its sad and funny in the same time. But the fact is - He is doing so well. Im still surprised that there is so many who hates him. :O:D
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" There are a lot of "concern trolls" online who attempt to capitalize on the fact that even Trump supporters can be an impatient lot. They pretend to be Conservatives and then declare their support for the President to be waning, dependent upon ridiculously unrealistic expectations for accomplishing his goals, in spite of the unprecedented opposition he faces from the media and the Uniparty (Dems and RINOs) and an entrenched and deeply corrupt Federal bureaucracy. They conveniently ignore all the things he has accomplished in less than two years, focusing instead on the wall as a make or break, as if President Trump is just having one over on us all, and never intended to build it in the first place. Sadly, many Trump supporters fall for this, and echo with poor grace the ingratitude and lack of faith the trolls have fostered. =-[.]-= =^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled / =-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie |
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His approval rating has been rock solid for a year now. No matter what they throw at him, nothing sticks.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
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" As long as the economy is doing well, nothing will ever happen. No matter how loud people whine. Your average person could care less about most of the issues around the world. All that matters to most people is what happens in their own lives. If you are working, can afford to live, have a fairly good life, you will keep that person in the office. Unemployment rate and economy are the biggest barometers for election/re-election. Last edited by Destructodave#2478 on Dec 10, 2018, 8:55:19 AM
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Trump rambles on, on Twitter
" ![]() Brennan's response was pretty vicious " How do you survive two more years of a criminal presidency? What do you do? What does anyone do? THis is looking increasingly more like the scenario that is going to happen 'Donald Trump Will Resign Presidency 10 Minutes Before Mike Pence so VP Can Pardon Him, Conservative Columnist Predicts' |
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That commie spook is still salty that his security clearance got revoked. Thank you Rand Paul!
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
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A follow-up to my question
" How does one start the de-programming of the militant Trump supporter? Imagine, if you will, someone who goebbled [sic] up the fake news propaganda from Trump, and cut off all remotely centrist, factual based news outlets? Now being wholly at the mercy of the propaganda sites and social media, most of the Trumpets are going 'wat? wat happened?', because that side has no journalistic integrity and can't tell you what the weather was like yesterday, nevermind tomorrow. Imagine actually being convinced there is no manmade global warming/climate change, and that it's not bad? Then actually writing about it, to other people to try and convince them? They may seem like just words, but words through action or inaction have a measurable impact. Trump has radically pumped oil every which way, and promoted dead coal as clean. That should be criminal, harming future generations, including the current one. Imagine believing the right, Trumpian alt-news about not only climate change, but everything else? Immigration, refugees, crime, race, neo-nazis, corruption, deep state, the swamp? Imagine if everything you believed in came from the mouth of a pathological liar? wat do? We need some experts in brainwashing de-programming... But. Some are at this woke stage (more like waking up, but still). ![]() |
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" Stop trolling. Trump did nothing wrong. Trump supporters aren't brainwashed. Trump will get another term. Trump and his supporters aren't Nazis. Stop dehumanizing us and slandering us. It's against the terms of service. Tldr: NPCs orange man is good! Last edited by Hornybull#2281 on Dec 10, 2018, 12:04:13 PM
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Thinking Trump did nothing wrong is an absurd claim. The guy built is whole life through exploiting legal loopholes, taking advantage of the high cost of attacking him in court as a way to cheat, through lying, through cheating.
The guy is the incarnation of everything that's wrong in capitalism... Trump supporters ARE brainwashed, at least the ones that always back what he does. They, somehow, always defend his most indefensible actions no matter what they are. Everything that paint Trump in a negative view is labeled fake news no matter the amount of facts that show it as true, everything that paint Trump in a positive view is labeled as truth, even if there's 0 proof of it. Arguing with that kind of Trump supporter is like arguing with a flat earther. I'll give it to you that Trump isn't a nazi, he's just a racist, misogynist, pathological liar, exploiter, snob to an extreme, self-centered, egoist, and many many more terms. But not a nazi. Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style
IGN: Poltun |
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" Not sure why you are taking it so personally...? Nobody said Trump is a nazi. Nobody is 'dehumanizing' you, or indeed any Trump supporter. ANd definitely slander is way out there, in terms of accurate accusations. Trump did do something wrong. ACtually, he did many things wrong. Trump controls the trickle of alternative facts into the veins of the believers, through dismissing all other sources as FAKE NEWS. If he manages to convince even one person about climate change, the harm is done. Nevermind actually subsidising coal and fossil fuel industries, and not doing anything to reduce emissions. You all gave up debating climate change. Sound decision. Now the next step is to realise how wrong Trump is on pretty much everything. |
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