The Harbinger Supporter Packs

Torayuu wrote:
Can anyone who has the pack show screenshots of what it looks like on smaller weapons like wands and daggers?

Great job GGG. Not a fan of blue, but it looks good. The only thing I don't really like is the cloak pattern. (same with Harbringer character effect reward)

The tiger is siiick btw!! :)
CI >> Life
Hyuei wrote:
Dear GGG,

Please stop making armour sets and effects that hurt the dark and gritty world that you've created, please. This has been happening with all the Fall of Oriath Supporter Packs with the exception of the Outlaw one. Seriously, I live in Brazil and would hate to see this dark game becoming Carnaval. It does not belong to Wreaclast.

Since you guys have taken some inspiration from other dark and gritty games like Dark Souls and stuff, don't shy away from it. You already have the philosophy of "clever re-usage of content" which can be good for the fast development of content, but if done wrong can feel just like copying your own game, that bad part happens some times in Fall of Oriath but nothing unforgivable. What I'm trying to say is: You already made ridiculously good armour sets and gave them to the NPCs in act 5!








We want armour sets and weapon effects that fit the atmosphere of the game, ones that are not intrusive and make us feel like our characters belong to Wreaclast, not the over-the-top gods of samba ones.

I must say, you almost did right with this one, but it just feels like everything in the Harbinger packs needs more polish, for example:
1. Make the cloth in the armour look like the character is not wearing a carpet;
2. Remove that ugly glowing effect from the helmet;
3. Make better-looking character effects, not this glowing sphere that comes out from my belly. Make it look like the ultimate chaos character effect, that one is surprisingly not that intrusive and it's not hard to just change the colour and dim out some of it to fit the set theme;
4. The effect on the tiger feels the same way I just described not to say the 3D model of that poor animal looks like it came from 2005.

I'm sure there are more suggestions the community would like to add, and that they are much like these ones I just mentioned.

The topic of character 3D models and textures is another big thing in desperate need of an update, just saying.

Now I have a question for you all: How do you guys feel about almost every new armour or effect MTX released in the past few months being in the same level of the Razer Footprints? I don't think you like it either.

I love the game, love the effort of the GGG team for taking our feedback on most things about Path of Exile, so please, listen to my prayer, we all want GGG to take our money by making us happy and beautiful in game.

Thank you for this wonderful game.

This is probably the best post I've read so far. Hyuei just posted the solution for all these design fails recently. GGG can absolutely create amazing amours and MTX gear, as he stated, but it seems that they doesn't want to do that for MTX, downgrading the quality for some reason. Also, character models are just too clunky to fit POE in it's current state, they NEED an update ASAP (take a good look at our poor fellow, the Templar, for instance.
Honestly i was so hyped about this... I love to support GGG but this is just so bad, just like the FoO- packs that i just dont want to buy them...
could you mb get a new designer for this?
Bought the pack for support, but I have to say that I don´t like the MTX this time...

Looking forward for the free buy of all the chaos and order MTX, don´t have luck with the boxes, so much same MTX, never do that again :-(

Anyway, keep it up and thanks for the effort!
Last edited by Cowboy28#2353 on Aug 18, 2017, 7:37:21 AM
Horse for courses and all that.

I will be buying the $60 pack cos i happen to like enough of its contents to do so.

there are mtxs that i see folks runnign around wearing all the time that are not to my tastes and i certainly would not have bought them.

but that is just it, for everyone here saying they ain't gonna buy them cos they are shite, there is probably someone that is cos they like it,

as the saying goes

“You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time”.
Glad i bought the Outlaw.
Yeah the armor is a little lol
If you are going to face a real challenge, it has to be a real challenge. You can't accomplish anything without the possibility of failure.
Tiger looks cool, weapon effect is nice too. Character effect seems decent too.

Time for two grains of salt.
But armour set and cloak?
"They told me I could become anything, so I became a carpet."

It's not the level of - let's say "Deicide Flame Helmet" "Verdant wings" aka two branches on your back, but those MTX-es don't match PoE's dark and grim graphic style. It's not "League of Legends", neither a chinese MMO for f***s sake.

What will be next? "Rainbow Flame Dash" skill effect? "Nyan Cat Fireball" skill effect? Unicorn Pet? "Horse Mask" helmet? The answer is yet to be discovered...
Last edited by Jansos#7535 on Aug 18, 2017, 8:11:52 AM
I like the kitten. :)
I'm not much of a fan of big bulky/flashy armor sets - so this works for me. I can't say I understand how the helmet fits in, but I will probably be throwing this on my Templar anyway. I'm probably not your target audience, since I only play a month or two per year, but you have my support.

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