Black Friday through to Cyber Monday Weekend Sale!

I'm disappointed in the sale.

The hourly sales for cosmetic stuff makes GGG look greedy. And looking at the deals so far they aren't even good(More expensive items are less discounted).

I usually hope GGG makes a lot of money from this, but not this time. It's a bad business practice, the people that pay these prices for cosmetics that carry the game financially are being punished with that.
Aldora_the_Summoner wrote:
guidom1980 wrote:
I ain't complaining :)
Grinding maps, checking sale, repeat...

This guy gets it! :)

repeat as many time as you can, then quickly sleep just 2 hours, wake up and check : you missed it !
SSF for ever :)
Last edited by LoloTwingo#3920 on Nov 24, 2017, 3:41:29 AM
haha classic GGG
Dang... Why sale cannot be daily? quite annoying to check hourly, and then notice its only 1 item or 1 armour set =/
Wow rookie marketing mistake GGG. This is not how you do this. You put everything you wanna have on sale up now for 30-50% off. THEN you do a revolving sale for an additional 30% off.

This just smacks of a greedy, cynical money grab. It actually makes me question the companies health and long term viability when they need to try and manipulate their customers in this manner. I guarantee you this will backfire.

-marketing professional
"the Chaos and Order Mystery Boxes, Harbinger Hat and Harbinger Supporter Packs will all be leaving the store soon"

I hope people will realize Loot boxes are scam and way to addict people and milk people to pay more in hope of good items (you wont get any btw). I can't support any company which exploits "whales" or people with addictive personality and use this exploit to milk money from them. Gonna pass this sale as any other sales until they take away lootboxes and other gambling featues. It's disgracing and i hope people will stop supporting GGG until they take em off. Also hourly "black friday" sales is as bad as loot boxes, it just make people to "buy" things in fear of not getting any better value for money. Another way to milk money from players.. jeesus this is sad

Just my 2 cent!
Last edited by KimiiG#7298 on Nov 24, 2017, 3:39:08 AM
"We can consider point pack purchases made from the 17th of November 2017 (NZT) onwards as eligible to be contributed to the War for the Atlas or Abyss Supporter Packs".

If I buy something in the shop now, still count for this?
酷!! 盡量賣...我需要很多折扣商品 :D 我愛GGG
Nice, let's hope I'll be able to grab some good sales :)
*Just ggrabbed my missing carnage set pieces, thank you!

What I've always disliked about point packs is that they only count towards the supporter packs that are at that time in the store. In the past this has actually stopped me from buying point packs at various times, including using those points on daily deals.
I would love it if we could use point packs to pre-pay for supporter packs which are coming to/are not yet in the store if we already have bought the highest available supporter pack(s).

Cannot wait for this expansion!

PS: I would love it if cast on crit was de-nerfed somewhat, I really miss that type of build. Especially with massive monster leagues like breach, and probably also abyss.
PSS: I can see how some players see hourly daily deal switches as annoying, they simply do not want to miss out on deals.
TLDR - There must be a bug or something, I clicked on “huge selection of items” and there is only carnage set? Fix please, willing to buy points when it’s working.
Last edited by shydo#7830 on Nov 24, 2017, 4:12:56 AM

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