Black Friday through to Cyber Monday Weekend Sale!

Sorry guys, but... There are schedule MTX? If I go to sleep at night? When should I get up?
This whiole "sale" seem like horrible idea. Random items on sale change every hour. This feels frustrating at the very start already. Should have done small normal sale in stead. Better do small than do bad.
yeah, done for the night, if anything I want goes on sale and I'm not here for it. I guess I don't care.

oh wait i still havent received the crappy mystery box which was my only price for a 10 day turmoil.

oops.. no money for you , keep your crappy sales, maybe make sure that when you have to give away something that it works first, when it makes money it always works.

or...did you merge with EA?
Last edited by smellypooperd#7246 on Nov 24, 2017, 5:51:21 AM
Well if you add things to your watchlist and you go to sleep you will get pm what u missed and on what hour.
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
Daehak wrote:
I was all set to buy 6 quad tabs when I got home from work.. but now I can't.

If GGG want to PM me with the price they'll be when on sale i'll gladly buy them now, but I wont be checking every hour on the hour for them, so you'll likely just lose my sale and any future enthusiasm to purchase.

Sales FAIL.


The quad goes down to 120 a piece when on sale and will be on sale next weekend. yep, not included in this sale and the super stash sale should have been this weekend but they put this roulette on instead.

Check out the list here when they last went on sale 3rd November.
This thing was a horrible idea. If they want to make a fun community interaction thing, why not make them 24 hours and then have a poll up for people to vote for the next sale the following 24 hours. That would give everyone enough time to actually buy it and some fun interaction.

This 1 hour thing is just frustrating.
Most of people here are crying...Why? They gave you quite cool sale for the weekends! You should be happy with it.
That's interactive sale with good idea, if you want to buy something you should deserve it and be patient.
Thanks GGG, my wishlist is ready!
Seems like popular items are barely less expensive on black friday discount. The Infernal set normally sells for about 310 or 320 on regular sale days, and now it's only 30 or 20 couins less than that. Are all the sales going to be like this?
You can get more sales if you discount all the MTX at the same time, and we players will be happy too.

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