ScrotieMcB wrote:
The way I looked at the 2016 Election was "you can have Hillary Clinton, pseudo-pardoned felon and primary-rigger, or you can have The Incredible Hulk."

I voted "Smash." Not regretful; it's actually turned out better than I thought it would, although not quite as well as I'd hoped.

And I'll give you Democrats considerably more credit than you'll give me: although I don't quite agree with the choice, I can see how a well-informed person of sound mind might have thought Pantsuit Loki was the better option.

Loki's clever, he knows how to manipulate and deceive people extremely well. It’s hard to play tricks when people don't trust you. He did it anyway, tricking heroes and villains alike, proving himself to be worthy of the name the god of mischief. People shouldn't question whether Loki is smart. The problem is where does his loyalty lies. Who is he working for? That is his problem, isn't it? He prove to be a strong ally when he is working together, a calamity when he stab you behind your back.

Loki could be the better option only if he is on your side.
I suspect that part of Trump's appeal, for many, is his celebrity status? What I mean is that people may have watched him for years on the Apprentice and feel that they know him and trust him for that reason? I never saw the apprentice myself so can't really understand it well. Is this possibly the case though?
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Turtledove wrote:
I suspect that part of Trump's appeal, for many, is his celebrity status? What I mean is that people may have watched him for years on the Apprentice and feel that they know him and trust him for that reason? I never saw the apprentice myself so can't really understand it well. Is this possibly the case though?

Nah, theyre just not very smart, thats all. Smart people vote progressive democrats into power. Trumpers and GOPers vote against their best interest and only vote for racism and bigotry.
Turtledove wrote:
I suspect that part of Trump's appeal, for many, is his celebrity status? What I mean is that people may have watched him for years on the Apprentice and feel that they know him and trust him for that reason? I never saw the apprentice myself so can't really understand it well. Is this possibly the case though?

That's not why I voted for him, but the first couple seasons of the apprentice did improve my image of him. If there is anything the last election taught me, it's that people have some serious home issues that they project onto other people and get emotionally angry at things without doing research into it.

A lot of the people, that I know hate trump, had a bad father/male figure, and they project that father figure onto Trump because they get triggered by what he says.

It's cult-like behavior and it absolutely disgusts me. I got away from religion and became an atheist to get away from group-think. And then when I get to the atheist, LGBT side, you still get groups where everyone is just as psychotic and crazy.

Honestly, I feel at this point having trump is a good thing. All the crazies on the LGBT/PC side can get all that pent-up childhood rage out, and actually be start happy instead of brooding like psychos on the internet.

At least, that's the hope anyway.
Last edited by RPGlitch#6206 on Aug 22, 2018, 11:59:57 AM
RPGlitch wrote:
Turtledove wrote:
I suspect that part of Trump's appeal, for many, is his celebrity status? What I mean is that people may have watched him for years on the Apprentice and feel that they know him and trust him for that reason? I never saw the apprentice myself so can't really understand it well. Is this possibly the case though?

That's not why I voted for him, but the first couple seasons of the apprentice did improve my image of him. If there is anything the last election taught me, it's that people have some serious home issues that they project onto other people and get emotionally angry at things without doing research into it.

A lot of the people, that I know hate trump, had a bad father/male figure, and they project that father figure onto Trump because they get triggered by what he says.

It's cult-like behavior and it absolutely disgusts me. I got away from religion and became an atheist to get away from group-think. And then when I get to the atheist, LGBT side, you still get groups where everyone is just as psychotic and crazy.

Honestly, I feel at this point having trump is a good thing. All the crazies on the LGBT/PC side can get all that pent-up childhood rage out, and actually be start happy instead of brooding like psychos on the internet.

At least, that's the hope anyway.

So you prefer a dictator wannabe as president then who will get impeached for colluding with Russia? Got it. I hope you dont watch the news because Cohen among others went down and he talks and will not accept a pardon. Bye bye Trump and Trumpers!
SarahAustin wrote:
Turtledove wrote:
I suspect that part of Trump's appeal, for many, is his celebrity status? What I mean is that people may have watched him for years on the Apprentice and feel that they know him and trust him for that reason? I never saw the apprentice myself so can't really understand it well. Is this possibly the case though?
Nah, theyre just not very smart, thats all. Smart people vote progressive democrats into power. Trumpers and GOPers vote against their best interest and only vote for racism and bigotry.
You're saying here that everyone who votes Republican is either an well-meaning idiot or a malicious idiot, and that the GOP platform is in essense nothing but bigotry.

