"Italicized correction mine (because of course one could). I disagree. If you had said "should always," then I'd agree. The way I see it, sometimes should, sometimes shouldn't. Depends on two things: whether reality has fundamentally changed, and one's own ability. For example, let's take physical mechanics. From the publication of Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica in 1687 to Einstein's publications on relativity in 1905-1907, Newtonian physics was the best model known to man for explaining how physical mechanics worked. A layman in 1900 would have been best served by lifting wholesale 200-year-old ideas and inserting them into his life without the slightest alteration or modification, for two reasons, the first of which is that there was no significant change in the objective reality of the situations relevant to the ideas. The second reason is that he was a layman. There was one person alive in 1900 who should not have blindly copypasta'd Newtonian mechanics, and that person was Albert Einstein. The people with the promise of finding better human explanations for the empirical evidence than the current explanations should question instead of just believing; the people who lack that promise are probably wasting their time in the attempt. I understand that it can be difficult to precisely predict who's who ahead of time on this one, but it's clear not everyone is equal in this regard. I admit that many things change, but obviously not everything does. "Everything changes" is such a strawman I have difficulty believing you genuinely believe it. I believe the root of your falsehood I quoted is based more on my second reason than on my first: you believe this potential to recolutionize thought exists in everyone, according to some kind of equality principle. I saw this all the time on the forums of CCGs I've played: amateur deckbuilders pouring endless salt into threads about those filthy netdeckers. What is wrong with not finding deckbuilding all that interestiing and admitting to yourself that the best in the field have already done better than you possibly ever could? These anti-netdeckers always drone on around originality/expressing oneself and opportunities to show off one's skill. The thing is, I've watched a good amount of CCG YouTube and Twitch content in my life, and even piloting netdecks I've seen other players deliberately make plays I never would have. There is skill in piloting and there is originality in piloting, which is why piloting is the game and deckbuilding is the metagame. Yet the original deckbuilding salt brigade always operates under the delusion that piloting is always skillless, obvious, robotic, soulless. If so why play at all? If you're not playing, why deckbuild at all? I've been in exactly the same position with Path of Exile, where builds still seemed fascinating to me while actually leveling those characters became about as enjoyable as washing dishes, and the way I solved that dilemma was by realizing that a new device that shaves wombats more efficiently than any previously existing wombat-shaver isn't of much value to anyone who isn't interested in shaving wombats. In the same way, you're not doing laymen any favors by filling them with delusions of grandeur about how the ideas that came before are universally shite and it's up to each new generation to replace the wisdom of the past with their own ideology. Not necessarily every generation has an Einstein or a Newton, even less of a chance that the person you're advising is one of them, and there's still opportunities to show originality and brilliance in the practical application of ideology as there is in its formulation. Postmodernism is fucking cancer. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jul 26, 2018, 5:32:15 AM
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"Did you miss the part where I'm arguing for an objective standard, divorced from the Overton Window? There are three possibilities: either Europe is wrong, the US is wrong, or both. Enough of this relativistic "my truth isn't your truth" garbage. Postmodernism is fucking cancer. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
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" Im not saying there are different truths, I am just saying you have a left/right graph and Europe uses the graph differently than the USA. If small government conservatism is an unused ideology in other countries, then it would be stupid/useless for them to plot it on their left/right graph. but since small government conservatism is rather popular in the USA, we use it on our left/right graph. I just see it as a matter of understanding that different countries have different political ideologies, and this makes the left/right graph different depending on where you are. SO the conclusion i come to is that, while national socialism is "far right" in Europe, national socialism is left wing in the USA. Honestly, as an American conservative, if you asked me the difference between communism and national socialism I would say "one is Russian, and one is German, no noticeable difference besides that" |
