[3.5] League Starter W.O.E Sund Slayer / 35c Day 1 Cost / U-Lab Sprinter / High Damage Mitigation
Used this as a league starter last year and will be doing the same tomorrow.
So curious as to the reasoning behind the ascendancy order. Specifically with getting the Bane of Legends path before the Brutal Fervor path. Seems like the Bane of Legends path will help with leveling and getting to the end game whereas having that endless leech will help getting through the lab and taking on Uber Izzy for the first time. Wonder if it is worth burning 10 respec prior to running the uber lab for the first time for more safety and a better chance of success. |
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" Yes they will be fine. Nothing has changed for this build in terms of skill tree nodes you take, the items you chose, or the general pathing you take when levelling. I just tested importing the pastebin links into POB and they all still read as valid codes/links and import correctly. The only single change is the ascendancy order to choose, but ultimately that's still up to every players preference. I personally advocate for taking Cull first ahead of Overleech, because the important part of the Uber Lab fight is being able to kill Izaro fast, not surviving the lab traps. This is because if you use the alt-weapons in the alt-weapon slot, you move so quickly the lab traps don't even have time to trigger and activate before you have already leap-slammed through an entire series of them. I think this is one area a lot of players struggle with though, because they don't follow the build guide and use the alt-weapons for moving through the lab quickly to the Izaro rooms. Also, alternatively if you aren't happy with how things are going and really don't have the base skill or understanding of how things work in the game and build, you can always just buy an Uber Lab clear from another player still regardless. Once you have all 8 Ascendancy nodes, you will tear through the Uber Lab anyway. Last edited by Adambjjoz#2403 on Mar 1, 2018, 4:46:20 PM
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Whoa, the formatting at the end of the build guide in the opening post has gone a bit haywire. I can't see what if any formatting I've fucked up though? Can anyone see what I did wrong there, or is the page just bugging out?
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" Yea, it sort of went funny as the spoiler is gone and won't collapse. |
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Hey there. I just saw Nathan released a new uber lab league starter build on youtube. Did anyone see that? What do you guys think about it, compared to this build?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1lAuD4h7c4 This will be my first uber lab league starter character so I'm trying to find the easiest/cheapest one to build early(day1-2). |
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" Are you referring to the Chieftain lab farmer? Yea, I checked it out as well. I won't go in the full details of it but I will try to get a few points through. In terms of offence, the Chieftain build will be able to pull out more damage than this build as it is converting to fire. In terms of defence, the Chieftain will be pretty similar to this build but mainly will be stacking armour and life regen rather than leech (Chieftain still can leech, but with Totem only unless you spend some points in the tree for leech, which Nathan didn't do). In terms of leveling I guess it will be Slayer that comes out on top a bit cause early damage increase, onslaught, 20% culling (if you take Bane of Legends early that is) and leech. In terms of cost, it is definitely this build cause of the cheap rares and uniques (don't quote me on this as the new league start). Nathan's Chieftain build requires only a few uniques as well, but I believe they will be more expensive to get in the new league but again don't quote me (Doon Cuebiyari, Ichimonji sword, and Wise Oak). Also the Chieftain build requires you to balance your resistances for Wise Oak, which is very hard to do at the start of the league (Nathan did mention to only get the fire res to be highest, but the full use of Wise Oak is triple balance). As a whole I will cast my vote on this build to be easier and cheaper to make. But again that is just my opinion, which is based on my play in the Abyss league. Hope this help Last edited by blueframe227#0996 on Mar 1, 2018, 8:55:37 PM
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" I plugged it into POB for a look at it and it has it's up's and downs vs this character. The basic summary would be that Nathan's new build: - Has way more DPS (about 80% more at least) against the boss while using Blade Flurry, but about 30% less DPS than this build when mapping with Reave. This mean's you'll have to weapon-swap AND gem-swap depending on the circumstances, while playing. I don't know how much of a pain in the ass that may become this coming season with also having to stop and use separate hotkeys to throw nets and farm Beastiary league content. - Is much easier to get resistance capped earlier in the levelling and gearing process, but then much harder to effectively use that to your advantage later with the Wise Oak flask, as you'll have to balance your resistances exactly to get the DPS boost from it. - Has less mana and life leech, but that can be overcome with better gear and investment into it down the line. - Does not have any spell block or spell dodge and has less phys and ele damage mitigation than this build. - Has more endurance charges, longer charges and more capacity to generate them. Also gains boosts and bonuses for having them. That's a good synergy right there, because you basically have them so long as your being hit. - Reave and BladeFlurry both completely suck ass without reasonable gear and being levelled up. Sunder is WAY better in that regard. However having said that, Sunder has nothing on Reaves ability to clear entire screens worth of white trash in an instant, or BladeFlurry's ramped up DPS. - Probably is going to take a while levelling low tier content for currency once you hit L70 and finish Act 1-10 to get the unique's and gear needed first, before running Uber Lab the first time. Alternatively though you can always just buy an lab-clear from someone. Overall I'd support anyone choosing to try Nathan's new build out. He's stuff is always on point and effective, it will achieve what he says it will, but the process in getting there and getting the job done is always a little rough around the edges to say the least. But you know what, that's true of most minimalist cheaper builds across the board, anyway. Probably the main thing you'll have to adjust too is how different both Reave and BladeFlurry are to use compared to other melee skills. They aren't worse, their simply just different. You may want to simply level up with Sunder though anyway and keep Reave & BF levelling up in sockets in the alt-weapon slot while clearing A1-10. |
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Hey, Adam, I think you can add "Physical Reflect" Map Mod being doable in the guide now. Yay!
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" Thanks. I've updated the Pantheon section too. |
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Just a quick note on Nathan's new build, something to take into consideration is that the VERY popular streamer Mathil has nearly finished putting his new league-starter together in his theorycrafting stream today and it's very very similar to what Nathan did in his build guide video a few days ago, so much so that the "Mathil Effect" may end up seeing most of the build items and jewels explode through the roof in value for the first week of the new league, leaving you unable to afford the items you need.
So yeah, that's nothing to do with Nathan and not a knock on his build at all, it's actually the opposite. It may turn out to be inadvertently such a good build that other similar one's used by big streamers will adversely affect the pricing of the gear he has chosen for it. Nothing is final though & Mathil may just end up doing a Trickster league starter again anyway, so we'll have to wait and see what happens. |
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