burnout with these endless expansions and leagues just churning over.

Grats on what was obviously a lot of effort gone into this one, where you manage to find the time I dunno.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Omg, I didn't read all comments, but some people are so grumpy... You'll get new great content, new gems, new items, new master(if I can call him like that), Elder's Orb(!), your own beastzoo even possibilities of performing new sacrifice rituals and still want something else? Go out.
But maybe this is just opinion of average player, who play league for league, not only for 'material' benefits, like well crafted items. I'll just gonna play, kill monsters and climb up on my imaginary mountain of poembition! That's it for me. Gonna have fun of new content!
But I wanna have that Elder's Orb right now, too, haha. And such a shame that I'll never get up to the center of the Atlas with my currently style of playing. Arrr. Love it anyway, we can't have everything. That's why we still playing!

Trailer looks just amazing, lot of great work, GGG. I like that update. I like when you add something gamechanging. Hope there is piece of story behind everything... I love stories, such a shame that after first 4 acts, in 10 acts expansion you stopped adding characters monologues. Please, give me more of that in future! If that is important for me I am sure that is important for big amounts of players. Feel what character feels, hear what he/she thinks about changes in the world, about what happend and that kind of things. I wonder if you read this!

Love you all!
Have a nice life!
Smile! <3

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