Arcane Surge - why?

so, there are 3 new gems:

Ruthless - every 3rd hit of supported skill deals more damage
Onslaught - chance to grant onslaught for 8seconds on killing blow with supported skill
Arcane Surge - global more spell damage/cast speed/mana regen on ANY skill spending some mana

ill ignore the 'more damage' everywhere fiasco here

I'd like to ask: why Arcane Surge OUTSOURCES 7th link 'more' multiplier to a non-main skill links while other supports are pretty useless UNLESS used in the main link?

With new gems every skill has at least 5 good (as in - 'more damage') supports. So in case of Ruthless and Onslaught these gems COMPETE with other good gems. They cannot be 'outsourced' to stuff like totems or movement skills. You use them in main link or not use at all

Arcane Surge on the other hand CAN be outsourced:

Orb of Storms + Arcane Surge + Increased Duration

Yes, it requires an extra click. But it is not that it cuts on the DPS (you can pre-cast orb of storms before boss fight and forget about it)

So in short: there are 3 'generic', 'thematic' supports.

Melee one is garbage FOR MELEE (SRS might use it maybe)
Ranged (Onslaught) is.. maybe good with 4linked movement skill. maybe
Spellcaster is a no-brainer. Free, strong, easy to use and apply.

Why? Did spellcasters REALLY needed this kind of '7th link' for free?

Arcane Surge was a disaster since 1st reveal and it remains such. Free, bland, 'more multiplier' (with cast speed and mana - so people have even nicer, hassle free xp collection)

Id like to ask for a Dev Manifesto on these 3 skills and why 2 are DOA and 3rd one is an auto-pick that EVERY DAMN SPELLCASTER will use
Last edited by sidtherat on Aug 4, 2017, 1:51:10 AM
Last bumped on Aug 6, 2017, 10:41:11 AM
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There's nothing wrong with it stop with your ''HURR IT'S UNHEALTHY'' EEEEE
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
I tried Arcane Surge, but it's not as broken as you might think. It only lasts a few seconds and the mana cost requirement caps how high it can be leveled. Don't get me wrong, linking it with curses are amazing, but it's not something that completely eclipses Ruthless (which is a very underrated support) or Onslaught IMO.
I would assume, its for encouraging using different skills, especially for staff users who benefit the most since arcane surge buff scales with amount of mana used and six link will cost most of it, which is nice. But, yeah, it doesn't target that theme very well, since every build can use it at least from level 5 and higher with voidbringers or fevered mind jewels.
Last edited by Andrius319 on Aug 4, 2017, 2:11:24 AM
Im planning to use this directly in my six link. The utility it provides seems usefull to me. Doing some extra clicl and stop dpsing on endgame bosses doesnt feel very practical to me. Of course PoB tool tip noobs will abuse the shit out of it.
There's nothing wrong with it stop with your ''HURR IT'S UNHEALTHY'' EEEEE
Uhhh. That's a bad sign. When I_NO defends it it's probably stupidly op.
Online delenda est:
When the lifecycle of PoE will draw to an end many years from now,
there needs to be a final patch making it available offline.
zzang wrote:
Im planning to use this directly in my six link. The utility it provides seems usefull to me. Doing some extra clicl and stop dpsing on endgame bosses doesnt feel very practical to me. Of course PoB tool tip noobs will abuse the shit out of it.

i have NOTHING against its potency when used in the main link. it is an interesting blend of spellcaster bo uses with neat trigger action mechanic

what i do not like is the fact you can simply get all.the benefits of 7th link without actually using up any socket

orb of storms + inc duration provides enough duration to last for most boss encounters even with buffed health

mana regen + added power are well worth the 'hassle' of one addional click (or casting a curse)

this bit i do not like. it is a bad design that once again promotes a build group that if anything needs nerfs and serious ones
sidtherat wrote:
orb of storms + inc duration provides enough duration to last for most boss encounters even with buffed health
You sure OoS will work? I thought arcane surge procs only when you actually spend mana? Or it was reworked?
And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
it triggers once. so you get 6secs of arcane surge + any boni like PCoC that orb of storms provides
Mhh 6 seconds you say? I might outsource this as well thats how long i need to kill a shaper phase.

Edit: Does orb of storns stays when casted via weapon swap and then swaping back?
Last edited by zzang on Aug 4, 2017, 9:15:06 AM

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