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" And therein we have the primary point. Right extremist ultraconservative dickwaffles are basically trying to wholesale recreate a society that had not yet even come to grips with electricity. They want to rewind the clock completely, thoroughly and utterly ignore any societal, technological, or cultural developments since the era where they oh-so-fondly believe that Nobody Was After My Shit, and say "THIS WORKED BACK THEN! WHY CAN'T WE JUST DO THIS AGAIN NOW?!" Because Internet. Because technology. Because exploding world population. Because climate/habitat shift. Because time goes in one direction, and if you fail to account for its movement you will get left behind, dry up and die. One does not have to give up the seed kernels and reinvent society anew every twenty years, but if you stubbornly try and avoid making any changes EVER, well. You've said repeatedly that nature abhors vacuums. Eventually someone's going to come up with a society/culture that fits the times better enough that you will lose your own grip. " Hard science and the underlying laws of the universe change with drastically decreased frequency as compared to the social constructions, capabilities, and resulting consequences of the horde of squishy hairless meatsacks clinging to the face of Gaea. Everything does not change, no. That does not mean nothing changes, either. Trying to recreate a society that bloody fucking failed in the eighteen hundreds is not the answer. The society that existed back then led to the Civil War - why do people want it back? We had to go to war to fix it, kill millions of people. Whatever I might think of the eventual inevitability of another such war at this point, I'm going to assume all the people who bitched me out in the gun thread a few months back over The Supreme Sanctity of All Human Life don't want that shit
" NOW YA GONE DUN DID IT. You've the (mis)fortune of talking to someone who was once, and happily would still be, obsessed with CCGs if there was somewhere worth playing less than five hours from where I am. So we're gonna go down this rabbit hole because I get far too few chances to indulge in my one-time favorite hobby. Now, leaving aside the Johnny/Spike debate for a moment because militant Johnnies and militant Spikes have been butting heads since the beginning of time and will continue to do so forever...the issue with netdecking (outside of being netdecking) is that half the people who do it don't even understand how to do it. You're entirely correct - simply assembling the correct pile of cards does not make one a tournament-worthy player, there's an immense amount of knowledge and judgment that goes into actually being effective with any given deck, regardless of who created it. "Netdecker", in this instance, often means "Simpleton who wants to bypass the 'getting good' part of the game and just buy their way to local tournament prizes on the strength of having a better pile of cards than other players with perhaps greater overall skill but significantly less budget." Nobody likes losing to someone else's wallet instead of their gameplay, and yet a lot of local card shop types just do not have the competition or resources they need to Git Gudder and resist someone who comes in, slaps five hundred dollars of cardpile on the table, and says "I can't outplay you, but fuck me if this deck can't outplay you." Those guys hated me and the people I worked with. I was the Johnny who made a sport of hunting Spikes, turning their own tools against them, and tearing them down with shit they weren't prepared to deal with because I was not just a little better than they were, I was out of their fucking league. Because the thing about netdecks is that they're a known quantity. Their strengths, weaknesses, plays and counterplays are all well known to anyone who pays attention to the meta, and furthermore idiots who have no clue what they're doing fail to realize that any given netdeck is a guideline, not an Ironclad Standard. The actual tournament-level players who go on to Win it Big(TM) will almost never run a netdeck 100% as listed, unless they're the one that built that deck and it's listed in whatever database you're looking up as "Went 5/3 in Big Event XYZ 2018". A netdeck is usually something tuned to the environment and meta of a specific time and furthermore a specific event, usually one singular specific regional qualifier or similar concrete, predetermined semipro event. Cards in that deck included specifically to shore up its weaknesses against some other popular deck archetype expected at that event might be wasted space if that archetype is nowhere in evidence at a given local scene, and if your local scene includes a collection of individuals who not only possess an abundance of jank, but who know their jank back to front and furthermore know your jank better than you do, you're not going to win that event. This applied to my CMGs more than my card gaming, but me, my brother, and a few of our buddies were specifically known as our local scene's Prize Shark Repellant because we were so good at breaking down the people who only ever showed up, stern-faced and supremely unsociable, to Big Prize events looking to snake some prize cards/figures they could offload on eBay for bux from local rubes with no idea how to play. SUCKERS. Our