" I suspect that your assertions to a state of being very, very, very intelligent implies that you also have a magic gut that tells you more than any adviser's brain could? At least those claims seem to go together. Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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" Sorry losers and haters, but my IQ is one of the highest - and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure, it's not your fault. |
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"It's not primarily a defense; it is primarily a counterattack. Without the necessary infrastructure of a strict dichotomy, it's a logical fallacy; with such an infrastructure, it is implicitly invested in maintaining the structure of that strict dichotomy in order to maintain its validity. Or if you want the simpler version: it's an absurdly partisan way to defend against criticism. Too partisan, if you ask me. "Bullshit. They should, and it is. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Nov 29, 2018, 11:26:19 PM
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I think before I get banned for rudeness, I should point out that my last 3 comments/posts have been direct quotes from Trump. In case anyone hadn't noticed.
It's not just random 'locker room talk' behind closed doors either. These were said to room a full of journalists, i.e. the world. No sane speechwriter would write such things, so we can probably assume these are Trump's own words. I'm not entirely sure what the topic of conversation is anymore. Some people are talking about mental disorders regarding Trump, others his apparent intelligence (or lack thereof). I don't personally subscribe a minute to the notion that he cannot comprehend the consequences of his actions. Take climate change for instance. He denies it, questions the science, and appears a complete donkey's ass. But! In addition, he meticulously destroys the EPA, cuts science and research funding, dramatically increases fossil fuel use, and as the only country in the world (developed or not) walks away from the Paris agreement. Those are all considered, calculated actions. His words are just populist words designed to appeal to some people, and they reflect that. I don't believe Trump is actually dumb. Smart people realise anthropogenic climate change is real. I think, he is just corrupt to the core. Last edited by rojimboo#7480 on Nov 29, 2018, 11:48:23 PM
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"Well, up until those last two sentences your words were a breath of fresh air. And with that second-to-last sentence the only word of any contention whatsoever is "anthropogenic" — while I could understand some debate as to who or what is causing the global warming, I think the issue of whether or not there is or is not global warming is occurring is essentially like arguing about whether the Earth does or does not orbit the Sun. But let's not digress into that anthropogenic derail (again). Instead, let's talk about how Trump tosses out verbal scraps to the climate change deniers among his base. For instance, I wasn't particularly enamored with the Paris agreement for a host of reasons, but I can't for an instant pretend that Trump's public reasoning for walking away was anything I could agree with. From my perspective, much like checking someone's math and seeing that they got the right answer but their work to get there was complete bullshit, it left me far more concerned than satisfied. I don't think this makes him corrupt to the core. It could just make him opportunism causing him to seek erroneous agreement with his base over factual dissent. Or maybe he is just doesn't know about the truth of this one point — being overall intelligent does not make one infallibly correct on all subjects. This seems like a severe minority opinion in these times, but I'm not willing to judge from a single difference in opinion, however fiercely held or important, that the person I disagree with is corrupt to the core. I don't like to think of other people in such terms. At worst, I see them as agents in a preventable but as-yet unprevented epic tragedy unfolding before us — complete with the Greco-Roman understanding that it is often great heroes who are bringers of tragic doom. Hell, even Obamacare, which I hate, seemed firmly grounded in the truth that the American healthcare system was a wreck; it was a case of going from the frying pan to the fire, but I can certainly understand and even admire the desire to leave the frying pan, even as I criticize the lack of caution as to where we go from there. It's okay to disagree with Trump. I can understand and even admire that. But I would caution you against demonizing him. I think Kanye had the right idea: he disagreed with Trump regarding stop and frisk (as do I) and he made his case both beautifully and, more importantly, successfully. To be perfectly frank, if that Kanye West ran against Trump, I'd vote Kanye. Even though I went Trump in 2016. Chew on that one for a while. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Nov 30, 2018, 12:56:06 AM
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" ACC or anthropogenic climate change referred here is similarly defined as in science, i.e. that the majority of the warming is due to manmade/anthropogenic activities. You did not reply back in the other thread (where it did seem out of place) so you can argue to which degree is man contributing to the radiative forcing of the climate presently, in say a more appropriate thread, should you so desire. There is one right next to this one, regarding the recent climate report from Trump's own government, which he summarily dismissed, with those epic words regarding his own intelligence. As a spoiler, I can tell you there is little doubt amongst scientists that man contributes not an insignificant majority to the warming presently. It's not 51% and the rest is...the Sun or alien microwaves, or whatever deniers believe these days. The warming contribution is actually more than 100%. Yep. That's possible only because the overall natural radiative forcing should be