150 points map tab bollocks BONUS: Fragment tab is 75 points, totaling at 22,5$!
" Yeah the problem with this is that you as player know little about running company and trying to balace all the things that comes. It is not just simple "oh we get 45k bucks for that yay cake". It is more complicated than you might think. " It has more that you or me might think but also demand from community is a important factor. Why samsung doesnt sell their top product for cheap price? Why Note 8 is more expencive than Iphone X? (compare 256 GB versions). There will be discount for that tab like it was for any mtc they have. And i will buy it then. I dont need that map tab so much, i never hoarded a high amounts of maps (currency is different, essencec and cards also - thats why i have all three of them). I see usefullness that this tab provides but it is not that important as many suggest this is. There are many factors that was taken while pricing new map tab. Effort is one of them. Ad last question - are you programmer? |
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" Sometimes. The reason I said it's nifty is because some games do that, you buy a costume and then buy different colors for it at a small premium. After all, it's just recoloring textures and effects (if any), in modding it counts as beginner level of difficulty and it isn't exactly taking weeks for a skilled hand. Hell, you can get skin recolors for SFV as a gift code on cans of redbull. Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs. ◄[www.moddb.com/mods/balancedux]► ◄[www.moddb.com/mods/one-vision1]► Last edited by raics#7540 on Dec 15, 2017, 2:54:05 PM
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" So UMM where does their revenue come from if it isn't from MTX and supporter pack sales???? |
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" My view is that the main advantage of the map stash tab is that I no longer have to spend time organizing my map tabs. To fix the main drawback, a sort of the whole map tab really has to be fixed though, IMHO. So, if you leave all your legacy maps where they are then one new map tab would be enough to take advantage of the automatic organizing advantage. Now I bought 2 tabs to hold the next older generation of maps. But that is just because I had plenty of points, not because I really needed it. I'm playing standard this league and will try to use all of the two older generations of maps anyway. Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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Lets take a step back and look at this from a different perspective. Many have said NEW players won't be able to function without tab. Why would new players have legacy maps?
New players won't be able to trade efficently. New players generally don't know the value of stuff and get screwed over by the people controlling the economy anyways. If you are hoarding fuse to 6l an item You could easily mule those or convert them to chaos or exalt and then buy them back when you have enough. If you are saying they can't trade effectively without premium tabs, how did we do it for all those years? Ohh right we used to have to set up shops manually and then there were browser apps and then stand alone ones. Who developed those? Ohh thats right 3rd party people who either wanted to do it for learning/fun or those who wanted to make some $$ of of it. Did anyone scream UNETHICAL P2WIN why is GGG letting a person develop a program and make money from it! Or how about poe.trade AD revenue! And all those snipping programs that got taken out recently, hmm market manipulators. The crux of your argument is you want something for free, you feel justified and cannot accept that logically you do not have an argument. As for the Brazilian kid playing 320x240 res. Sucks bad but they should not hold off development on new technologies so someone with a 1980's trs 80 can play. If that was the cast we would all still be playing adventure on our atari 2600's or mudding. |
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What new technologies? PoE's graphics are bad, this is undeniable. The game is heavy because of all the crap on the screen, not because it achieved anything technologically. Remember how long it took to remove desync?
Last edited by Johny_Snow#4778 on Dec 15, 2017, 4:38:01 PM
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" Agree. @M. Snow New GPus and CPUs those extra GB or ram etc.... They need to be used. ;) Personally i really like graphic of PoE. It is one of the few hns games that holds me for such long time. And i tried many of them, several was able to finish, few hooked me up, currently i play one and sometimes im bac to Van Hellsing because it has some awesome jokes inside but so crappy mechanics. I wonder if new WH40K will do the same but it looks like its based on the same engine as VH. |
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" You should also realize your statements must be qualified by your lack of experience of said perspective you attempt to harp from. " You DO see how you contradict yourself here, right? Trading is a pain in the ass. Sure, you can convert currency around, but even for an EXPERIENCED trader, it's going to involve a degree of time spent going through AFKs/people in rotations/people in lab/fake onlines/etc. and losing a portion of your value; take your pick. And the fact that you said "Convert them to chaos" (when a stack of fusings is worth MORE than a stack of chaos in any situation outside early in a new league) kinda also shows a disconnect from here; you're talking about something you've never actually dealt with yourself. By contrast, I *HAVE* had to deal with huge quantities of currency taking up space; I had 13 tabs of nothing but currency when GGG FINALLY introduced the currency tab. I've had to shuffle around some currency at times. It's a pain, and definitely far beyond what you could expect a NEW player to do; for me it was only plausible because I'm someone who's basically enmeshed themselves into the trading metagame of every online game they've played. However, I also have the distinction of recognizing I'm DEFINITELY not the norm, and that most players would be having a HARDER time of those things than I, simply because they're not as used to them. " And again, you demonstrate a lack of experience here. Procurement and Acquisition were free to acquire, and did NOT require payment. Similarly, in those days, because of the extra difficulty in using them versus premium tabs, fewer people traded; today, there's a LOT more trading, meaning it's all that more to catch up to the "norm;" it's how economies work. If you're not EXCEEDINGLY good (or spend inordinate amounts of time) then you cannot hope to match the level of trading done by others by using a third-party work-around. " Well, it *IS* technically supposed to be a free-to-play game, even if there's plenty of folk that enjoy showing off just how much money they've sunk in... Since you don't seem to recall, the ENTIRE mantra from Chris was supposed to be "Ethical microtransactions;" they wanted people to be able to give as much support for the game as they desired, (And similarly, whether or not they wanted to show OFF said support...) but they did NOT want to create any form of barrier (be it a hill or complete wall) that was to be surmounted through paying money. That's the problem with the current stash tab system; it's an arms race where players CLEARLY get an advantage by having them, and the economy is affected, whether or not a player decides to use said tabs. It's a far cry from cosmetics. " Oooh, you can namedrop old systems... But you clearly don't understand programming. It's a simple matter: PoE's engine is pretty laughably inefficient. Even those of us with things like i7s and GTX 1080s are seeing sub-par performance. (again, that's a setup that does SHD to 4K and maxed settings on every other game and expects 60 FPS... With PoE being the glaring exception to the rule) Path of Exile looks like a free-to-play game; it's graphics are severely outclassed by even the norm of what you'd see on the Xbox One or PS4. Its camera angle means there's no huge draw distances with colossal scenes to render in exquisite detail. There's no decent reason why it has performance Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
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" You mean, not getting 60fps with >$1000 in new computer equipment with a game that looks dated is a GREAT thing in your book? ;) Occam's razor simply tells me you should probably try some other games and compare. Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
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" I have rig from 2010 and i cant complain. |
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