morbo wrote:
The question is: do we really need to project our own systems (highly urbanized, capitalism, liberal democracy...) to everyone else? Are Africans better off in a never-ending catch-up game, where we take upon ourselves to bring the "savages" to enlightenment and run over their culture with our religion, political ideologies, etc.. Or, would it be better to leave them to evolve on their own? (I guess the counter argument would be: if we don't mess with it, someone else will)
Even if someone else will, of what concern is that of ours until and unless that "someone else" comes to us? Why is the West infected with this mindvirus that orders us to intervene if any affair that doesn't involve us merely because we object to the behavior of others on moral grounds? Why are we more concerned with forcing others to comply with our imperfect morality than we are with improving upon our own morality? Do we really see ourselves as already achieved godliness?
Head_Less wrote:
high IQ was never necessary in society controlled by hunting and physical labors. This is why in africa IQ is lower than in europe. It is natural adaptation to environment.

There is no shame to that as Africans in the other side got stronger physical attributes.
I am black and not ashamed to say this because it is the truth. Europeans and asians have higher IQ in their genetics because the laws of success by reproduction favorized the smart asses able to build ships and irrigation systems.

Africans needed the physical aspect because the laws of success by repoduction was for them to run-hunt-kill and avoid getting snapped by crocs and lions.

It is natural selection.
I am not saying it can t be inversed but for sure the natural selection favorized higher IQ type in europeans and asians more than in africans.
Exactly. If I were somehow immortal and handed complete tolitarian tyranny over the US, within a few hundred years I could force-breed everyone such that blacks had an average IQ 15 points higher than whites. It'd take a lot of effort and probably plenty of murder, but it wouldn't be impossible. Of course, such a thing is seen - and rightfully so - as a monstrous horror, and I wouldn't ever want eugenicists playing God with our DNA.

My point is this:
1. the fact of inequality of outcome, to include genetic outcome, is natural given any two or more arbitrary groups, and
2. previous comparative success of one group relative to the outcome of one or more other groups, while a strong indicator of future success, is not infallible; circumstances can arise that lead previously successful groups to fail and previously unsuccessful groups to triumph.

Or to put it another way, the fact that American blacks average 15 IQ points behind American whites doesn't mean this will always be the case.

BTW, I suspect that three centuries of slave trade dysgenics didn't exactly help African IQ. I don't buy into the concept of ancestral guilt, but slavers were likely responsible for a significant portion of the IQ gap.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Apr 25, 2018, 4:09:02 PM
This timeline is lit.

GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Apr 25, 2018, 7:04:59 PM
morbo wrote:

Khoranth wrote:
I mean, I'm still optimistic for the world, but for a different reason. Catholicism, and overall Christianity, are exploding in Africa and Asia, and is doing well in Latin America. So I think the world will be just fine if all the western countries continue to suicide themselves.

You can spread Christianity around, but it wont automatically make an "european" society out of the targeted people, because the other elements are missing.

I wouldn't wish that on anyone. The growing Catholic Christian culture in African communities seems far superior.
Epic – First Lady Melania Trump Selected “Clinton China Service”, Previously Stolen by Bill and Hillary, For First State Dinner…

Twitter handle IWillRedPillYou did a little digging on the more nuanced aspects from last night’s State Dinner, held by President Trump and Melania Trump to honor French President Macron and Brigitte Macron, and discovered a hilarious detail:

“Get this: The China (dinette set) Trump Ordered Used Tuesday Night for the Macron Dinner? Same China Bill and Hillary Clinton STOLE from the White House and Were Forced to Return (Dead Serious – Trump = Master Troll)”

=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Anonymous1749704 wrote:
Not to mention super geniuses show up all over the world, not in any concentrated area.
Citation needed. Keep in mind that because IQ is largely but not completely genetic we would expect some random geniuses; also, I think most areas have at least some high-IQ population even if average IQ for those regions is relatively low. But how about an actual genius density map showing the hotspots? You could even do it per capita.

It's sufficient to find any list of names of people with >180 IQ and see the spread. Doing any deeper analysis is impossible as there's no telling how many super geniuses are rotting away in China/India/South America/Japan/etc.

As for the concentration of "common geniuses" with >130-140 IQ (the Mensa cutoff point for most branches is around here)... I've no interest in them as the difference between them and the average IQ is negligible.

