Little public service announcement for the very few white knights in here attempting to defend the sale:
If a lot of people are unhappy and not spending money, yet you like the sale, it's still a bad sale. The entire purpose of a sale is to drive...well, sales. If the majority of people won't be spending money, it's a bad business move for the company. Defending it is not giving you any brownie points, it's not making those of us who are not spending money want to spend money and at worst, it could allow GGG to think that maybe a bad idea was a good one.
These are pixels we are buying, digital content. All they cost to create are man-hours. GGG can price these items any way they want, it's all profit unless they give them away. The reason they do a sale is so that people who might not spend money normally will decide to do so because an item they want is now in a price range they can swing. Gate these items behind a strange hourly system and irritate a large number of potential customers, you're simply losing out on money.
Saying ridiculous things like "be happy they're giving you a sale at all" or "be patient so you deserve the sale" help no one. We don't have to spend money on this game. It's free. A sale is supposed to be designed to encourage us to spend that money on this instead of whatever else we might use it for. If it's a terrible sale, there's no upside, we'll just spend money elsewhere.
I will never understand people who rush to defend a company even when it's making poor choices. Stop to think about what you're saying and what other people are trying to convey. If GGG wants to make the maximum amount of profit, which it's safe to assume they do, they're best off listening to the people complaining and not spending money than those who will be happy with any choice they make. The white knights will keep spending money regardless, the rest of us will only throw that cash at them if we like what we're paying for and how much we're paying. It's not an attack on GGG, it's not whining, it's a learning experience. You want the people who are on the fence about spending to spend, that's just good business.
Posted bySardekar#4803on Nov 24, 2017, 6:19:33 AM
po0lsen wrote:
Most of people here are crying...Why?
Because it promotes not having a life.
Remove Horticrafting station storage limit.
Posted byChar1983#2680on Nov 24, 2017, 6:26:44 AM
Why not full product -50% 48 hours of sale?
Posted byc22031897#2822on Nov 24, 2017, 6:27:18 AM
Sardekar wrote:
Little public service announcement for the very few white knights in here attempting to defend the sale:
If a lot of people are unhappy and not spending money, yet you like the sale, it's still a bad sale. The entire purpose of a sale is to drive...well, sales. If the majority of people won't be spending money, it's a bad business move for the company. Defending it is not giving you any brownie points, it's not making those of us who are not spending money want to spend money and at worst, it could allow GGG to think that maybe a bad idea was a good one.
These are pixels we are buying, digital content. All they cost to create are man-hours. GGG can price these items any way they want, it's all profit unless they give them away. The reason they do a sale is so that people who might not spend money normally will decide to do so because an item they want is now in a price range they can swing. Gate these items behind a strange hourly system and irritate a large number of potential customers, you're simply losing out on money.
Saying ridiculous things like "be happy they're giving you a sale at all" or "be patient so you deserve the sale" help no one. We don't have to spend money on this game. It's free. A sale is supposed to be designed to encourage us to spend that money on this instead of whatever else we might use it for. If it's a terrible sale, there's no upside, we'll just spend money elsewhere.
I will never understand people who rush to defend a company even when it's making poor choices. Stop to think about what you're saying and what other people are trying to convey. If GGG wants to make the maximum amount of profit, which it's safe to assume they do, they're best off listening to the people complaining and not spending money than those who will be happy with any choice they make. The white knights will keep spending money regardless, the rest of us will only throw that cash at them if we like what we're paying for and how much we're paying. It's not an attack on GGG, it's not whining, it's a learning experience. You want the people who are on the fence about spending to spend, that's just good business.
Well said! Nothing to add
Posted byKrelian6#0097on Nov 24, 2017, 6:29:04 AM
I feel disappointed. 30% discount compared to regular 25% it shows it's not worth to wait for mtx :<
Posted bykaroollll2534#2874on Nov 24, 2017, 6:32:10 AM
Where is that 80% for good stuff ? :D
Sardekar wrote:
Little public service announcement for the very few white knights in here attempting to defend the sale:
If a lot of people are unhappy and not spending money, yet you like the sale, it's still a bad sale. The entire purpose of a sale is to drive...well, sales. If the majority of people won't be spending money, it's a bad business move for the company. Defending it is not giving you any brownie points, it's not making those of us who are not spending money want to spend money and at worst, it could allow GGG to think that maybe a bad idea was a good one.
These are pixels we are buying, digital content. All they cost to create are man-hours. GGG can price these items any way they want, it's all profit unless they give them away. The reason they do a sale is so that people who might not spend money normally will decide to do so because an item they want is now in a price range they can swing. Gate these items behind a strange hourly system and irritate a large number of potential customers, you're simply losing out on money.
Saying ridiculous things like "be happy they're giving you a sale at all" or "be patient so you deserve the sale" help no one. We don't have to spend money on this game. It's free. A sale is supposed to be designed to encourage us to spend that money on this instead of whatever else we might use it for. If it's a terrible sale, there's no upside, we'll just spend money elsewhere.
I will never understand people who rush to defend a company even when it's making poor choices. Stop to think about what you're saying and what other people are trying to convey. If GGG wants to make the maximum amount of profit, which it's safe to assume they do, they're best off listening to the people complaining and not spending money than those who will be happy with any choice they make. The white knights will keep spending money regardless, the rest of us will only throw that cash at them if we like what we're paying for and how much we're paying. It's not an attack on GGG, it's not whining, it's a learning experience. You want the people who are on the fence about spending to spend, that's just good business.
MTX here for me is a way how i could show gratitude towards GGG, and F2P Path of Exile.
We're not a BA here, to talk to GGG how they should proceed with their sales. They gave good opportunity to spend some money and to buy MTXs we want (there is a wishlist functionality that'll e-mail you if needed).
I don't think that they'll receive less money that during standard Daily sales.
Posted bypo0lsen#3419on Nov 24, 2017, 6:56:07 AM
Posted byc22031897#2822on Nov 24, 2017, 7:00:35 AM
Weta Pet? Rly? haha
Posted byBentic#7016on Nov 24, 2017, 7:00:56 AM
Ahhhhhhahhhhhhhahhhhh I knew the Weta pet would be the 80% off item....
Ascension tied to Lab is the worst thing GGG has done...apart from GGG's philosophy on Trading. Oh and Gambling Loot boxes. And selling out to tencent.
I used to love GGG. I supported to ensure GGG remained independent, now I just wish I could get my money back. -_-
Posted byChameleon#4418on Nov 24, 2017, 7:01:12 AM