" Lincoln was to the right of Ted Cruz. See quote on previous page, Lincoln epitomized conservative values. Last edited by Khoranth#3239 on Jul 25, 2018, 6:21:39 PM
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" He was also a republican right-winger. |
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" This was also literally in the eighteen hundreds. Which is the problem with the idiotic fundamentalist ultraconservative crowd. Someone who believes that a political stance can just be flat-out lifted wholesale from the eighteen-sixties and inserted into modern-day life without the slightest alteration or modification to account for such a thing as actual reality is just...completely out of touch with reality. The entire political landscape was different back then. The entire landscape. Decisions and stances that made sense in the eighteen sixties make none whatsoever today, and holding up the name of a cherished historical figure as a holy talisman of +3 Reality Ignoring does not get anyone off the bloody hook. Hundred and sixty years ago, this was. There is no one alive today who remembers those times, and few people alive today who remember people who did remember those times. We are several generations removed from the time when these stances and ideals were fresh and relevant, and frankly I'd argue that the giant fuckoff war Lincoln had to fight meant those ideals were far from universal even then, hm? Last edited by 1453R#7804 on Jul 25, 2018, 7:12:27 PM
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Similar to people who mention Democrats used to supported Slavery, Misses the Point. Democrats then are Democrats then, they are essentially different bunch of people. The republican party now and then are two entirely different parties. The republican party was founded on the a center, center-right principles of the Enlightenment liberalism. Lincoln's conservatism and defining position and ideology to preserving the nation and upholding the long-term intentions of the Founders, doesn't make sense in present context to call Lincoln a "conservative.". In politics, conservative can mean several things. Lincoln's pro-Union preference to preserve the nation, the sovereignty of the United States and upholding the constitution even if it is inconsistent and breaking with any of the definitions of conservatism. So maybe this could be construed as his conservatism. The republican party now is different from such conservatism.
Last edited by deathflower#0444 on Jul 25, 2018, 8:24:43 PM
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"Abraham Lincoln was far right" is pretty close to "Ron Paul is a white supremacist." Yet the c___servatives in this thread are more than happy to concede the former point. It's as if they want the Overton Window to shift further left just so embarassing Nazis will fall off. News flash: it won't work, you'll just be labeled extremists by the left after you're labeled extremists by yourselves.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jul 25, 2018, 8:43:11 PM
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Pretty simple IMO
Left wing = takers Right wing = makers Almost all the cant be fired leeching gov employees are left wing. The deadbeats without health insurance, homes and other basic shit want makers to pay for it vote left wing. College students want free ride too are left and their professors (again gov employees). You have a small category of wealthy leftists who leech on statein form of fat contracts so very little dollars gets to those in need. This is why GINI index grows with increasing gov. Called regulatory capture. All those too big to fail bankers for example are left wingers. Socially right wants whats worked for millennia. Social capital is generated out of those constructs so it only makes sense that if they eschew gov socialism they need social capital. Don't fuck up your life with alcohol or drugs. Get married have children who will take care of you like you took care of your old parents. I'll never put my parents in a home. Would be totally culturally unacceptable for us. This is a white people invention like socialism. IMO their inventions destroyed "community" Git R Dun! Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Jul 26, 2018, 12:14:31 AM
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worked for millenia? are you seriously that stupid?
The "every man fend for himself" is what caused the human race to stagnate for so long during the previous millennias. When the leaders of the world started to think "maybe I should take care of my people" is when the world started to truly progress. When the state started to invest in science, art and education is when we saw the biggest boon of advancement in the human history. This is something that could never happen in a far right state because it's just about impossible to get the capita to do the research needed to develop technologies that can then be used to create better products. Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style
IGN: Poltun |
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" There are a few inventions that came out of gov like small pox vaccine but by far like 99% is private sector and succeeded inspite of gov not because of it. Anyway as the West has adopted socialsm in the last 50 years they are tanking and Far east is taking over moving to how west worked. West is living on 500 years of Laissez-faire legacy and debt. I've said this before - I'd move to China in a second if I were liquid (like no family wife kids here) Thats the future. Git R Dun! Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Jul 26, 2018, 12:32:57 AM
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Socialism destroys people. Of all the ethnic groups in the U.S., the native population has it the absolute worst. They get free health care by treaty with gov. Free College. Free Land. Free food. Yet they top the list of just about every terrible statistic you can think of: Highest suicide rate, highest illiteracy rate, highest chemical dependency rate, poverty rate, Quick midde ages death rate like 45-50, etc.
To walk onto an Indian Reservation is like walking into a refugee camp in Jordan. I suggest against it if you really have a heart. Git R Dun! Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Jul 26, 2018, 12:58:59 AM
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" Nazi = national socialism. In Europe right wing. If conservatives are right wing in the USA, then National socialism is naturally left wing. I just think the USA and the rest of the world have different left/right graphs. In Europe left vs right means communism vs national socialism. It just doesn't mean the same thing in the USA....for now |
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