ScrotieMcB wrote:
morbo wrote:
Anonymous1749704 wrote:
Valuing humans differently because they have a slight advantage over others in terms of IQ is incredibly stupid.
That "slight advantage" is the difference of living in a corrupt African shithole (avg. IQ from 65 - 80) or a civilized and functioning European country (avg. IQ from 90 to 100).
To continue my organic computer argument from my last post, how is this controversial? morbo is basically saying certain social systems, like software, have system (hardware) requirements to run properly. Ever try running software on a device well under the system recommendations? Sometimes it still kinda works, albeit much more slowly; sometimes it crashes.

Problem I find with the whole computer analogy is that creating geniuses is possible, e.g. Tiger Woods, Polgar sisters, William Sidis. The last one is especially interesting, as his parents allegedly tried to make a genius out of him. To my knowledge he's the only 'created' genius that isn't focused on a single subject; whether his genius was due to his early life or inborn IQ (or both) is impossible to find out for sure.

Alas, such experiments would be considered inhumane, but I firmly believe that a high IQ is just as craftable through planned education from earliest age possible, just as any other type of genius is.


On an entirely different point, since religion seems to be brought up quite a bit now. Religion should never interfere with government, while government should always be above any religious nonsense groups. On a world-wide scale, Islam is currently the biggest issue in the world. If I was given the chance, I'd completely eradicate Islam from the world. After that, Christianity and Judaism would follow. These three are the biggest hidden dangers that mankind currently has; nonsensical, emotional fairy tale groups that abandon reason and logic for the sake of something as shitty as belief. It's of utmost importance to stop these plagues from spreading further; to cut all of their influence that affects government; to make people understand that basing their opinions on fairy tales is unhealthy and unproductive.
Luckily, us dumb religious folks dont have to be worried too much about high IQ people like you, since, as a group, you seem intent on sterilizing yourselves and killing your children.
Last edited by Khoranth#3239 on Apr 26, 2018, 8:29:43 AM
Khoranth wrote:
Luckily, us dumb religious folks dont have to be worried too much about high IQ people like you, since, as a group, you seem intent on sterilizing yourselves and killing your children.

That is fine. Less people are required to stand above working class anyway.
Khoranth wrote:
Luckily, us dumb religious folks dont have to be worried too much about high IQ people like you, since, as a group, you seem intent on sterilizing yourselves and killing your children.

Okay, what the hell are you going on about with all this sterilization and baby murder nonsense? I can get that you're very clearly anti-abortion, which okay. That's your opinion to hold, though unless you're a woman or the direct father of the infant involved your opinion is 105% irrelevant to what complete strangers get to do with their bodies.

But 'sterilization'? The hell are you blathering about here? I mean okay, you're Catholic, and they have a thing about Catholic women ruining their bodies by birthing thirty-seven children to raise as fresh Catholics before they die in pain. That is a 'tradition' from the days when half the children a woman gave birth to died in childhood of horrific living conditions in the Dark Ages and your best chance of getting one through to Continue The Lineage(TM) was to have as many as your poor abused womb could handle.

That's not the case anymore.

The Christian religion is an artificial construction designed specifically and deliberately to control medieval peasantry and produce a pliable self-replenishing workforce for the nobility and the clergy (which, by the way, were more often than not just two subsets of the same group), a task at which it excelled so well that it's lingered for centuries beyond its effective expiration date. We don't need it anymore. I would argue as to whether we ever 'needed' it, but that's impossible to really speculate on. If by 'sterilization' you mean procedures like vasectomies? Well...then I'd say you're on the wrong end of Scrotie's IQ gap, because clearly we're not having population issues.

If anything is going to save Western civilization from itself, I would legit put money on "repeated nuclear attacks" before I'd put it on Catholicism. I don't care how much the mods censure me for saying it, either - I will stand by the fact that nuclear attacks are more likely to have a positive effect on Western civilization than Catholicism is.
In Europe the last recent number I saw is 1.58 children per woman. I believe 2.1 is what's needed for a population not to slowly die out.

I guess it depends on your point of view if you consider it a problem.

And you do realize the only reason we have stuff like hospitals and orphanages in western society is the Catholic Church, right?

Without the the Catholic Church you'd have the Greco Roman society that predated Jesus. know where abortion was acceptable, and the man chose, by stomping the womans stomach, or leaving the child out in the cold to die
Last edited by Khoranth#3239 on Apr 26, 2018, 10:07:27 AM

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