First time looking into the off-topic forum, I'm a bit surprised there seems to be an actual majority of people defending DJT, and even a couple of flat earthers. I'd have expected POE with all its complexity to deter this demographic instead of attracting it. Kind of disappointing, to be honest.
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![]() Really makes you think. GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
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" So you believe US Republican voters are too stupid to play a complex game? Gee, you seem like a really nice and thoughtful person, welcome to off topic. |
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" Not Republican voters per se (while I don't agree with them, I can comprehend their motivations), but Trump devotees. If a person still defends this guy despite everything he says and does, I'm tempted to ask if this person is mentally handicapped - honest question. If he/she is, there's an explanation, and I shut my trap. If he/she isn't, what conclusion am I left with? Last edited by machiavelli4711#6793 on Aug 24, 2018, 11:02:14 AM
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" They hate politicians in general, across the board. Why wouldn't they love Trump? Think about it: if you despise mostly all Republicans & Democrats, then Trump has been awesome. He literally defeated Jeb Bush by insulting him and insulting his brother's presidency. |
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" True. Yet this explains sympathy for Trump not with a lack of intelligence but with the fact that he dares to be as big as an a-hole as they themselves would love to be, if they had his money and influence. I have to say, stupidity would be a more endearing character trait. |
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"To be fair, I myself believe most Republican voters and most Democrat voters are that stupid. Certainly not all of either camp, however. The most important thing to remember about political propaganda — and make no mistake, regardless of which side of the aisle you're on, that's what you're watching instead of "news" — is that it cherrypicks both offensively and defensively. For instance, I love watching Sargon of Akkad videos, but I'm well aware that, from a collectivist perspective, 1. he is naturally going to pick on those with the more shaky Social Justice arguments, because he's not going to make videos where his argument loses or even reaches a stalemate, but instead videos where he believes his argument wins handily; and 2. for every Sargon there are thousands of fans who align with him politically on some level but who would be much, much weaker opponents than him in a debate, not merely because they're less intelligent but because (due to varying intelligence or not) they believe in fucked up, indefensible ideas. In other words, if Sargon is this "literalist" thought-leader, then his views represent an opposite yet equal equivalent to the strawman fallacy, such that his views are portrayed in a much more favorable light than the "liberalist" mean — something that became all too apparent when Sargon invited his followers to share their ideas in a now-defunct Literalist intellectual community. These problems are inherent to any collectivist interpretation of political ideology. "Your" side will always be packed with idiots who hold strawman versions of your views, and the "enemy" side will (almost) always possess critical thinkers with robust defenses against your arguments that you'd rather ignore by picking on real but weaker opponents within that group. This is why a non-collectivist approach is essential, debating individuals rather than groups. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
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" Yeah, but why do they seem to be a holes? Probably because they despise almost all politicians, Republicans & Democrats, feel betrayed and/or forgotten. And they think almost all politicians are some combination of stupid, evil, dishonest, greedy, wicked , incompetent ect. So they love to see Trump trash these people and treat them like scumbag filth. |
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" Or at least it should make us think! Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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" Not here to debate you but you commented on the only the first sentence and ignored the rest because there is nothing more for you to tear down or tear apart. This is exactly how the liberal media works towards trump towards our country, towards our memories, towards history, towards everything. The media, not the good but slow to speak liberal people dont do it for all the same reasons, and I am going to get to that. The unkept media wants to destroy God's creation, and thats just the tip of the iceberg. But like I was saying, we are so far from reality. Justice system, media circus. We are watching a movie, not a country. I am thankful, and we all should be that Trump and the right arent the power hungry physical force that is taking things by anger and hurting others. That is the hand of God intervening. Instead we have classy conversations debating, and we actually call the left citizens which is far different then they are doing. Once again just a call to reality not even a argument. I actually kinda pity the die hard left because they just arent friendly to work with. They dont work together as they are being used by their own media who creates their attitude ego in identity in really bad ways, telling people things are so bad, when the only thing that has changed is taxes, more jobs, and a border (which creates something called a culture and a country). These people even use 10 year olds to do their dirty work its that abusive. Yet we yell at the Dad trains his son to run to school in the rain for being a bully, while leting the Junior rtc get away with any discipline. Its sad, honestly. I go to school with liberals all around me and were best of friends but cant even talk politics because they are like 2 year olds screaming the minute a topic comes up. There for we cant be serious around them, they make life a joke full of holding things in. Just to clarify this is not the peoples fault its all a corrupt media that is going to come crashing down, because if the corrupt media doesnt, then yes we might really be living in revelation 1-7. If not that, at least we are becoming a true communist one party censored media where the govenrment tells the people what proper thought is, for that matter. Which means you have already lost your freedom as every thing is talking points (brain washing) instead of intuitive creativity and mystery and exploration. Its in the liberal medias eyes they all want to be the center of attention on air in photo shoots even walking around in public. I cant even take them serious, they treat us like outcasts. THey are living in a different reality then we are, a much better one for them. Great God in Heaven, you know I love you ! Last edited by SearchingforCocaCola#4377 on Aug 24, 2018, 7:49:51 PM
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