rare and desirable prizes stayed bloody fuggin' local, because we knew their shit better than they did and we could outplay it with junk they'd never seen before and had no idea how to counter. Going back to the original subject after that bit of netdeck properly - whether for a TCG/CCG, or in the broader example sense of netdecking society - one needs to understand what the netdeck they're looking at does, why it works, and where it might not work. You need to understand where that deck is going to be playing and what it's likely to come up against and adjust accordingly, especially in games that allow sideboards. People who go trolling for the netdeck with the biggest win record, build it blindly, then go to a tournament and plop down a pile of cards they haven't even bothered to playtest and acclimate to prior to dropping into an event are barely even players. They're then confused, pissed off, and disillusioned when a Spike Hunter like me tears their expensive pile of poorly-played cards into metaphorical confetti in front of them because I do not play games I don't know like they're my own child and decks I have not run at least half a dozen times bare minimum for shakedown in home games prior to an event. Layman or not, netdecker or dedicated Johnny, if you don't know your shit then you don't know your shit. Which is, in this case, much like life. People who cling blindly to an Ideal they heard from someone else was Good and try to apply it in situations it was never intended to function correctly in do poorly. You can't play artifact rush if you have no idea how Arcbound Ravager works (forgive me for the dated reference, I've been out of my TCGs for quite some time), and Abraham Lincoln's Civil War politics has no bearing on the World of 2018. yeah. Man, that felt good. God I miss my games... " You'd never get an Einstein or a Newton if the entire world convinced everyone in it at all times that The Old Ways are best and there's no new knowledge left to be discovered. It's up to each generation to add to the sum total of human knowledge and improve upon what came before. Learn from the past, see where it worked, see where it didn't, and try to do at least a little better. " So is traditionalism. I am proud to live in a country that values progression, knowledge, and rational advancement of society more than blindly following inexplicable ritualistic Tradition set down hundreds of years ago that chokes off modern advancement. Or at least I used to be proud, because I used to live in that kind of country. Not so much these days, to my everlasting regret. Last edited by 1453R#7804 on Jul 26, 2018, 12:48:45 PM
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" Or maybe everybody is just plain wrong. You see The term Left Wing or Right Wing were coined during the French Revolution with the Right supporting the monarchy and the status-quo while the Left lean towards more progressive change. So the Nazi party should be a left wing but the world says they are right wing. Donald Trump should be left wing, but everyone think he is right wing. The Democrats and Republicans are both saying the same status-quo nonsense, they are both right wing. Confusing, right? The label "left Wing" and “right wing” are more like labels, and people like to stick to labels and categorisation. Left wing socialist Donald Trump sound so icky. Better stick to the old labels. |
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" No we invented electricity. Tesla or Edison (depending who u ask) were very right wing. Git R Dun! Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Jul 26, 2018, 11:24:47 PM
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Nazis were extremely left wing. Go to most college campus and see no free speech. Totally with us or against us like left. Totalitarianism is left wing period. Right values individual not collective or state so all these - communism - socialism - Nazism etc are left.
Just different forms. They are start as socialists. Then find people arnt test tube babies and react to bullshit like taking everything someone earns - then they get more extreme and play blame game and imprison people (gulags/concentration camps) eventually leftism leads to mass murder. [Removed by Support] We abort approx 3 million per year. Like I said life liberty of individual means nothing to them Git R Dun! Last edited by Al_GGG#0000 on Jul 27, 2018, 8:37:09 PM
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" Lenin and Stalin would be right wing. They are right wing derivation of Marxism and the communist movement. People seem to forget their liberal comrades were purged during the revolution. Last edited by Al_GGG#0000 on Jul 27, 2018, 8:36:50 PM
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"On the one hand, deathflower's argument is completely incorrect. On the other hand, it's karmic justice. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by Al_GGG#0000 on Jul 27, 2018, 8:37:30 PM
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" Incorrect in what sense? Leninist communism is very distant from Marx’s vision of communism. Communist Party leaders purging their political enemies isn't some obscure secret. |
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