slightly negative. In any case, back to the corrupt Trump and his intelligence. I think it follows logically that he must be corrupt to the core. Let's examine this. IF Trump is very, very, very intelligent THEN he must realise ACC is real IF Trump realises ACC is real AND denies it and dooms humanity THEN he is not acting in any interest of the majority IF Trump is not acting in the interest of the majority THEN he is acting in the interest of a minority IF Trump is acting in the interest of a few rich people to make them richer AND dooming the rest to live in a hothouse mass-extinction event Earth THEN he must be corrupt to the core ;) I AM A ROBOT I think most of Trump supporters believe Trump is not actually squeaky clean, and might be a little corrupt. The below are things that shows he is probably corrupt. His refusal to enact tough sanctions on Russia, despite an overwhelming majority bi-partisan bill in both House and Senate (at the time GOP controlled) signed into law, regarding the 2016 Russian election interference. His obstruction of justice regarding the Mueller probe, like just now trying to put Whitaker as Attorney General to oversee Mueller, probably to fire him. Simply making that partisan man Attorney General, circumventing normal routes, may be something like a constitutional crisis, not that people care. His destruction of agencies to limit big corporations, like the EPA. I think we all know what a man Scott Pruitt was like. His replacement Wheeler, a former coal lobbyist, continues this unethical, corrupt and destructive conflict-of-interest, which seems to be a theme in the new order Trump is creating. |
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" I thought someone might say the color is wrong. " Corruption is part of politics. Any government is vulnerable to being captured or corrupted by private interests. The Wealthy and politicians appropriating the government’s powers for their own ends is a problem as old as civilization itself. Some government are just more corrupted than the others. Your reaction was like "OMG CORRUPTION!" My reaction was more like "Oh right corruption..." Last edited by deathflower#0444 on Nov 30, 2018, 4:05:18 AM
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" I don't think Trump is corrupt it looks more like he has to deal with a lot of corrupt individuals to keep the government functioning. Can you imagine a scenario where you're the only non corrupt politician? He can't just mass fire people as well. |
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" To diagnose a mental disorder, someone would have to actually examine/assess the person. It isn't something you can do from afar. "“This year, the election seems like anything but a normal contest, that has at times devolved into outright vitriol,” American Psychological Association president Maria A Oquendo said. “The unique atmosphere of this year’s election cycle may lead some to want to psychoanalyze the candidates, but to do so would not only be unethical, it would be irresponsible.”" You missed the point entirely. The claims against Trump could be made about a lot of people who don't have mental disorders. Dr. Robert Pyles, a Massachusetts psychiatrist said the president’s behavior is within the normal range: “My colleagues feel frightened and betrayed, so they go to this hysterical extreme of saying Trump has narcissistic tendencies, but what political leader doesn’t?” Without exception, the mental health professionals interviewed said that would-be diagnosticians, including pundits and political foes, are misguided in asserting that Trump has a mental disorder — for one fundamental reason. According to decades-old criteria established by the American Psychiatric Association, a diagnosis of mental illness requires that someone’s behavior, emotions, or beliefs have two key attributes: They cause the individual to suffer clinically significant distress or impairment. “Trump doesn’t meet DSM criteria” for any mental disorder, said Dr. Allen Frances, a professor emeritus of psychiatry at Duke University who oversaw the creation of a previous edition of the APA’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, considered the bible of psychiatry. “I wrote the criteria and should know how they are meant to be applied: Personality disorder requires the presence of clinically significant distress and/or impairment. The armchair, amateur diagnosticians seem either to be unaware of this requirement, or carelessly choose to ignore it.” " "Trump is wearing a new suit, yet we've never seen him buy anything - he must have stole it!" <--- no matter how many times some one makes a false accusation against Trump, it doesn't make it true. " Trump states the obvious. His opponents claim that water is not wet, just to oppose Trump. Then they wonder why no one believes them. "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis PoE Origins - Piety's story Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Nov 30, 2018, 3:20:36 PM
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" I would say that Trump's view of the world is Trump and solely Trump. Put another way, his thinking is "What is best for Trump?". The truth, the law, presidential norms, climate change, the world, etc. etc. doesn't matter. "What is best for Trump?" is all that matters to him. What this has apparently lead to is that Trump tried to make a deal for a Trump Tower Moscow. He lied to the public about it. This gave Putin leverage over Trump. Putin thought, "this is great! Perhaps I can get a puppet in the white house". He gets Trump to publicly ask Russia for help in his election. From that point on all Putin has to do is to threaten to release a public statement that Trump asked for his help in the election and so Putin provided it. Putin and Trump would both know that this would politically destroy Trump. Therefore, Trump is Putin's puppet in the White House, done. Does this mean that Trump is corrupt? That's a reasonable label to apply, at least in my opinion. Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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