The Harbinger Supporter Packs

Hyuei wrote:
Dear GGG,

Please stop making armour sets and effects that hurt the dark and gritty world that you've created, please. This has been happening with all the Fall of Oriath Supporter Packs with the exception of the Outlaw one. Seriously, I live in Brazil and would hate to see this dark game becoming Carnaval. It does not belong to Wreaclast.

We want armour sets and weapon effects that fit the atmosphere of the game, ones that are not intrusive and make us feel like our characters belong to Wreaclast, not the over-the-top gods of samba ones.

I must say, you almost did right with this one, but it just feels like everything in the Harbinger packs needs more polish, for example:
1. Make the cloth in the armour look like the character is not wearing a carpet;
2. Remove that ugly glowing effect from the helmet;
3. Make better-looking character effects, not this glowing sphere that comes out from my belly. Make it look like the ultimate chaos character effect, that one is surprisingly not that intrusive and it's not hard to just change the colour and dim out some of it to fit the set theme;
4. The effect on the tiger feels the same way I just described not to say the 3D model of that poor animal looks like it came from 2005.

I'm sure there are more suggestions the community would like to add, and that they are much like these ones I just mentioned.

The topic of character 3D models and textures is another big thing in desperate need of an update, just saying.

Now I have a question for you all: How do you guys feel about almost every new armour or effect MTX released in the past few months being in the same level of the Razer Footprints? I don't think you like it either.

I love the game, love the effort of the GGG team for taking our feedback on most things about Path of Exile, so please, listen to my prayer, we all want GGG to take our money by making us happy and beautiful in game.

Thank you for this wonderful game.

I agree whole heartedly, I think making an additional helmet, re-rigging the mesh on the set, and doing what was asked here will be enough to change people's minds on the set.
Damn, waited for the packs as well but they look ugly, so not gonna buy them. Armour etc. does not fit the theme of a harbinger in my eyes besides the blue color and those effects are kinda lame.

Still love the game.
Last edited by Mutzelputz#5926 on Aug 20, 2017, 4:36:23 PM
Amazing pack, love it! <3
Well my next paycheck belongs to GGG.
I don't like the look of this supporter pack, it's like a torchfest of blue flames. it is too over the top and badly composed in my opinion. This is the first time i am passing on buying a league pack since i started playing.

Please hire someone that can make something that fits in Wraeclasts atmosphere next time.

I'll support you when you release your next pack i guess, this thing isn't worth my money.
Just watching someone display that over-the-top insanely ugly armor effect(blue flames??) makes my eyes bleed.

Like others have said(somewhat), please just bring us a pack with MTX including the act 5 armor from some(just one or two will suffice!)mobs.

Last edited by Zequron#4753 on Aug 21, 2017, 5:52:19 PM
I wish teh blue flames were toned down a bit to be less eye searing. I also wish there was an option for a neck coif by itself so i could combo it with another helmet since the exposed neck looks awkward without the coif. Maybe removing the blue flame on the crown and giving us an alt face mask?

Or a straight up new helmet with coif would suffice.
I just wish they tone down the blue lightning effects on the character & the pet, it's too much & straining to the eye if you look at it in long period of time. I wish they make it similar to the Arcane Lightning Armour effects, the lightning effect is there but subtle. If they tone down the effects, I'll buy this to show my support.
"A game IS supposed to waste your time but it's not supposed to make you FEEL like you're wasting your time:
It's supposed to make you WANT to waste your time."
Definitely gonna yoke one of these
Effects looks less nicer, old packs was better i think.
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