You're wrong. Furthermore, you've become so certain that you're correct that you've associated mental virtue, and potentially all virtue, with pulling a particular lever in a ballot box. Do you honestly believe that intelligent people are some kind of political monolith that always agrees with the interests of The Party? Have you ever read 1984?
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
ScrotieMcB wrote:
SarahAustin wrote:
Turtledove wrote:
I suspect that part of Trump's appeal, for many, is his celebrity status? What I mean is that people may have watched him for years on the Apprentice and feel that they know him and trust him for that reason? I never saw the apprentice myself so can't really understand it well. Is this possibly the case though?
Nah, theyre just not very smart, thats all. Smart people vote progressive democrats into power. Trumpers and GOPers vote against their best interest and only vote for racism and bigotry.
You're saying here that everyone who votes Republican is either an well-meaning idiot or a malicious idiot, and that the GOP platform is in essense nothing but bigotry.

Have you ever read 1984?

He doesn't read,
reading is for bigots, facts are for idiots.
Poe Pvp experience
Turtledove wrote:
I suspect that part of Trump's appeal, for many, is his celebrity status? What I mean is that people may have watched him for years on the Apprentice and feel that they know him and trust him for that reason? I never saw the apprentice myself so can't really understand it well. Is this possibly the case though?

Trump did pick off a fair amount of democrats in the 2016 election. A statistic I just heard was that one third of the people at Trump rallies are not even Republicans. Doesn't that support the theory that many of his core supporters are in fact Apprentice fans?

Another supporting point, Trump is famous for stating that he could be on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone and he wouldn't lose any supporters. There is a real kernel of truth in his statement. His core supporters seem impervious to all facts and flip flops in Trumps statements/positions. This would seem to be another supporting fact to perhaps an Apprentice fan? Regular politicians have never had such dedicated fans, have they?
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Turtledove wrote:
Trump did pick off a fair amount of democrats in the 2016 election. A statistic I just heard was that one third of the people at Trump rallies are not even Republicans. Doesn't that support the theory that many of his core supporters are in fact Apprentice fans?

Um, no? lol. Is it really hard to believe there are actual reasons, that people voted for him? Being famous doesn't mean people vote for you. I mean is this apprentice thing the latest, crazy theory people are coming up with, instead of facing the reality the man actual says good things that people like?

Regular politicians have never had such dedicated fans, have they?

Well, Obama wasn't that long ago. And he had a lot of fans. I still like him. You also had a lot of really strong followings, historically. Ronald Reagan. Dwight Eisenhower, FK etc...that had a huge following where they could literally do no wrong. I mean did we forget Ronald Reagan joked about launching nukes at Soviet Russia on live TV? Jesus.

SarahAustin wrote:
So you prefer a dictator wannabe as president then who will get impeached for colluding with Russia? Got it. I hope you dont watch the news because Cohen among others went down and he talks and will not accept a pardon. Bye bye Trump and Trumpers!

Justice has been served. Probation Hammer. Seriously, what better reason to keep voting for Trump then to keep out the actual crazies.
Trump could love all the woman in the world in his free time. Nobody cares. Trumps opposition is like flies when your trying to cook. But, they would go insane if the abusive lying hatred thing they are doing to trump happened to them. I mean it would be like a mental ward. Poorjoy would be jealous.

Its just funny seeing someone on here who opposes Trump telling us what the only logical except able thing to feel towards Trump is, and then calling it free speech. Its like rubbing your own crimes on Trump, after depleting a Justice system in 2013, only to accept the cases you deem worthy for your political party. Its as laughable as Trump better not fire mueller when Trump should be investigating him, but that would be russian collusion. This whole dictator thing is funny, we all know Trump isnt working alone its a big illusion set up by the media. We are so far from reality because of the media at this point,that its a circus act. Tru-TV would be proud.

Can the left just sit there emotionlessly and let honest reality sink in once in awhile. Even those who hate trump deserve a little honest sanity every now and then.
Last edited by SearchingforCocaCola#4377 on Aug 23, 2018, 8:45:17 AM

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