" It was an election, not an IQ-test. How could you miss that? " It is an investigation, not an IQ-test. How can you miss that? " I am not even slightly annoyed by this, knowing that you have obvious problems discerning different levels of intelligence, at least, where Trump is concerned. " Ruthless in the sense of unethical / unscrupulous / unprincipled /immoral. If I remember correctly, you never viewed him as a particular moral person. You usually are more astute then the crowd, so I'll take it you're pretty annoyed by my description of Trump as an immoral idiot, since in this post you both used logic rather frivolously and misunderstood me deliberately. Why? Because if you don't care about the means as long as the goals are within reach, you should't care about the Trump's shortcomings, some of which you (again, if i remember correctly) conceded earlier. (\__/) This is Bunny. Copy and
(='.'=) paste Bunny to help him (")_(") gain world Domination. |
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" You've used this poor defense many times now. Other people have mental disorders too, so that makes it ok not to see any issue with the acting president to possibly have a mental disorder. Instead of condemning a theft, a rape, or a murder, your defense is essentially "But others do it too! Some even get away with it!" That's hardly the point. " Trump is hardly a puppy, give the man some credit. In locker room talk, he is the big dick, the bully. He grabs women by the pussy and pretends science is about nerds who don't have the courage to do that to women. But it's true that Murica is the land of hope and dreams. I think only in Murica, can you be vetted for the highest governmental position by being a reality tv star and a corrupt businessman with dubious credentials. It's like "This man can clearly act, and make rich people even richer! Make him the leader of our nation!" It's true a populist can get very far by appealing to fear and the lowest-common denominator. Nobody is immune to this, look at Europe in the recent years and the rise (and fall in many places, though) of populism. I try and empathise with people, but it's true I find it very difficult sometimes, when confronted with a supposedly competent and enlightened leader of a nation dismissing climate change as a Chinese hoax, or how there are so many climate change deniers out there, mostly in Murica. Then again, he says things like things are wet, in terms of water. Very stable genius. But people rush to his defense. "Aww look at that puppy! They are kicking him!?!" Last edited by rojimboo#7480 on Nov 29, 2018, 7:15:36 AM
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It's clear that there will never be agreement in this thread on President Trump.
The final judge will be history. History takes at least 10 years or so to digest a presidency. That's 10 years after it is over. Trump could turn out to be a decent president or the worst president in our history. The pivotal question will be what comes out of the Mueller probe. A clean bill of health on one end of the spectrum and a traitorous criminal on the other end of the spectrum. Of course, it's fun to speculate how we think it will likely turn out though. My view is that Trump's behavior towards the special counsel investigation seems to indicate that it will more likely be on the bad end of that spectrum somewhere. For example, there seems to be too many examples of obstruction of justice in plain sight. Why obstruct justice if there's nothing to hide? Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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![]() I dont see any any key!
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" I refused. I don't see the resemblance. Trump don't look like a puppy. ![]() " ![]() MAYBE. Last edited by deathflower#0444 on Nov 29, 2018, 10:06:54 AM
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" Not exactly a reply to you, just something that’s been on my mind. It’s somewhat frustrating to me, because we have a long and proud tradition of making fun of our presidents. Trump certainly does enough to make fun of, but there definitely seems to be this witch hunt that just ruins it. E.g., the constant passive aggressive ad hominem that takes place after anyone says “nah, that doesn’t sound right.” It’s no fun when you have to virtue signal, lest a few loud cunts act like loud cunts. It’s like.. don’t they realize Trump was elected to punch back, specifically at them? Devolving Wilds Land “T, Sacrifice Devolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card and reveal it. Then shuffle your library.” Last edited by CanHasPants#3515 on Nov 29, 2018, 11:51:22 AM
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" That is why you cult people already consider Obama the GREATEST president since Washington? Has it been 10 years already? The Obama cultists use mental illness as an insult for sure (no irony there lol). No mirrors in their houses either. In general, I doubt there is anyone anymore that runs for high public office that doesn't have something wrong with them (or at the very least, what you would say a few screws loose). No normal person would do it. If you think about it, the reward/risk ratio is such that only a person with delusions of grandeur would ever want to put their foot in that pile of shit. I think we are well past the era of altruistic people really looking to help the masses (WAIT here come the Obama cultists again). Their "diagnosis" of Trump, could be easily applied to any of these people. For example, Trudeau looks like a massive nut to me. Ditto the Chinese dude. Putin looks real normal, lol. Have a look at some video of Poroshenko and then tell me he looks normal. ROFLMAO Both Khoranth and Dalailama nailed it. So called "mental health professionals" that diagnose a public figure (who is clearly "in character" most if not all the time we see him) are not worth anything. No real professional would do it. This is like diagnosing an actor based on a character they play. Anyone seriously believe that Anthony Hopkins is a psycho cannibal? This really is THAT stupid. Not trying to be mean, but after living in US for many years I have come to the inescapable conclusion that much of the population has severe problems with differentiating reality and fantasy. I have seen them speak of characters (always movies and TV, never books) as though they were real people. I've not seen this anywhere else I have been. Censored.
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" Rolls eyes and shakes head Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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" It really is hilarious looking at some of these posts. *complains about passive aggressiveness, whilst posting a passive aggressive post* *complains about insults, whilst insulting others* *claims politicians are clearly acting all the time and shouldn't be judged based on role* *judges politicians based on role* Last edited by rojimboo#7480 on Nov 29, 2018, 1:47:51 PM
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You should have seen that person's posts about the lab. Think this shit is passive aggressive? WHOA
Some of those posts were brutal. Probably got probated over and over. But it was the same story, different subject. The lab SUCKS! It should be removed. And btw, if you disagree you suck and you are the most idiotic person and you should probably just shut your mouth until you grow enough sense to agree with me. (I paraphrased an actual post from that person in that last sentence). Seriously. Some people just can't help themselves. Censored. Last edited by kolyaboo#7295 on Nov 29, 2018, 2:24:32 PM
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