Update the link Xav .. the link you posted is not showing up w/e you want us to see. It's taking me to a page telling me to subscribe.
Last edited by coatofarms on Jan 29, 2019, 10:18:13 PM
coatofarms wrote:
Update the link Xav .. the link you posted is not showing up w/e you want us to see. It's taking me to a page telling me to subscribe.

These fuckers. As soon as a couple dozen people clicked on the link they put up a paywall. Here's another, albeit terrible, source.

GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
coatofarms wrote:
pneuma wrote:
Howard Schultz 2020 is everything the modern American Democrat deserves. They moved so far left so fast that they opened up the middle. I look forward to a split vote and Trump coasting easily to the finish line.
Schultz is not the middle. He represents multi-millionaire/billionaire interests. Most Americans are not millionaires and billionaires.
Then why was he immediately attacked? If most people aren't going to vote for him and he totally doesn't matter, then why were there so many articles written about him?
pneuma wrote:
]Then why was he immediately attacked? If most people aren't going to vote for him and he totally doesn't matter, then why were there so many articles written about him?

He was attacked b/c he doesn't have a vision for a better America. He was attacked b/c he is openly flirting with running for president so his taxes don't increase and b/c he doesn't want the US to have an affordable health care system for the masses. People are attacking Schultz b/c he is the definition of entitlement. Being a billionaire does not entitle you to the presidency and free publicity (he actually might have paid media outlets for the blitzkrieg of coverage the past 2-3 days. E.g. getting on 60 minutes). Schultz is no different than you or I except he is worth 3.4 billion dollars. He is a normal citizen.

Tell me, who is Schultz's constituency? Does he have a constituency? Who wanted him to run for president? Who was talking about him running for presidency before 2-3 days ago? The answer is nobody. Because nobody cares about him running except the banking/finance world who want one of their own in power and who are terrified of Bernie/Warren. That's who he represents --his 1% class. It's so fucking transparent too.

And the reason why there as so many articles about him is b/c the MSM thinks people with money, power and influence should be deified. The media is a sycophant. He is a billionaire. He has tons of money to throw around. Money buys you a slot on The View. It was a match made in TV heaven.
Last edited by coatofarms on Jan 30, 2019, 1:00:47 AM
pneuma wrote:
coatofarms wrote:
pneuma wrote:
Howard Schultz 2020 is everything the modern American Democrat deserves. They moved so far left so fast that they opened up the middle. I look forward to a split vote and Trump coasting easily to the finish line.
Schultz is not the middle. He represents multi-millionaire/billionaire interests. Most Americans are not millionaires and billionaires.
Then why was he immediately attacked? If most people aren't going to vote for him and he totally doesn't matter, then why were there so many articles written about him?
Turtle, there's no such thing as "billionaire interests" in a free market (and millionaires aren't even that rich, at least not compared to billionaires). Yes, Schultz has an interest in Starbucks Coffee, but those interests aren't the same as Caribou or Einstein Bros, etc. Assuming a free market, what is in one billionaire's interest us usually opposite another's, not some monolith.

Indeed, they — big business — have legitimate (competing) interests, desires that they're willing to pay government top dollar for. If you're not a net taxpayer, all YOU have is your hat tipped out hoping they'll give you free shit. You have interest in government the same way a bum has interest in me. I certainly wouldn't call such interest legitimate. If you can vote you can choose WHO represents you but it's money that determines WHAT those elected care about.

But I digress. Where was I? Oh yeah, not a monolith.

That's why there's TWO political parties, BOTH taking massive donations from corporations. Corporate interests are still very diverse, but we can divide them broadly into "I want a new law made" and "I want an existing law unmade." It's not quite that simple, but you get the idea. If Twitter donates to the Dems to get special favors for Twitter, it should be obvious what party Gab (a Twitter competitor) would favor. Two choices so one can wear their conflict of interest on one's sleeve.

So why does the media attack Schultz? Same reasons the media tends to love incumbents and hate challengers — once you've bought your crew of politicians, you don't want them wandering off. Gotta protect that investment. Lobbyists hate third parties because it's just so much work bribing and blackmailing a whole new group of people for the first time; it's so much easier when you have a previously established rapport, they already know the deal. And of course, the corporatists who own the media are in bed with the lobbyists.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Jan 30, 2019, 3:00:57 AM
Note that the articles I linked were universally negative, so I doubt that he purchased that response. He is certainly running a real campaign, though, and hiring some pretty big names to assist in the push.

If anyone really thinks he's "only running for president so that his taxes don't increase", or that medicare for all is even remotely affordable, then they're part of the far left that has abandoned the independents and moderate democrats that Schultz is going to absorb -- people with jobs and families that are uninterested in radicalism and revolution.

