Path of Exile 3.1.0: War for the Atlas Patch Notes

NickK_GGG wrote:
Path of Exile: War for the Atlas

Skill Balance
  • Your minions (and their minions) will no longer deal or take damage while you are dead.

At last something meaningful, was wonder how long summoners will stay so broken. Thank you.
Last edited by Coolmer#1879 on Dec 6, 2017, 2:09:05 AM
All thats left in our minds is still nerfs and nerfs thats all where are the buffs you promised? Why are you messing so wrongly with the community?
You want to favour that 1% of fuckheads jobless people who play the game 15hours a day that are filthy rich? those flippers? seriously? what happens to the rest of us 99% you keep this game alive so many years?
Seriously guys you must be really retarded if you support GGG after all this by buying packs and microtransactions.
Woke up yesterday and i really felt sick after reading those horrible patch notes and saw Chris Wilson's phrase that said "we left the buffs as a surprise in tomorrow's patch" Really MR Chris? is that it today? where are the buffs?
I am sure that some mechanically retarded players will support GGG as they always do even though GGG fucks them over and over again.
Its just the money they are thinking about guys, if you riot by not supporting them then things will change they will stop wrecking peoples time and efforts to buy something nice by destroying it. Theyn will change their way of thinking, "i'm gonna nerf that and dont give a fuck what the community thinks"
Goodmorning to all of you and for the guys that will play friday, good luck to you all.
Yea i'm playing but no support pack or micro buying sorry GGG.

Hell i am even sure that they removed the enchant +2 Barrage from lab so players wont be able to get it these last 2 days.
Last edited by philipma#4097 on Dec 6, 2017, 2:22:17 AM
Gogodrop37 wrote:
Cyclone can no longer be supported by Ruthless Support

kill my build... (why this change ? )

My best bet is it was done because it was too easy to proc ruthless? Imho this change makes little sense and further adds to complexity of skill gem interactions which, imho, is already complex as it is.
Detonate Dead now deals spell damage based on the level of the skill gem, in addition to damage based on the corpse's maximum life

are you aware that it was already the case ?
IGN TylordRampage
NickK_GGG wrote:
Path of Exile: War for the Atlas
  • Lycosidae: Chance to drop from monsters has been greatly reduced. This item was being used on a significant portion of melee characters across all levels as an extremely cheap way to get around accuracy requirements.
  • Bisco's Collar: Chance to drop from monsters has been greatly reduced.

Really? Greatly reduced?

Leveled 5-ish characters to 90ish in Harbinger and never found either of these (which is not statistically significant, of course), but still...

And what is the logic in reducing drop rates/accessability of an item if many people use it?

A general question for GGG:
Do you want the difference in attainable goals for "casual" and hardcore (12h+ daily) players to increase or decrease over time as you develop/patch the game? Because I am wondering...
Last edited by PeraAxel#4459 on Dec 6, 2017, 2:16:37 AM
"In this game you're just a cow being milked, not a human being entertained" - Kiss_Me_Quick
Oblitus wrote:
...baron builds don't really work endgame, since zombies are squishy no matter how you boost them) ...

What r u talking about? Squishy?! With this build I clicked guards (and farm them) like cherries and killed Shaper! And my equip were not perfect. Squishi, LUL! )))
Harvest (Жатва) - лучшее, что когда-либо случалось с ПОЕ. F*ck 3.14!
laminarija wrote:
Gogodrop37 wrote:
Cyclone can no longer be supported by Ruthless Support

kill my build... (why this change ? )

My best bet is it was done because it was too easy to proc ruthless? Imho this change makes little sense and further adds to complexity of skill gem interactions which, imho, is already complex as it is.

With Cyclone it meant that every third start of a cyclone got the Ruthless buff. So you could make two 1' Cyclones without it, then clear a room with it active. Obviously a 100% More multiplier from one gem is kind of crazy.
Last edited by Urze#3826 on Dec 6, 2017, 2:28:38 AM
If this is a joke i dont understand it.
what about arcane surge?

still continue to work when socketed in a 6link for duration support in RF and Death aura builds ?

thanks for who will reply me

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