I guess it was a matter of time before the supporter pack armor was sponsored by an ad company. We get it GGG you love Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, why do I have to wear it on my chest armor?
The cape also gives me a headache :c I wanted to support you guys but after seeing this blue mess I'm gonna hold onto my nickles.
Posted byGruntOfAction#6464on Aug 18, 2017, 9:45:41 AM
Would've loved to buy this but I just can't justify it. Please read through the feedback and consider redesigning this..
I'm really dissapointed :(
Posted byJoelz#2473on Aug 18, 2017, 9:57:34 AM
i planned on buying harbringer and/or fall of oriath, but to tell truth, they are ugly!
Im ok with supporting this game, but give me reason please.
24.1.2018 [quote="Dro28"]wheres my fragment tab?[/quote]
(I thought that was a joke)
25.1.2018: GGG- Introducing the Fragment Stash Tab!
Posted byunlucky_child#3397on Aug 18, 2017, 10:04:57 AM
That helmet.. why? riunned the whole set :/
Tigger looks great!
Last edited by Nelkael#7124 on Aug 18, 2017, 10:26:46 AM
Posted byNelkael#7124on Aug 18, 2017, 10:17:52 AM
really ggg? we waited so long for those to release.. and .. thats it? these packs are as boring as the league mechanic .. fits very well. especially the portrait frame. if you dont have ideas what to do next time better ask the community for help. i really love this game and want to support it, but i dont like to get ripped off.
Posted bySchwarzeRoseZ#4576on Aug 18, 2017, 10:33:51 AM
Just add the gd portal to the 60$ packs and everyone can stop moaning.

Posted byroetetoet#5335on Aug 18, 2017, 10:43:50 AM
Hyuei wrote:
Dear GGG,
Please stop making armour sets and effects that hurt the dark and gritty world that you've created, please. This has been happening with all the Fall of Oriath Supporter Packs with the exception of the Outlaw one. Seriously, I live in Brazil and would hate to see this dark game becoming Carnaval. It does not belong to Wreaclast.
Since you guys have taken some inspiration from other dark and gritty games like Dark Souls and stuff, don't shy away from it. You already have the philosophy of "clever re-usage of content" which can be good for the fast development of content, but if done wrong can feel just like copying your own game, that bad part happens some times in Fall of Oriath but nothing unforgivable. What I'm trying to say is: You already made ridiculously good armour sets and gave them to the NPCs in act 5!
We want armour sets and weapon effects that fit the atmosphere of the game, ones that are not intrusive and make us feel like our characters belong to Wreaclast, not the over-the-top gods of samba ones.
I must say, you almost did right with this one, but it just feels like everything in the Harbinger packs needs more polish, for example:
1. Make the cloth in the armour look like the character is not wearing a carpet;
2. Remove that ugly glowing effect from the helmet;
3. Make better-looking character effects, not this glowing sphere that comes out from my belly. Make it look like the ultimate chaos character effect, that one is surprisingly not that intrusive and it's not hard to just change the colour and dim out some of it to fit the set theme;
4. The effect on the tiger feels the same way I just described not to say the 3D model of that poor animal looks like it came from 2005.
I'm sure there are more suggestions the community would like to add, and that they are much like these ones I just mentioned.
The topic of character 3D models and textures is another big thing in desperate need of an update, just saying.
Now I have a question for you all: How do you guys feel about almost every new armour or effect MTX released in the past few months being in the same level of the Razer Footprints? I don't think you like it either.
I love the game, love the effort of the GGG team for taking our feedback on most things about Path of Exile, so please, listen to my prayer, we all want GGG to take our money by making us happy and beautiful in game.
Thank you for this wonderful game.
This needs to be heard GGG. Stop throwing glitter on the great dark world you've created.
PS: I'm in love with the 10 acts thing. Keep that kind of work up! <3
Posted byNelkael#7124on Aug 18, 2017, 10:44:21 AM
foxyminxxx wrote:
POE community is a tough crowd to please!
My request is design more pets! I'm all about the pets! A Lion would be fantastic! Also, add more feminine gear! Especially hideout decorations. A bed for instance, a girls got to have some beauty sleep after a long day slaying beasts :)
Totally agree with this post! Was also looking for a Lion pet (male and female would be nice!)
Also haven't customized my hideout because there's no nice bed MTX (there is an old bunk bed and I think a sofa).
Posted bytkensei#3800on Aug 18, 2017, 11:10:03 AM
I really liked the new art design of Act 5 and was hoping for a supporter pack in that (Oriath) style.
I dislike the particle effects overload and rather unfitting armor type, otherwise the quality is okay, but still far from being as good as earlier ones in my opinion.
Posted bysnarc#6560on Aug 18, 2017, 11:13:14 AM
I want to support you but at the moment I just can't justify dropping £60~ (stupid brexit) on that. Pet looks cool and I'm a sucker for blue but outside of that... there's not much there.
I understand different styles for different people but the designs do seem rushed lately. Given the time taken to actually release them, it seems to me that there should have been time to look at these again.
P.s broken record but incase someone does read this - *release an update on summoner manifesto re spectres and I'll buy the pack there and then, jus sayin*
Posted byohnoyoudidnt#5833on Aug 18, 2017, 11:22:35 AM