" You just described progressivism. Devolving Wilds
Land “T, Sacrifice Devolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card and reveal it. Then shuffle your library.” |
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"For instance, a hyper-progressive university setting. "Don't worry. Trump is trying his hardest to be Reagan: the Sequel, and that includes the peaceful dissolution of a Communist threat we currently have a Cold War with. "Well, we know that variety doesn't work. Doesn't mean all varieties wouldn't. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Apr 23, 2018, 12:51:14 PM
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Having had far nastier versions of the 'Race Realism/Merit' debate far too often of late (seriously, this is eerily like talking to a significantly less antagonistic Reno), I'll say this - "merit", and ideals of strict individualism, personal responsibility, and other associated ideas, only works when everyone's merit is measured equally. Currently, merit is not measured equally. Black people have less innate merit, at the broad cultural level, than W/C/M folks do. Women have less innate merit. Atheists have less innate merit. Many other groups have less innate merit. An action that would earn a W/C/M individual 1 fictitious Merit Point would earn a white Christian female about 0.8 Merit Points. It would earn a Hispanic individual less Merit Points than that, and it'd earn a black individual a complimentary beating and unlawful detainment by the police. If it didn't earn him some free 9mm. That is what Privilege means, and even though it's a loaded-ass word that triggers just about everybody that hears it, it's what the smart[ versions of these movements are trying to fix. Action A should be Action A. Everybody should get the same Merit XP from doing Action A; until this is true, society needs to be aware of the fact that it's not. Affirmative Action only worsens the divide and provides fuel for the idiots who claim that society cares nothing about merit. Its intent is good (if you accept its intent as "deterring companies/HR personnel from simply dismissing outright any candidate that doesn't fit their desired demographic") but its execution does nothing for that stated goal. Companies make just enough Diversity Hires to get past their AA quota, then go right back to being as racist/sexist/identity-ist/creedist/whatever-ist they like because the law only cares about results. You can't legislate a sociocultural problem. At least not this one. |
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" If we assume this to be true, then it is equally true that merit cannot, cannot, cannot be created out of nothing and given away. Government is not God, and only God can create something out of nothing. I’ll keep saying it until people keep getting it. If black people, by which you mean the extremely poor—there are plenty of extremely high functioning black people and equally disfunctional white people—lack merit, it is because extremely poor culture is universally and necessarily nonreproductive. Merit has to be earned, bad ideas have to be allowed to fail. I am all for sharing, free of cost, all of the tools necessary for all people to produce their own merit. I am not okay with arbitrarily redistributing merit because your well intended racism led you towards a cliff. There’s the rub. The first sentence is true. Merit is not measured equally, nor should it be. The rest of the quote is just racism—you’re confusing the deviations of poorness among ethnicities as being measured by skin color, rather than being measured by poor cultures producing poor choices within a spectrum of poor opportunities. Ouch. The distinction is important, because the appearance of racism that you are describing has nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with being bad at the game. Granted! Maybe skin color does contribute, actual racism may still exist, but it is difficult to diagnose when everybody is offended by honesty, everything is racism, and Starbucks appologizes for kicking out loiterers because black privelage forced them to. You can’t fix a toaster if you think it’s a french press. Devolving Wilds
Land “T, Sacrifice Devolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card and reveal it. Then shuffle your library.” |
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If Person A performs Action 1, they earn X Fictitious Example Merit Points. If Person B, from a different set of life circumstances/background, performs Action 1, how many Merit Points do they earn? If your answer is anything at all other than 'X', then we're not done talking about Bad-ism. Meritorious action should be independent of circumstance in order for 'merit' to be the singular driving force of civilization the way all these far-right folks I keep having this argument with insist should be the case. Some people get more merit per Action A than others do. Some people don't have to deal with as much Personal Responsibility/Consequence for Bad Action B as others do. The playing field on which one can score their merit is not level, and it will get worse, not better, if people keep trying to insist that it is. It will never be perfectly level, no. Is that truly an excuse to not try and make it more level? That's the thing I can never seem to get a solid answer from on folks who promote meritocracy. They're never quite willing to admit that Merit A should be Merit A should be muhfuggin' Merit A, and if it's not then the system is broken and needs repair. They just keep carping on me about DIRTY LIBBURALIZM and how I'm a sociocommunazi. Which is...weird. |
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I think your idea on privilege has a major flaw, but I do agree that their is privilege in USA society.
Children, of any color, raised in a family according to Christian values have massive advantages. By that I mean children raised by their biological parents, who love them, educate them, discipline them ect. Their black Christians who follow this formula with great success. There are non Christians who follow this formula with great success. It is statistically obvious: I mean come on, almost all men in jail were abandoned by their Father. Almost all people on welfare are single parents (usually Mother) . This stuff is not a coincidence. |
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Christianity does not have a monopoly on morality. Remember: 'Christian Values' also includes terrorizing young children with stories about how they're going to burn forever in a demon-infested pit if they're not obedient little larvae who believe in the Giant Space Man their parents were raised to believe in.
Children can be raised successfully by atheistic families. They can be raised successfully by nontraditional family configurations. And a traditional Christian family unit can just as easily fail to raise a child successfully. Nothing produces a fervent atheist as effectively as an oppressively Christian upbringing. Last edited by 1453R#7804 on Apr 23, 2018, 3:27:49 PM
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"Um, person B earns exactly X in a free market with plenty of competition. For instance, if Group A and Group B do the same job (equal merit) but workers from group B get paid 80% what group A gets, and Group A is four times the size of Group B, then an entrepreneur could conquer the market by offering laborers regardless of group 96% of the current Group A going rate. At first they'd attract huge numbers of competent Group B workers, and paying 4% less for the same results would give that entrepreneur a competitive advantage that threatens to wipe out his competition unless they respond in kind. The end result would be a 20% raise for Group B and a 4% pay cut for Group A as labor prices correct. Assuming a competitive market, there's no need for government intervention regulating racism. Anywhere there's a discrepancy between merit and reward, that's a business opportunity waiting to happen by buying the undervalued commodity (in this case, labor). The only real barrier might be unfair customer perception of quality of product, but if you put out better product cheaper customers are bound to notice eventually, provided one doesn't go bankrupt in the meantime. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
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Your scenario relies on perfect knowledge on both the parts of person/group B and the part of The Consumer Base. Person/group B needs to know that Employer C exists and is offering lucrative (to them) rates; consumers need to know that Employer C is offering competitive goods/services.
Three quarters of the entire point of business, and over 100% of Marketing, is obscuring and denying this perfect knowledge to customers primarily, but also to internal folks. Employer B can retain their people by playing corporate fuckfuck bamboozle games with their people, hoodwinking them into believing they're getting more than they are or that their skills don't apply to the more advantageous position with Employer C. All business, like warfare, is deception. Deceive customers into believing your shit is better than it is. Deceive customers into believing other people's shit is worse than it is. Deceive your employees into believing they're not being taken for everything you can get - or, like Amazon apparently does, simply cow and terrify them into obedience with constant threats of termination for even the smallest of infractions. Perfect knowledge is the bitterest enemy of Business, and they will pay handsomely for trained Marketing and Human Resources professionals who've been taught enough human psychology to know exactly how to lie most effectively to the greatest number of people. |
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Welp I guess now in Canada we're in the lucky group of countries that suffer from terrorism now. And of course our prime minister is simply talking about "an accident". hehhh it's a sad day.
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