His constituency is everyone that says "I'm socially liberal but fiscally conservative", and anyone whose primary voting issue is out-of-control government spending and debt. For another example, anyone that enjoyed voting for Bill Clinton and would like to go back to the days of reducing the deficit.
Last edited by pneuma on Jan 30, 2019, 3:23:10 AM
He has no constituency. Nobody wanted him to run. You sound like you've swallowed the spin of his team. But that's what it is. Just spin. Because there's no reality behind his words except for the very few people that Schultz represents (the ultra rich). That is why Schultz has zero chance of winning. And single payer healthcare and raising taxes on the ultra rich are not radical ideas. Virtually every single Democratic nominee running now wouldn't have adopted those positions if they weren't popular.

Moreover, most everyone that supports single payer healthcare has a job and a family. So sorry for your disgusting misrepresentation. In fact, that is actually why single payer healthcare has become a popular idea. B/c the current price to purchase quality healthcare (whether it be for the family, or for a single) is rising each year and families feel it. People know they are being fleeced by the system and they are tired of it. A single person that wants quality insurance needs to pay around $400/month. Do you know how significant $400 is for a person making between $24,000 - $40,000 a year? In addition, a family of 4 making less than 50k a year-- something like 1500 dollars/month. That is a lot of money. And the premium costs are increasing each year. And at the same time, the quality has not increased. It's obvious to everyone that is poor that the industry is incapable of self-regulating themselves b/c their #1 interest is in making record profits every year. It' so sad that you believe having unrestricted ability to make money off human mortality is moral/normal. Grow up. Stop being a tool. This is one of the only (if not only) industrialized country that allows this immoral behavior to keep continuing unrestricted.

And Scrotie. How can no such thing as billionaire and multi-millionaire interests (over 10 million) exist? Who is it that keeps pushing lawmawkers to repeal the estate tax? Schulz straight up said one reason he is running is b/c he doesn't want his taxes to increase under an AOC-like plan.

Last edited by coatofarms on Jan 30, 2019, 7:43:55 AM
If CNN wasn't fake news, the headline would be "prostitute lied about having evidence of muh collusion to get out of Thai prison".

She told CNN from a Thai detention center last year that she witnessed meetings between Deripaska and at least three unnamed Americans. Now back in Moscow, she says the claims she made to the media were an attempt to get media attention to save her life.

Asked if she regretted making those claims about the evidence she had, Vashukevich said, "I think it saved my life, how can I regret it? If journalists had not come at that time and that story had not come to the newspapers, maybe I would die [be dead by] now."

Remember when Stormy Daniels almost stumped the Trump and then didn't? And now this. When will they learn?
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:
If CNN wasn't fake news, the headline would be "prostitute lied about having evidence of muh collusion to get out of Thai prison".

She told CNN from a Thai detention center last year that she witnessed meetings between Deripaska and at least three unnamed Americans. Now back in Moscow, she says the claims she made to the media were an attempt to get media attention to save her life.

Asked if she regretted making those claims about the evidence she had, Vashukevich said, "I think it saved my life, how can I regret it? If journalists had not come at that time and that story had not come to the newspapers, maybe I would die [be dead by] now."

Remember when Stormy Daniels almost stumped the Trump and then didn't? And now this. When will they learn?

Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator with Michael Cohen in campaign finance felonies intended to defraud American voters.

Stormy cost Trump a couple of more years in prison. She totally stumped Trump.

About Rybka: She's been told by by the Kremlin mob to change her story, or be killed. No big mystery there.
鬼殺し wrote:
And if you're not fluent in neckbeard, that's the God-Emperor of Mankind from Warhammer 40k with Trump's mugshot photoshopped into it. It's kind of ironic because the GE of 40k is a complete fucking monster, physically unable to move and kept alive only through daily mass sacrifice.

Oh, it's even worse than that.

For starters, this is done in defiance of the Emperor's own decree that he is not divine. And... it gets worse from there.

Basically because his psychic projection serves as a 0,0,0 point for navigating the seas of stars in the galaxy... millions of humans are sacrificed daily to keep him on psychic life support.

But, when you have poncy pointy-ears, depraved pointy-ears, green-skinned soccer hooligans, Omniphage bugs, omnicidal terminators, demonically-corrupted humans, their demonic masters, and... vegan space Commies... I guess an oppressive dystopian government doesn't seem that bad.

Funny how life imitates art.

Some of the greatest, and deepest, fluff for a game ever. Too bad the game is a mechanically ragged, overbloated mess. Give me Mk 2 Warmachine any day of the week. Hexeris... best minion warlock ever.
[quote="Lovecraftuk"]I think the new meta is everyone bitching about the new league. [/quote]

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