[BUG] Scion Slayer Ascendancy

Life leech effects are being removed at full life on my Scion/Slayer. I can kill an entire zone and then let the last mob hit me, and I will stay at whatever life it hit me down to (I specced into Vaal Pact to check).
Last edited by jsdf on Dec 16, 2017, 9:00:13 AM
Last bumped on Jun 9, 2018, 2:52:24 AM
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confirmed i tested this aswell
Easy way to prove it's bugged:

Spec Vaal Pact on a Scion w/ Slayer Ascendancy
Kill a pack with a life leeching skill
Find a new pack and take damage and observe no leech after taking damage

Spec Vaal Pact on a Slayer w/ Endless Hunger Ascendancy
Kill a pack with a life leeching skill
Find a new pack and take damage and observe your health instantly regenerating from leech after taking damage

Either Slayer's leech is bugged and lasting indefinitely while at full life when it shouldn't, or Scion's is bugged and is expiring while on full life.
Last edited by jsdf on Jun 9, 2018, 2:56:05 AM
Yeah, I can also confirm it's bugged. Wanted to try a build with the new Oni-Goroshi sword, just to realize that I'm still losing health after clearing half a map.
I'm experiencing this aswell, leveled a scion for something specific only to find out it's not working.

I have tested in these two ways: kill a LOAD of mobs ( with blood rage on): immediately when i stop attacking/killing, i start degenerating, alternatively, i killed a load of mobs without blood rage on, and then stopped attacking and let a mob hit me, i leeched back no hp whatsoever.
Is there a fix for this, this is a huge bug that is effecting me too..

Scion slayer is removing leech at full life.
yeah, just figured this out when I finally reached the Scion Slayer Ascendancy.
Quite a bummer, when you rely on it on build planning.
Sad part, i suppose this bug present since begining of the league, which is quite some time and it's still not fixed. QQ

Please FIX.
Hmm... I'm a 99 ascendant slayer in abyss and I never noticed that the slayer leech has been bugged. And after testing it out in lower leveled zones, I still regenerate with vaal pact after that I have killed mobs and reached maximum hitpoints. So I don't know why it's not working for you guys.

I tried it this way:
get hit by monsters to lose hitpoints
kill the monsters so that your leech starts
1 second after I got maximum hp from my leech I activated blood rage and it still regenerated me for a good 5 seconds
Last edited by Lothrik on May 25, 2018, 11:41:07 PM
Lothrik wrote:
It's not bugged, you guys are just confused about how leech works.

With no overkill leech and only 1-2% leech your leech instances aren't going to last long at all, it doesn't matter if you have permanent leech when you're only creating 1-2 second long leech instances to begin with.

Slayer leech lasts such a long time because "20% of Overkill Damage is Leeched as Life" is RIDICULOUSLY powerful.

If you actually want your leech to permanently sustain through degen effects like Blood Rage, Oni-Goroshi, or Righteous Fire, you need to be a Slayer. The knock-off brand Ascendant isn't going to cut it, unless you're prepared to stack a LOT of different leech sources.

Edit: Just as a disclaimer I played around with two different Ascendant-Slayer builds this league. Neither of them used degen effects like Blood Rage and my permanent leech was working just fine, because it wasn't instantly being depleted by said effects.

Yeah. I posted the reply above you and also confirmed that it worked, I have around 3% leech and vaal pact and TONS of damage which is why my leech lasted long, and thse who been calling it "bugged" probably did so while leveling or just have low leech or a low amount of damage.

My friend is also playing a oni goroshi scion slayer with blood rage and sustaining just fine.
Last edited by freshpro on Jan 3, 2018, 2:19:48 AM

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